by Dick Bryant
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Frontier 25mm Franco-Prussian Command Groups Atley Turner of Frontier has announced French and Prussian line command groups for their 25mm Franco-Prussian line troops. The packets include 2 drummers, 2 officers, 2 standard bearers and 2 NCOs and sell for $5.50. There will be more command groups to follow. Little Mini Shops Johnny Reb Buildings Eugene Loeb of Little Mini Shops write that they now carry the Destroyed Bridge and Destroyed Cottage additions to the Johnny Reb building line. These buildings are 10mm but fit quite well with 15mm figures. Ahketon, USA, RD 1, Box 125, Philadelphia, NY 13673 has released their Afghan hill fort tower, to go along with an already released fort.. The entire structure is made of plaster, comes in sections, and thus can be made as large or as small as the gamer wishes, is quite durable, and costs $37.00 for the entire set. They have also released New Orleans Grey figures for theirTexas War of Independence line in 25mm. At present, the Texas line has 23 figures while the Mexicans have 55. Wargamers interested in the Spanish Civil War will be interested in their additions to this line consisting of both Republicans and Nationals in 20mm. Prices are $.50 per foot figure. included in this release are figures for the British International Brigade. They also have two 1/76th scale white metal vehicle kits; a Carnion Blindale4x2 protected lorry numbers 10 and 12. They have also added items for their Vietnam line including a circular sandbag mortar pit, 55 gallon drum and sandbagwall section, high sandbag corner wall section and a straight section, and a straight low sandbag wall section. Falcon Miniatures, Suite 102, 1 High Street, Medford, Mass. 02155, has plans to release 15mm Ancients including Late Romans, Assaryians and Chinese as well as 25mm Renaissance (Italians) and log fences in 15mm for the American Civil War period. They have released the Austrian SYW cavalry in 25mm consisting of Hussars, Dragoons, Cuirassiers, and Horse Grenadiers (three for $4.00). 19th Century Miniatures, Inc., 10050 East River Shore Dr., Alto, Michigan 49302 announces they have released "This Hallowed Ground", a set of 15mm grand tactical American Civil War rules for multi-corps battles. Cost is $12.00. Included with the rules are order of battles and organization of the armies of the period. They plan to release rules sets for Napoleonics, the Mexican-American War, and wars of 19th Century Europe in the future. Lyzard's Grin, P.O. Box 14522, Oklahoma City, OK 73113, has released a French 75mm field piece in 25mm scale for $2.50. Connoisseur Figures, USA, 2625 Forest Glen Trail, River Woods, Illinois 60015 announces they are carrying the 25mm Elite Miniatures line from the 1806 French and Prussian period. At present there are 16 French foot figures and eight mounted, and 12 Prussian foot and 8 mounted. Foot figures are $.90 while cavalry range from $2.15 to $2.30. RSM Ltd., 513 E. Maxwell St., Lexington, KY 40508 has released some additions to their 20mm American Civil War line. Added were a dismounted cavalry trooper firing while kneeling, two gunners, and a mounted cavalryman. Foot figures are $35 while mounted are $.85. They also released a 25mm Highlander for their Jacobite Rebellion line ($70) and they did not forget Seven YearsWar gamers as they have added more musketeers and grenadiers for their Russian line; three gunners and an officer for the Prussians; and grenadiers, musketeers, jaegers and panclours for the Austrians. Infantry figures are $.70 while cavalry are $1.60. Alliance Miniatures, P.O. Box 2347, Des Moines, Iowa 50310 announces they are now making available, for the first time in this country, the 25mm Medieval Military Miniatures range from New Zealand which encompasses the mid-14th to mid-15th century. Foot figures are $.70 while cavalry are $1.75. A new line of 15mm Medievals is now available through Jamie Fish, 3079 Bridgeton Ct., Woodbridge, VA 22192. No information regarding the extent of the line or the price. Special Forces, P.O. Box 814, Chicago, Illinois 60690 offers hand-crafted, plaster 1/285th terrain pieces for micro armor. Each piece is flocked and mounted on a base and they are already painted. At present, they offer barbed wire ($2.75); tank traps ($3.50); pillboxes ($6.00); trenches ($5.00); Hull downs ($1.50); Gun Emplacements ($1.50); and strong points ($6.00). More releases are planned in the near future. Platoon 20, Lower Balloon Road, Groomsport, Co. Down, BT19 2LU, Northern Ireland, has released some additions to their modern 20mm lines. included are a pilot and chopper crew chief for the U.S. forces in Vietnam; a U.S. TOW on a ground mount with 2 crew; a plamya AGS-17 grenade launcher with 2 crew and Soviet paratroopers; and East German motor rifles and a para commando. Plastiform, 31 Meadowvale Drive., Bangor, Co. Down, BT19 1 HP, Northern Ireland, has six terrain pieces in plastic including eastern front defenses in 20mm; 15mm stone walls; 15mm ACW banked earth defenses; 15mm ACW artillery positions; and 20mm mortar pits and sandbag walls for Vietnam. Both Platoon 20 and Plastiform items can be obtained in the U.S. through Ulster imports Ltd., Box 1748, Champaign, Illinois 61820. Hinchliffe has released some 20mm WWII items for their Russian line in this scale. Included are an M1932 122mm Howitzer, gun limber, M38 120mm and 160mm mortars, a heavy mortar limber, and artillery horses. Total System Scenic, 11 North Street, Wisbech,Cambs, PE13 1NP, England has a system of terrain availablewhich appears quite extensive. There are hill packs, marshes, gullies, roads, rivers, streams, woodland areas, beaches, and much more. They also offer 15mm and 25mm trees. Knight Designs, 95 Tyrrell Ave., Welling, Kent, England DA16 213T announces they plan to release 1mm Napoleonics in the near future. Currently they have available 6mm boxed battle sets for the following battles: Buena Vista, Charge of the Light Brigade, New Orleans, Custer's Last Stand, IsandhIwana, and Samurai. The sets include a one by two foot painted battlefield, the figures, organization of the armies involved, and a uniform color guide. Each battle is sold for 07.50. Soon to be available will be boxed battle sets for the Blue Max and Battle of Britain in 1/600th scale. Quality Castings Inc., P.O. Box 11714, Alexandria Virginia 22.jiz, nas released a number of 15mm items to their WWII metal line including German 2cm flak 38, Jadg Tiger 12.8cm, Tiger II; British 2 pounderAT gun, Achilles 17 pdr. T.D.; U.S. M48A3 tank; Russian SU85 T.D., SU122 assault gun; and Japanese infantry advancing & defending. In thefuturewe may expect the Russian BT7, German PZ38T, and M3 Honey as well as some modern items including the US M113, M113 ACV, and the Russian T55. Raider Games, 119 Elmete Way, Leeds LS8 2ND, United Kingdom, has an extensive list of 15mm flagsheets for the Seven Years War encompassing individual regiments for virtually all participants in this period. They also provide navy lists for the age of sail. Munro Miniatures, P.O. Box 1512, Cambria, CA 93428 has released a number of new25mm medievals, infantry (.75) and cavalry (1.50). Shields, weapons, flags and banners, and pikes & halberds can be purchased separately so I assume these are open-handed figures. A small trebuchet (9.25) is also available. Some of the figures have moveable arms. Connoisseur Figures has released 25mm Napoleonic Russian guns (6 pdr. and light licorne) as well as Russian Guard Horse artillerymen in four poses. Available stateside from Connoisseur Figures, USA, 2625 Forest Glen Trail, Riverwoods, IL 60015. Knight Designs, 95 Tyrrell Ave., Willing, Kent DA16 213T, England, is now offering 2mm (Yes - 2mm!) American Indian War, Zulu War, and American Civil War figures as well as a 6mm range for Napoleonics, War of 1812, US Mexican War, Samurai, and the Crimean War. Forty foot figures or 15 cavalry, each with command, are priced at 90 pence (overseas postage is 50% for airmail and 30% for surface). They also offer 2mm Indian encampments, Zulu War fort, Rorke's Drift, and ACW houses, bridges, and trees. They have intentions of producing 2mm modern armour and Napoleonics. Britannia Miniatures has released 25mm figures for the Little Big Horn as well as a Napoleonic French 8pdr. and line artillery crew and Vikings. The American Indian War figures include six mounted cavalry, a civilian scout and Crow scout while there are 8 dismounted cavalrymen and two dismounted scouts. They are available from Asp import Miniatures, 1021 107th St. W, Bloomington, MN 55431. More Courier Dispatch
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