by Dick Bryant
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The Magazine for Wargamers, (70 Ferry St., Stapenhill, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England; bimonthly, f4.50): Issue #18 on hand for review. This is a 16-page professionally printed magazine for historical miniatures wargamers. Articles in this issue includes one on the fall of Singapore (first of two parts); a complete set of rules for gladiatorial combat; Napoleon's planned invasion of England; and a report outlining historical miniatures wargaming activities in the U.S. Each issue also contains figure reviews and a series providing an overview of Ancients armies. Usually has at least several articles of interest. Miniature Wargames (Available from most hobby stores; monthly; $3.50 per issue): Number 39 contains the usual inspiring color pictures of miniatures and up-to-date ads providing readerswith valuable information as to new figure releases. The talented ]an Weekley of Battlements, who constructs hand-built wargaming buildings, has a fine article on Cherta fortifications in Russia; Part 11 of the Battle of Liebertwolkwitz (1813) covers the campaign while Part III will provide the orders of battle; Ian Knight penned a very informative article on Regular Cavalry in the Zulu War complete with color plates; the series on Gunfighters, Bandits & Outlaws continues (good stuff for western skirmish fans); an introductory article on the Spanish Civil War; a Vietnam scenario; an interesting article on campaigning the Renaissance period which provides much information for developing campaign rules; and Norway, 1940. Highly recommended! Empires, Eagles & Lions (RAFM Co., 19 Concession St., Cambridge, Ontario, Canada NIR, 2G6; bimonthly; $18.00): This quality, 60 page, professionally printed publication is edited by the New Jersey Association of Napoleonic Wargamers and every Napoleonic wargamer should subscribe to it. Issue #94 had an excellent article on the military value of cossacks; a continuation of a series on the Yorktown Campaign; a number of articles on seapower during this period; an in-depth look at standards for Wurttemberg Line Cavalry, 1798-1816; a well-written set of rules for cavalry brigade action in the PeninsularWar; the Russo-Swedish War of 1808-09 in Finland; and a number of other shorter articles and regular features. Slingshot (Bill Thurlow, "Courtenay", 15, Longfleet Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 2HN, England; bimonthly, price unknown): Issue #127 features Part 11 of an in-depth series on Spartacus; Augustus' War in Spain; Paddy Griffith's game of Roman counter-insurgency in 1st C. Wales, Sestetius which contains complete rules; Naval Battles of the Peloponnesian War; an interesting article by Howard Whitehouse which examines thecurrent direction of Slingshot and suggests another approach; an excellent article comparing military history, wargaming and the academic world (well written and thought out); realism in wargames, and reviews of figures and wargaming publications. An especially good issue and well worth the investment. Non-ancient wargamers may find items of interest in Slingshot, especially if they enjoy the more esoteric aspects of the hobby. Savage and Soldier (23902 SE 42nd St., Issaquah, WA 98027; quarterly, $15.00): The July-September, 1986 issue contains Part I of Wars in the Eastern Sudan (1883; The Rise of Osman Digna) by Doug Johnson and contains much information for wargamers interested in theSuclan period and a scenario for Ginnis (1885) by Howard Whitehouse which impressed me as being the "ideal" scenario and battle report as it featured an historical background, orders of battle, accountof the wargame, discussion of rules and their effect upon the game, and an analysis of the wargame. Savage and Soldier also contains much information regarding new products/books/magazines related to the Colonial period. Highly recommended! MILITARY ILLUSTRATED PAST AND PRESENT is a publication available from Military Illustrated Ltd., 169 Seven Sisters Road, London N4 3NS, England for $30.00 from the U.S. (airmail). They report that they plan to provide detailed reference material on uniforms, insignia, equipment, weapons, units, and personalities of military history. LE MONITEUR describes itself as the "world's leading Napoleonic publication" and is available from IMB, 11 Hythe House, Swan Road, London SE16 4LG, England for $23.00 for surface mail or $28.50 airmail. ARMY & NAVY MODELWORLD can be obtained for 19 pounds surface mail or 36 pounds airmail through A.E. Morgan Publications Ltd., Stanley House, 9 West Street, Epsom, Surrey KT18 7RL, England. As the title implies, they cover Army and Navy items and bear somewhat of a resemblance to Military Modelling. FIRETEAM: A JOURNAL FOR MODERN SKIRMISH GAMERS is an amateur historical miniatures wargaming publication put out by Thomas Hoff, 6043 W. Barry Ave., Chicago, IL 60634 for $5.00 (ten issues per year). Their aim is to cover the post-1945 period as regards rules, figures, and vehicle reviews as well as information regarding the intended period.. More Courier Dispatch
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