by Dick Bryant
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Ral Partha Updates Ral Partha announces that their contract with Citadel expired effective September 30,1986 and that they will not be offering the Citadel line any more. The Dark Ages (DA), Ancient Romans (AR), and Medieval Citadel ranges will no longer be available through Ral Partha. RAFM may be offering Citadel's Dark Ages and Medieval lines in the future. in a phone conversation with Rich Smethurst, Vice President of Operations for Ral Partha, Rich reported that Ral Partha has no plans to drop any Ral Partha historical lines in the future. Furthermore, he stated "There has been much talk and speculation regarding the fate of Ral Partha since late stimmer. We experienced some cash flow problems which brought about reduced operations and the company was placed on the market. However, no one in the industry showed realistic interest in purchasing the company." He continued by stating that although there are no definite plans for historical expansion by Ral Partha in 1987, they are exploring several possibilities, and they have a number of new fantasy releases upcoming. Rich felt thatthe reason for the speculation regarding Ral Partha was due to the Citadel Iine being dropped and the fact that not all Ral Partha distributors are carrying full lines of the historical offerings; many carry only selected lines. Ral Partha also announced a price increase for their Colonial lines (88 series) from $4.00 to $5.00 per pack of ten foot or four horse. American Civil Wargaming Society New Publication: The Zouave The American Civil Wargaming Society, 605 Sadie Ave., Metairie, LA 70003 announces that they have formed the first international ACW society for wargamers. It is dedicated to furthering wargaming in the Civil War period and their goal is to help ACW gamers get in touch with other members in their area, assist in setting up large scale scenarios at conventions, promote and publicize events such as tournaments, and to give information helpful to members in their publication "THE ZOUAVE". This publication will be printed six times per year and will contain articles of interest to ACW gamers and historians. Features will include a column for members to ask questions regarding different rules sets with answers provided by the authors of the rules sets; orders of battle and terrain maps, news of miniatures; historical information regarding specific units, battles, and campaigns; as well as uniform and flag information. Unpublished photographs, excerpts from soldiers' diaries, and requested names of commanding officers of any Confederate regiment will also be featured. Charter membership for North America is $12.00 while overseas subscriptions are $16.00. Territorial Battalions: A Pictorial History Hippocrene will be releasing "Territorial Battalions: A Pictorial History" by Ray Westlake on December 15th, 1986. This book will be concerned with the history of the territorial infantry and will detail the war service of the Rifle Volunteers. Costing $45.00, the book will have 256 pages, eight color pages, 270 photographs, and 253 badges. Paddy Griffith Battle in the Civil War: Generalship and Tactics in America 1861-65 Paddy Griffith, a long-time contributor to wargames publications, has released "Battle in the Civil War: Generalship and Tactics in America 1861-65" through Field Books. This will be the first in a series of books taking a look at major conflicts of the past. Dr. Griffith examines in depth the roles of American Civil War commanders at every level, the men, their weapons and tactics, how they succeeded and why they failed. Each section, packed with specially commissioned drawings and diagrams, deals with an important topic, taking the reader from "Finding the Enemy" to "The Bayonet Charge" and beyond. illustrated by Peter Dennis, the 48 page book will be available through Fieldbooks the beginning of September, 1986 and will cost f4.95. Fieldhead, The Park, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 2AT, England. Red Wing Boxer Rebellion In Vol. VI No. 6, we reported that the Red Wing Boxer Rebellion figures were being discontinued. Happily that is notthe case.They are very much in production and the line is undergoing expansion by 10 figures per month! Further, Red Wing Mi.niatures have no connection with Ahketon USA or UK and are owned by The Model Shop, 190-194 Station Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA1, 1SU, England. A whole new batch of figures arrived with this information and will be reviewed in this or the next issue of The Courier. - R. BRYANT Stone Mountain Miniatures Exclusive North American agent for Chariot Miniatures DENVER, COLORADO - Stone Mountain Miniatures, I nc. has announced that it is now the exclusive North American agent for Chariot Miniatures, an English figure line which specializes in the early chariot armies. Chariot Miniatures offers 15mm figures featuring a high degree of detail and animation. Company spokesman David Babb stated that in addition to the 15mm figures, Chariot Miniatures is also planning to release a line of 6mm figures in the near future. Both the 15mm figures and the 6mm figures will be cast in the United States by Stone Mountain Miniatures. The 15mm figures will be available in December 1986. For details on this and other new releases, write to: Stone Mountain Miniatures, Inc., 7130 W. 117th D-3, Broomfield, Colorado 80020. Iowa Refight of Battle of Borodino Orv Banasik of Marion, Iowa, reports that his local wargaming group recently refought the Battle of Borodino in 25mm scale May 23rd, 1986, utilizing over 2400 25mm figuresand 104 guns in a 1 to 100 figure ratio.The event was a group affair with each member contributing painted troops to the planned effort after volunteeringto build specific units. The project took a year to prepare. The outcome was historical in that the French achieved a tactical victory but suffered such heavy losses that future offenses would be difficult to undertake. This sounds like an excellent idea for wargaming groups to consider. Armory Wargaming Museum The Armory, 4149 Amos Ave., Baltimore, MD 21215, announces it is offering a wargaming museum dedicated to the exchange of information and knowledge relating to historical and fantasy materials. The following benefits and services will be available: research library, exhibits and displays, seminars, field trips, workshops, awards program, publishing, competitions, and a translating service. Contact them for further information. More Courier Dispatch
Central Illinois Tabletop Warriors Other News Wargames Figures News Gleanings: Magazines Bill Rutherford: 20th Century Editor Bio Todd Fisher: Medieval Editor Bio Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VII #3 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1986 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |