Reviewed by Lynn Bodin
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Another figure company has begun offering Colonial Miniatures through The Model Shop, 190-194 Station Road, Harrow, Middlesex, England. Red Wing 25mm joins Jacklex 20mm at this North West London suburban hobby shop. The new Red Wing 25mm miniatures offer lots of variety to the Colonial gamer who is especially interested in the Boxer Rebellion. All of the Allied powers are represented and there are good choices of Boxers and imperial Chinese as well. The miniatures lack the crisp detail of the "big name" manufacturers and their anatomy is somewhat irregular at times, but these deficits are more than made up for by the "character" of many of the figures and their unique poses. Sadly there is no U.S. source at this time, so they must be ordered direct from The Model Shop. The Reviewing Stand
Ral Partha Paints Pax Britanica 20mm Napoleonic and ACW ESCI 20mm Crimean War Figures Tin Soldier 25mm Samurai Dixon 25mm and 15mm Japanese Samurai Essex 25mm Ancient Indians (India) Britannia 25mm Sudan Wars Red Wing Miniatures 25mm Boxer Rebellion Imperial Figures 25mm Zulu War Empire Games Napoleonic Campaign System Generalship: The American War Rules for Amer. Rev to ACW Kriegspiel Rules Wargame Library Supplements (Booklets) Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VI No. 3 Back to Courier List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1985 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |