Reviewed by Paul Koch
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I started miniature gaming with the old Airfix Civil War sets back in 1970. To this day the majority of my collection are plastic20mm figures. As I take on new periods to collect I still greatly enjoy converting them, and despite the problems keeping them painted (easily overcome), plastic figures remain in my opinion the highest quality and far and away the least expensive figures on the market. I was therefore most excited when ESCI announced a number of new kits covering the Napoleonic, Crimean and American Civil wars. in this review we will take a look at the two Crimean War releases. The first is "Lord Cardigan's 11th Hussars"of the immortal Light Brigade, also known as the 11 cherrypickers" because of their snappy red trousers. The box contains 12 hussars including 5 officer types without carbines, 6 troopers with carbines and a bugler, all mounted on3 posesof horse. All the figures are in pelisse which may or may not be historically correct. Thus clad however they will do for a number of other periods with the most minor headgear surgery. They are posed in aggressive, almost ferocious postures and mounted on extremely beautiful steeds, making for a most dashing display. My only complaint is that there is no sign of their light or heavy comrades, not to mention the absence of other arms. ESCI's other Crimean effort features "Russian Artillery & Infantry". Each box contains 2 guns (1 field piece and 1 howitzer), 6 crewmen, 2 artillery officers, 2 foot officers and 20 infantry. All feature the "mutze" fatigue cap and except for the 4 officers all are in greatcoats. They have almost unlimited conversion potential and while there are only 4 poses of infantry, all are useful. (2 advancing, 1 standing & 1 kneeling, firing.) There is just the slightest flash on the firing figures in otherwise perfect castings. The entire Russian army can be made with these figures except for the Cavalry which may be easily converted from Napoleonics. The ESCI figures are a frugal gamer's dream. They are available through the Squadron Shop Catalog and soon at hobby stores everywhere. Highly recommended! The Reviewing Stand
Ral Partha Paints Pax Britanica 20mm Napoleonic and ACW ESCI 20mm Crimean War Figures Tin Soldier 25mm Samurai Dixon 25mm and 15mm Japanese Samurai Essex 25mm Ancient Indians (India) Britannia 25mm Sudan Wars Red Wing Miniatures 25mm Boxer Rebellion Imperial Figures 25mm Zulu War Empire Games Napoleonic Campaign System Generalship: The American War Rules for Amer. Rev to ACW Kriegspiel Rules Wargame Library Supplements (Booklets) Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VI No. 3 Back to Courier List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1985 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |