VI Corps at Chancellorsville

Banks Ford

by Steve Wilson

Although the following day, the start of this scenario depends on the result of the engagement at Salem Church. The umpire should decide at what time the Union hold on Salem Church was 'secure'.

Jumbo Map (133K)

    8.00pm/Never Banks Ford commences at 1.00pm
    7.30 at 1.30 pm
    7.00 at 2.00pm
    6.30 at 2.30pm ETC.

    but not later than 5.00pm.

Note that historically the Banks Ford engagement started later than the above. This is a game mechanic to a) encourage the action at Salem Church and b) to avoid the wargame problems associated with night actions.

NIGHT - exactly as per Salem Church.


Early's division arrives on the first turn in any formation along the east edge.

Either Anderson's OR Mclaw's division on the first turn in any formation along the south edge.

Anderson's or Mclaw's starting strengths are those with which they finished the action at Salem Church.

Note that the division not selected does not fight in this scenario (it is deemed to be lightly engaged with Union forces to the west after the troops decided they had either 'done enough' or has got lost).

The Confederate objective is to destroy the Union forces on this side of the river. Failing this the route to the ford should be cut so that Lee can bring up extra forces and finish the Union off tomorrow.


The Union player should select two of his divisions for this battle (and their supports).

The remaining division is deemed to be engaged to the west, facing some Confederate probing.

The Union forces deploy anywhere behind Hazel Run (to it's north) and 12" (or more) away from the east edge.

1 division must deploy to the east of the Downman Road (this is to keep the enemy well away from the ford -essential to prevent panic as the 'rear echelon' crosses). The brigades of this division may start behind 'hasty' defence works.

The selected Union forces start with the strengths they ended with at Salem Church (but see below).

The Union objective is to keep VI Corps 'intact' and hold open an escape route to Banks Ford until nightfall. Remember that your division operating off table to your right will also require an escape route. Any Union forces 'cut off' are considered lost. Through the course of the day all your baggage, wounded, prisoners, supplies and 'hangers on' will be retreating across the ford, thereby blocking it until night when the combat units can retire


Due to events at Chancellorsville it can be argued that the only battle which 'really matters' is the final one. However I imagine that some of your players may already be familiar with the above through buying this issue and reading this scenario (Ed - definitely!) which may 'skew' how the previous two battles are played. This can be countered by the umpire summing up how both sides performed in all three actions with regard to their objectives and also by a 'carrot and stick' approach. Depending how quickly the Union 'win' at Salem Church they get a percentage of their losses back to fight at Banks Ford (more time to rest & reorganise etc.), this can range from 50% for a rapid, decisive win to 0% if they never take the Church. On the same basis the amount of earthworks available to the Union at Banks Ford can depend on previous performance.

Ideally keep your players in the dark -- do not tell them this is a series of linked games until the start (or even end) of Banks Ford. This is what I did.


If you do not wish to fight the first action start with Salem Church. Confederate forces are as listed, the Union with Brooks division at 2.00pm (Brown leading) and are reinforced by Newton's division at 3.00pm.

Assume that Mclaw is able/willing to engage at Banks Ford and so allow all three divisions on each side to fight (you may wish to extend the table to the west).

After the first action Barksdales brigade plays no further part in this scenario. You may wish to allow it (or it's remnants!) to attach to Early.

Fight Banks Ford as a night action if you have suitable rules (perhaps try it as a 'double blind' game as per Clifton in the previous issue). Emphasise confusion and lack of control.

Work the above into a full mini campaign with map moves etc. (I am thinking about trying this).

In addition to previous actions affecting unit's strengths 'reward' those troops that perform exceptionally with an increase in quality (for 'Fire & Fury' I tend to make the brigade commander 'Exceptional' in such cases) whilst those that perform abjectly are downgraded.

Introduce whatever ideas you think of into the above.

Finally, I have played this scenario twice now and each side has won once - which indicates (I think) that it is fairly evenly balanced!

VI Corps at Chancellorsville 3rd-4th May, 1863: Fire and Fury Mini-Campaign

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