VI Corps at Chancellorsville

Salem Church

by Steve Wilson


The start of this scenario depends on how quickly the Union took the heights in the previous action.

Jumbo Map (125K)


Wilcox's brigade (Anderson) must deploy within 12" of Salem Church.

Mahone's (Anderson) brigade must start within 12" of any road and not within 18" of the east edge.

Anderson and 2 batteries may start with either brigade.


Mclaw's entire division will arrive at 3.00pm in march column along the road at point A. The order of march should be pre planned.

The Confederate objective is to hold the Union at bay until nightfall by holding Salem Church.


The division which led the assault at the heights enters 2 hours after the previous scenario ended. A second division (Union players choice) arrives 3 hours after the previous game ended (so one hour after the lead division).

The third division enters 5 hours after the previous game ended.

All Union divisions (and attached artillery) enter from point F.

The lead brigade from the the lead division may enter in any formation, all other Union forces arrive in march formation along the road. Order of march should be preplanned.

The strengths of the Union units is whatever they finished the previous scenario at.

The Union objective is to punch through the Confederate lines by capturing (and holding) Salem Church and clearing the enemy from the Orange Plank Road before nightfall so that they can support Hooker.

NIGHT. It will be dark at 8.30pm and both sides must break off the action. The visibility for the 8.00 turn (for both sides) is 4+1D6".

Win or lose at Salem Church, after the battle the Union must withdraw to Banks Ford due to the dismal news from Chancellorsville.

VI Corps at Chancellorsville 3rd-4th May, 1863: Fire and Fury Mini-Campaign

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