Note: Maps are reproduced as printed in the
magazine--not exactly clear. You'll have to do some
deducing between room descriptions and map
Ground Level
Room 1 Contains blocks for 16 Mechs.
Served as a ready room for a full company at a time.
Doors to the southern corridors on both sides have
silent alarms; read descriptions of rooms 11 and 12
below if these doors are opened from either side.
Toward the back (south) wall, there is a security robot
which has been burned and inactivated. If characters
examine this fully and make an INT roll, they will
discern that the damage is only about a month old. The
archaeological team will tell them this within a day if
they are consulted. If asked directly, the archeologists
will blink and say, of course, that this is five weeks old,
not ancient damage. Unless a twelve is rolled, the
damage will be easily recognized as from a blazer.
Behind the false wall are two more of these
robots. If the silent alarms are activated by opening the
southern corridor doors, the robots will request a
password, then attack to subdue.
Rooms 2 & 3 From stains on the floor, etc,
characters can infer that up to 64 Mechs once were
kept at the ready in each of these rooms. There is an
enclosed hydraulic lift in each of these that connects
directly to tunnels outside level three, room 2 to the
east tunnel and room 3 to the west. The Star League
design is so perfectly matched that it requires an int
roll to notice the doors to the elevators. The doors
have a push button pad inside to enter the tunnels. The
buttons are coded to the number 3/11/32, the
commander's wife's birthday, i.e., it's hard to exit to the
tunnels from these elevators. False walls in the
northern end have 'buzz bomb' VTOLs pointing
outward to the box canyon. There are 12 VTOLs, little
one-tonners which are robot controlled. These doors
are computer controlled from 602.
Rooms 4 & 5: are Mech repair bays. The only equipment
here is too large to be moved. You could use the jacks, laser
torches, etc, but you'd have to use them here.
Rooms 4A & 5A: are storage rooms for space parts. There
is an inactivated welding robot in 4A. It was broken, so they left
it. A fair salvage value would be Cb 5000.
Room 4B: has a computer which is one of five having access
to the R&D lab. It is possible on a roll of 10 or better to find out
the following: Security can be reached without the generator
being on; it has backup battery power. R&D does not. As a
security measure, R&D files cannot be accessed without either
a security code which was changed on a weekly basis or a
command originating in the main security computer. (GM, this
code is the same as screen # 3)
Room 5B: Was a Head Tech's office. Has an interrupt
program on the screen. If they try to activate it, Screen #2 is
what will easily be found. If characters make a roll for
communications, security systems, etc, they can get specs for
the Guardian (see page 52), a second roll will yield a vehicle
chosen at random from Technical Readout: 2750. That's all they
will get without powering up the generator. Rooms 6-17: Each
contains 4 bunks, 4 lockers, and a computer terminal with no
access to secure material. Items found in some of these
rooms will indicate that mechwarriors were bunked here
during on-call periods. Have the first person to enter each
room make a roll. On a 2or7, some item of clothing will be
found (a uniform cap left behind, for example); on a 4, a watch
will be found with battery still running; on an 8, a torn piece of a
personal letter; on a 10, a broken recorder with somebody's
diary on it; on a 12, a personal tool kit. 5,6,9, and 11 signify
empty rooms.
Behind the false wall on the far end are two security robots
like the inactivated ones found elsewhere, and two Guardian
security Mechs. (See page 52). The security robots will activate
if doors to the southern end corridors are opened, one for
each door. (The other two assigned security robots have
already been taken out.)
Level 1is a duty station level.
Room 101: Briefing Room, Infantry Diagram still on board of
evacuation procedure.
Room 102: Dining Hall & Kitchen for Infantry Personnel Room
103: Medical Center, Infantry Personnel
Rooms 104A-F: Sleeping rooms, each holding an infantry unit
of 30 Room 105: Armory, hand weapons (Empty cases
only) Room 106: Briefing Room, Mechwarriors
Room 107: Dojo (practice pad left behind, a few
pictures) Room 108: Gymnasium (full equipment,
nothing portable) Room 109: Mechwarrior dining
room, kitchen, rec room
Room 110 A-H & R-W: Unused ready rooms, 4 bunks
in each Room 110 I-J: Seem locked. (If investigated,
the locks have been welded shut. Breaking down the
door reveals a wall six inches inside the door. This is
actually the shaft to 8B)
Room 110 X: Commandant's day room (Large Closet takes
up North wall in the back of the closet there is a concealed door
with an unobtrusive card slot. (security systems at 7 or better to open
without card) It leads to the room which is actually 110J, the Crisis
Command Center. The computer here has the capability of accessing
security computers. Shows signs of having been abandoned hastily;
computer screen is still on. See handout letter A. There is also a small
door on the east wall with a card slot. This is the door to the hidden
elevator. (security systems at 9 or better to open without card).
Room 110Y: Commandant's sleeping room
(Large Closet takes up South Wall. This is just a closet.)
Room 110 Z: Head MedTech's ready room.
Levels 2 & 3
Are duplicates of Level 1: Level 2. All rooms
have furniture, but nothing more. Only the rooms
used by the XO, and the Senior Watch Officer (210
Z) seem to have been in use. All of the other rooms
were stripped. Rooms 210 I-J and X-Z duplicate the
Commandant's quarters for the Executive Officer.
The card slot is inoperable. Make it clear to the
players that the XO left here some time before the
end. Level 3 was never in use.
Level 4
Room 401: Monitor station for fusion generator.
Room 402: Classroom
Room 403: 'Arsenal' on door. This was an
arsenal for the security troops. Empty boxes are all
that's left.
Room 404: Gymnasium/Dojo for security troops.
Room 405: Briefing room for security troops.
Room 406: Security Commander's office.
Room 407: Waiting room
Room 408: Supply Officer's office Room
409: Morale Officer's office
Room 410: Detention Block Room
411: Laundry/kitchen for detention block.
Room 412 A-P Officers' Ready Quarters, 2
beds per room. Small personal items remain.
Room 413: 28 beds, 28 foot lockers. Notices on
the bulletin board indicate that 28 elite scouts slept
Room 414: Head Tech's Quarters. Seems to
have been a bachelor and actually lived here.
Screen # 2 may also be found here.
Room 415: Science Chief's Quarters
(also has apartment in Level 5)
Rooms 416 A-D: Astech's Quarters
(also have apartments in Level 5)
Rooms 417 A-B: Science personnel
I (also have apartments in Level 5)
Room 418: Communications Room
Level 5
This level has an enormous "apartment house" complex. These
are not mere barracks; they are quarters in which families and
couples expected to live lifelong. Star League military forces saw
no need to enforce austerity on long-term personnel. The lower two
floors are studios and smaller apartments. The highest floor has
senior officers' apartments, meant for entertaining and two huge
function rooms. There is an immense laundry and several rec room,
craft rooms, etc in the "basement .
Your players can take as long as they want; they will not find
anything Of value here, except historically. Maybe allow them the
war diary of someone once moderately famous - but a volume from
years before which does not deal with the Castle Brian in any way. The
senior officers in the chain of command did not live here, but were
quartered in levels 1-4.
To the north, in location 5*, the Rom agent has set up his camp. Here
he is amusing himself by building a Mech from spare parts. Schedule and
stats for this Mech (The Monster) are given separately.
On the outskirts of the level are several 20 x 20 meter shafts. One
per side contains an elevator. The others have no opening on this floor.
8B's shaft has a visible card slot, but door is camouflaged. This is the
commandant's personal elevator described on level 8.
Level 5A
The four tunnels which lead out of this level are kilometers long.
They are square corridors 40m high and 80m wide. The east corridor is
the shortest, at five kilometers. ComStar troops will enter along this
corridor. If it is somehow blocked, they will try the northern corridor, the
entrance of which is sixteen kilometers away. They have not found the
outside entrances to the western corridor (fifteen kilometers distant), nor
to the southern corridor, which travels for nine kilometers before ending
in an artificially constructed cave.
The open endosteel doors which open off each corridor may be
closed by a coded keypad on the inside of each door, or from the
security computer. Once closed, they can be opened only by an override
sequence no longer in existence, or from the security computer. Only a
roll of natural 12 will allow a chance. In 2d6 x 10 hours, character will be
able to open one door. Each door is different Three failures make it
impossible to open that door again. 2 kilometers along each tunnel, a
tunnel joins from the floor below, curving in from the left side. These r
tunnels are 30 by 30 meters.
Level 6
This is the Security / R &D level, which is only reached by
elevators 813 and SE.
Room 601: Security Control Room
Room 602: Security Computer, Main Security
Room 603: Chemistry Lab
Room 604-606: Experimental Hydroponics Labs
(eventually it was projected that the Castle Brian could be
fed entirely by hydroponic farming; hence the space given
to this science) Room 607: Electronics Lab Room 608:
Monitor Station for Labs (cameras and waldos for long-
distance handling)
Room 609: Dining Room/Rec room for security troops
Room 610:
Room 611: Storage Room for Electonics Lab
Room 612: Main Computer
Room 612 A-D: Series of small rooms with airtight
doors, gas grills in ceiling. Entrance to main computer.
Security forces could close off these little rooms and
introduce a number of gases through the ceiling; different
gases in each room, if wished. This setup is intact, and
can be accessed through security computer.
The notation V on this floor stands for a security door with a card slot. 'o' stands for an airtight door. 'SS' doors show screen # 3, and have a key entry pad next to the screen. GM NOTE: This "code" is based on the Solaris scores shown on the security chief's screen * If the
player characters fill in the blanks with the numbers from the scores, the door will open; screen will request if reprogramming is desired. If player characters wish to reprogram the security computer, they may (Skills needed: Computers or Security Systems, roll of 4 or over. Tech Skills, on a roll of 8 or over) Once inside, computer is not hard to master. Concealed security cameras on all levels may be accessed from here; any remaining security robots or
Guardian Mechs may be controlled from here, as may the defensive mini-VTOLs (buzz bombs).
The same code will allow entry to the Main computer. Its memory core contains, essentially, the information in Technical Readout 2750. It will take somebody with Computer or Security Systems 2 x 2 d6 hours to ascertain this, on a roll of 6 or better. Let the character
reroll, as long as no excitement is going on, like a ComStar invasion.
Level 7 (no map
This is a garage level, now empty except for three Pack Rats and
pieces of an unidentifiable hovercraft, all stripped down for repairs. This
is clearly where scouts. Picture a vast empty hangar, stretching 3 x4
kilometers. Player characters can see quickly that it is totally deserted. At
the center of each outer wall, tunnels slope up to the main exit tunnels.
Level 8
This is a classroom & laboratory level.
Room 801: Holographic Combat Arena. Controls allow any
Mech or Lance of Mechs known to the Star League to be
simulated. Damage will be simulated on a visual level only on
any Mech or warrior who enters the room. Currently on,
running a program where an Atlas is wrecking a Battlemaster.
Room 801 A: Holographic Control Room:
Room 801 B: Holographic Viewing Room:
Room 802: Lecture Room
Rooms 803-804: Regular Hydroponics rooms
Rooms 803A-804 A: Hydroponics Labs
Room 805: Electronics Shop
Room 805 A: Electronics Lab Rooms
807-808: Classrooms Rooms
807-808 A: small workrooms. 8B is the commandant's
personal Mech, the Brian, at the bottom of a hydraulic elevator
shaft which can raise it to any level he chooses. There is a
smaller platform elevator (picture a mini freight elevator) which
folds out of the way when the Mech elevator is activated. That
smaller elevator is accessed from the commandant's ready
quarters, and locations on every floor.
A Lust for Lostech A Scenario for MechWarrior
Part II
A Lust for Lostech A Scenario for MechWarrior
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