Heavy Cavalry
The colours white and blue of the coats appeared in various shades. Where known, they are mentioned.
Figure D: Colonel's Uniform of Cavalry Regt. Buys in 1745.
FIG. D shows the colonel of the regiment Buys in 1745. He wears a white coat with red lapels, large red cuffs and silver buttons; yellow waistcoat with silver lace and buttons; silver lace on the hat-border and black plumage; yellow breeches, black boots and an orange sash over the waist.
The coat still was of a rather wide cut, with wide sleeves and large cuffs. The coats hadn't yet turnbacks and were often worn with the lapels buttoned down. The hat still was a congruent tricorn with high borders. Hat borders had no lace, except for the Gardes and the officers. For the latter in the button-colour, being gold or silver. However, strange is that some drawings show line men with laced tricorns. The hat had a black cockade buttoned with a blackloop. Waistbelts where generally white and other belts buff, as were the gloves. Neckstocks appear in black or white. Shoulder knots and aguillettes were usually
in the button colour, unless stated otherwise. Cartridges and boots were black. On shabraques and pistol covers I have found hardly any information.
Drawings show them in the facing colour with a
(double) border in the button colour. This may have been common
practice, with silver or gold for the officers. Horse-leatherwork
mostly was black. Officers wore orange sashes over their left-shoul
der or around the waist. They also had black feathers on the inner
side-border of the tricorn.
It's risky to lean too heavy on officers/generals' portraits as a guide to regimental uniforms, especially in those days of no regulations.
Where I thought it justified I have used some details.
Coat Colors:
White for the regiments Karabiniers, Reede van Ginkel, Lijnden, Sandouville, Hop, Schack, Rechteren-Overijssel, HessenPhilipsthall, Hagen and Rechteren-Zeeland (grey-white).
Blue for the regiments Gardes to Paard, Gardes du Corps, Buys (blue-grey), Oranje-Friesland (light-blue), Hessen-Homburg, Nassau-la-Leek and Schagen.
Facing (Cuffs) Colors:
Red for the regiments Karabiniers, Reede van Ginkel, Lijnden, Sandouville, Hop, Schack, Rechteren-Overijssel, RechterenZeeland, Gardes to Paard, Gardes du Corps, Oranje-Friesland, Hessen-Homburg and Nassau-la-Leck.
Blue : Hessen-Philipsthall (light blue).
Green: Hagen.
Yellow: Schagen.
Collar: Gardes to Paard, Karabiniers, Oranje-Friesland, Sandouville and Hop.
No Collar: Gardes du Corps, Hessen Philipsthall, Van Ginkel,Nassau-la-Leck, Buys, Schack and Hagen.
Lapels: Gardes to Paard, Oranje-Friesland, Hop, Van Ginkel, Nassau-la-Leck, Hessen-Philipsthal, Buys.
No Lapels: Sandouville, Hagen, Schaeck and Gardes du Corps,
Waistcoat / Breeches:
Yellow for the Karabiniers, Gardes to Paard, Buys, OranjeFriesland, Sandouville, Hessen-Philipsthall and Nassau-la-Leck, all light-yellow, and Hagen, normal yellow.
Red: Schack.; Koldercoleur Schagen; White all others.
Yellow for Gardes du Corps, Oranje-Friesland, Sandouville, Hessen-Philipsthall, Van Ginkel, Schack, Hagen.
White for Gardes to Paard, Karabiniers, Hop, Nassau-la-Leck, Buys, Schack, Buys, Rechteren-Overijssel.
Other Details
Gardes to Paard; narrow silver braid
Karabiniers; silver hat-lace, whitelblack shoulder knots.
Nassau-la-Leck; blue cloaks, silver shoulder knots and buttons for officers and NCO's.
Hagen; loops in pair on the breast of the coat and 3 on the cuffs.
Buys; colonel and perhaps other officers with white coat.
FIG.B shows a horseman of the regiment Hessen-Philipsthall, probably in 1744, with the lapels buttoned down.
Dragoon Uniforms
Here applies the same as for the cavalry. I'll only mention the differences:
Coat: Blue for all the regiments (D'Olne: light blue).
Facings (Cuffs): Red for all the regiments.
Collar: Gardes Dragonders, Mattha.
No Collar: All other regiments.
Lapels: All regiments.
Waistcoats / Breeches: Red for Gardes Dragonders and D'Olne. Yellow for Mattha, Massau and Schlippenbach (light yellow). Buttons: White for all regiments. Other details:
Gardes Dragonders; Officers silver braid on waistcoat, one squadron on white horses carrying the only regimental guidon. There was a band with bugles, oboes and kettledrums.
Mattha; White shoulder knots and red cloaks.
Massou; White shoulder knots, only one regimental guidon and a band with kettledrums and oboes.
Hussar Uniforms
For the Franzipani regiment I have to refer to a description as it served in the Bavarian army: Lightblue dolman and pelisse with red cuffs, white fur and white braid, Red breeches and a brown colpack with a red bag. Blue/white waist sash.
Uniforms of the States Army 1745-1748
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© Copyright 1995 by James E. Purky
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