Napoleonic Newsdesk

Minifigs Changes Hands

by Dave Higgs, MD Minifigs

For the last thirty years Miniature Figurines Ltd has been fronted by Neville Dickinson, many of you I'm sure will have come across him in one form or another. However he has now retired and handed the reigns over to a new man.

My first recollection of Neville was indeed 30 years ago when as a keen wargamer he had a casting machine in the back room of a narrow terraced premises in Northam Rd. Southampton which was all very low key. It was at this time my brother Dick had discovered wargaming and as a sculptor, not long out of college, decided to design his own figures to try to improve on what existed at the time. So, Dick made them, Neville produced them and from those early beginnings Miniature Figurines Ltd. was launched.

By this time 1968, I was in Singapore with H.M. Forces and had no interest In wargaming whatsoever. As I said Neville fronted the business and has always had the interest of the gamer in mind both with regard to product and price. I'm sure you'll agree MINIFIGS is "No. 1" when it comes to anatomy, animation, detail, range of product and ease of painting. Many articles refer to MINIFIGS products as "up to their usual standard", we believe that means "excellent" and the production of these excellent products has been in the hands of N. E. Dickinson. From myself and all the staff we say "well done" and "ENJOY YOUR RETIREMENT"

So, who is the new owner? Correct! I'm the chap who went off to Singapore and had no interest in wargaming. My name is Dave Higgs (Dick's brother) who eventually became interested in the hobby in 1974. MINIFIGS were looking for another designer and in true "Boys from the black stuff" style I said "I can do that give us a job". To cut a long saga short my first efforts were 25mm English Civil War and more recently the new 15mm Napoleonic range with a touch of the "Valley of the four winds" in between. I must say I derive tremendous pleasure from the Knowledge that thousands of you all over the world enjoy the figures I have made. It is my aim to continue to improve the product and service offered by Miniature Figurines Ltd. and to that end welcome any comments you may have. Before you put pen to paper however I have one very good weapon in my arsenal of employees, Neil Leach, who has been a wargamer all his life and is O.I.C. at the factory. His knowledge of our product range is formidable, be warned, I'm sure he has an answer for everything!

I think at this stage we should remember our American cousins, they have been and continue to he an important part or our set up. Not only are our historical figures manufactured in the States, we produce and distribute the Ral Partha products throughout the UK and Europe. Between us we cover a range of historical and fantasy in a way no other firm does.

The future is bright and I look forward to serving wargamers for a long time to come. Thank you.

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