Table of Contents
No. 33

February/March 1997

Aux Armes, Citoyens, Formez Vos Bataillons!
John Cook analyzes French manoeuvre columns using extensive excerpts from regulations.

Napoleon's Health In The Waterloo Campaign
A quote from J.H. Rose's 1916 work examining the question of whether Napoleon was ill at Waterloo.

The Other Mainwaring
Jane Hoyle tales a look at an eccentric English officer of the 51st Light Infantry.

A Snippet
A French Guard unit's report from the Russian retreat.

Did Zieten Refuse to Communicate with Wellington?
Another Waterloo Myth examined by Peter Hofschröer turns on the question of communications between the two commanders.

Age of Sail Review
Talonsoft's new computer game reviewed by Richard Ayliffe.

Why was Napoleon Successful as a General and a Failure as a Statesman?
John Salmon reviews elements of Napoleon's success and failure throughout his reign.

Napoleonic Association Wargaming Brigade
Ian passes the torch to David, who offers ideas and a review of Adler miniatures.

Fuentes d'Onoro
Rifleman Moore takes a look at the battle in and around this Spanish village. Includes photos of the present day village.

Miscellaneous Notes
Information on Royal Navy guns by Keith Raynor.

Ian Barstow continues the Fighting Marshals series with a profile of the Prince of Ponte Corvo.

Under Review: The Latest Books Reviewed

Aide de Camp
The research column gives a detailed study of the use of combined grenadier battalions, including uniforms and flags.

Napoleonic Newsdesk

Letters to the Editor on the Seniority of Marshals, the Grand-Duchy of Frankfurt, music, and more.

The Last Thing...
Dave Watkins' editorial wraps up 1996 and looks ahead towards 1997.

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