The Nelson Society

Napoleonic Newsdesk

The aims of this society are to promote interest in, and appreciation of, the outstanding qualities of leadership and patriotism shown by Admiral Lord Nelson; to encourage research into his life and career; to promote the historical and educational study of British naval developments since his time; and to bring together fellow enthusiasts.

The Nelson Society arranges a number of activities each year. The Annual General Meeting is combined with talks on topics of interest to the naval student of the period, and visits are arranged to places which have Nelson connections. In March of this year for example, a trip was organised to Northumberland, visiting the Collingwood Collection, Collingwood’s early home in Morpeth and his family’s former estates, and places of nautical interest in Newcastle. The Society has a number of local branches, each of which stage their own visits and lectures.

The Nelson Dispatch is an impressive journal containing news and articles of interest to the membership, and is sent to all members four times each year. In the April 1995 edition were articles on Admiral Hotham’s Action March 14 1795; Santissima Trinidad; plus auction news, member’s queries and letters. A lot of historical information is published within these pages. A range of publications and memorabilia are available to members. If you have an interest in the naval history of the Napoleonic period, then this society is well-worth joining.

For further details and current membership rates please contact the Membership Secretary, 39 Woodland Mount, Hertford, Herts., SG13 7JD.

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