18th Century
Military Notes
& Queries
No. 2

Table of Contents

The Braes O' Killcrankie 27 July 1689 by Gareth Simon

Army of Hessen Kassel 1650-1700 Part Two: 1688-1700 by Martin Andrew Spindler

The Irish-Jacobite Army 1689-91
An Introduction by John Barratt.

Battle of Narva September 20th, 1700
Part Two by Pete Berry.

Highland Regiments in America During the Seven Years War
Part 2 by Stuart Reid.

Organisation and Strength of Regular Infantry Regiments of the British Army in North America
American War of Independence 1775-1783 by P. C. Mankin

Insurrection 1775
A Scenario.

Accurate and Authentic Journal of the Siege of Quebec, 1759
Part 2.



Counter-Battery Letters to the Editor

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