Military Answers

Q3. Volontaires Etrangeres

by Charles H. Vasey

Q3. The Volontaires Etrangeres from Charles H. Vasey

My notes (Comte Pajol?) inform me that Les Volontaires Etrangeres were raised in 1756 and was three battalions strong. The lieutenant-colonels were Tirant, Antonay, and Baron de Stern, there was no proprietary colonel.The uniform was blue with white buttons, red cuffs and white pants. The flog was a white cross with four black cantons with a white diagonal Q assume in each canton). Other units raised as part of the same (third) Legion were the Volontaires d'Austrasic, Volontaires de Hainault and the Legion de Lorraine.

Q3. The Volontaires Etrangeres

The full title of this body should be "Volontaires Etrangeres de Clermont- Prince". It was one of several bodies of light troops raised by the French to serve in the colonies and in the European Theatre. It was composed of foreigners, but their origins are not available.

In July 1759 it's official strength was 1,200 men (8M infantry and 400 cavalry). The infantry was divided into:two companies of 50 grenadiers; 7 companies of 100 fusileers. There were 2 cannons "a la Suedois" for support. Source: Pengel & Hurt

Also: Q3. The Volontaires Etrangeres (#3)

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