Insurrection 1775

A Scenario


The map is 3' x 7' and measurements are given for 15mm scale Figures. The army list terminology is given for WRG Renaissance wargame rules. The game is not "balanced" and should be played twice, changing sides, to see who wins best.


Redcoats Column may deploy along road up to T' from base edge XX. Anything that "doesn't fit" comes on in move 1. Columns (of either side) Move at double speed along (he road.

Farmers Units 1-4 deploy on village side of stream. Units 5-10 may deploy as 1-4 or in shaded area on sides of map, BUT (1) No more than 2 units between lines YY and XX (2) No more than 4 units between lines ZZ and xx


The Redcoats are attempting to take the village; the farmers to prevent this.

Redcosts receive victory points thus:- For passing points A-C with 50% of their starting force (numerically) A= 50 points; B = 100 points; C = 150 points; for taking village D=200 points.


General @100
4 x 5 LI, C, Rifle, Open order @ 8 200
4 x 10 MI, C Musket, Bayonet, Salvo,C/order @ 10 440
2 x 8 HI, C Musket, Bayonet Salvo, Clorder @ 11 196

Sub-General @ 50
1 x 20 LI, E, Musket, C/order @ 4 90
1 x 10 LI, D, Musket, C/o @ 5 60
2 x 20 LI, D, Musket, C/o @ 5 220
3 x 5 LI, D, Rifle, 0/o @ 7 135
3 x 5 LI, E Musket, O/o @ 4 90


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