The Braes O' Killcrankie
27 July 1689

Order of Battle and Wargame Scenario

by Gareth Simon

Killiecrankie Map Key

The Highland Host under John Grahame of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee:
A. 200 Macleans, under Sir John Maclean of Duart
B. 300 of Cannon's "half naked Irish"
C. 480 Macdonalds of Clanronald
D. 300 Macdonalds of Glengarry
E. 40 Horse under Sir William Wallace
F. 500 of Lochiel's Camerons
G. 200 Macleans, Stuarts, and Macneils
H. 400 Macdonalds of Sleat
I*. A body of Horse of indeterminate origin and number.

I*: Mackay's memoirs places the Jacobite Horse in this position, Grant and Kinross place it at E. Kinross describes a troop of 16 Horse operating in a different part of the field to the main body (if 40 can be cosidered a main body).

The Government Forces under General Hugh Mackay:
1. Lauder's Fusileers 200 men
2. Balfour's Regiment 660 men (Scots Brigade from Holland)
3. Ramsay's Regiment 660 men (Scots Brigade from Holland)
4. Kenmuir's regiment 770 men (Raw recruits)
5. Bellhaven's Horse 60 troopers
6. Annandale's Horse 50 troopers
7. Earl of Leven's Regiment870 men (A Scots regiment)
8. Mackay's Regiment 550 men (Scots Brigade from Holland)
9. Hastings' Regiment 850 men (An English regiment)
10. (Kinross places a skirmishing body here)


(PUBLISHER'S NOTE: this scenario was submitted long before the publication of Stuart Reid's KILLIECRANKIE. The armament of the wargames figures in the scenario bears little relation to that held by their historical counter-parts. While this makes for a fun game, it cannot be recommended as an historical re-creation. Hopefully you lot out there are busily writing accurate scenarios that are of use and interest to both wargamers and non-wargamers alike.)


The troop descriptions are for WRG Renaissance wargame rules.

All Government Foot and Jacobite Irish can tire salvo. Clansmen can fire their first shot (for the unit) as salvo.

The Government Foot are deployed in a column of two wide along the road, muskets onto dcd and bayonets sheathed. The gun and waggon must be 6 inches minimum from the table edge, on the road. The horse may be deployed off the road, away from the Highland side.

The Highland army is deployed anywhere behind the line marked on (he map.

The following are clarifications to the WRG rules'

    1- Government troops cannot salvo in the first turn (set p17, V3a). You must spend one turn neither moving over half distance or firing in order to fire salvo on a subsequent turn.

    2- Bayonets are not fixed at commencement of game. it takes 1/2 move allowance to fix.

    3- If Government troops immediately turn to face enemy in first turn, they can either fix bayonets or load salvo for next turn.

    4. "+1 for the first time firearms used in battle": for salvo troops only the first rank to fire get the modifier. "-1 for D's firing in more than one rank": if any D's are firing salvo, the second rank will suffer this penalty.

    5. The river: any unit crossing it wilt suffer casualties and most take a morale test in the shooting phase. Roll one average die and multiply it by 10 for the % casualties to the unit, based on its size when it enters the river. Waggon and gun cannot cross the river.

    6. There is a slope running from the road to the Highland table edge. It will give combat and morale modifers but will not allow overhead firing.

More Braes O' Killcrankie 27 July 1689

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