The Sikhs 1880

28mm Perry figures, 24 figures including officers and musicians. Dark grey uniforms as worn by some units in Sudan.


Battle of Guadalete, 711 DC

Battle fought using Hail Caesar rules. Battle fought between visigoths and Berbers for the control of the Iberian Peninsula. Battle report The only arabs in the Muslim army is the Heavy horse troops under...


French and Austrian armies in 2mm, Italy 1796

Models are Cliff Knight (?) from the ’80s, a most welcome present from my friends Alberto, Riccardo and Marco. I painted them during last month and put on 3mm thick MDF bases. I believe...


Sule colonne russe del 1811

I battaglioni di moschettieri russi del 1811 si organizzano combattono in colonna, per i 2mm, una base di 20X40 mm2, quattro basi su tre ranghi una dietro l’altra. Gli Jager possono andare anche in...


MDF bases shape

A picture showing the shapes of 40X20, 20X20 and 30X30 square mm. Two bases are 40 X 20 square mm, for comparison. The bases I bought so far are the ones with more rounded...


La campagna d’Egitto

Here is my two cents worth. References for Napoleons Campaign in Egyptian and Holy Land:Every source Books on Napoleon’s Campaign in Egyptian and Holy Land:* Napoleons Egyptian Campaigns 1798-1801, MAA 79, Michael Barthorp, Osprey...


Italia 1796

Campaign map This map has a scale of 2.5 miles per hex. Campaign rules Interesting links Link a Wikipedia Castiglione. On campaign systems


Run Arkansas run!

Here is the battle report of our Ironclads in action game. The game has been played using the Ironclads In Action rules, by Alan Goodearl (for further info please visit Central London Wargamers Club)....


Battle of Lonato, Part Three

Let us restart our game by launching the command vlbgui, load Lonato.xml and look at our command chain. We are now able to check whether Brigade Pigeon has new orders. If we click on...


Variable Length Bound wargaming

News I have started preparing for the third test battle, a small campaign.The armies are taken from the very good Castiglione 1796 book from Voykovitsch.I will use the sam program to make initial campaign...

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