Wings of War!
Great game last night with Robert and Nigel! Even if we had not played this ruleset since more than ten years, here our previous game, we picked-up the rules rather speedily, from time to...
Great game last night with Robert and Nigel! Even if we had not played this ruleset since more than ten years, here our previous game, we picked-up the rules rather speedily, from time to...
All troops ready for Degesen, here they are. On these two boxes more than one Russian infantry division, five regiments, with supports. Also half a division of German infantry. I have now completed the...
Here my first two regiments, half a division, ready to play Great War Spearhead. Scenarios for East Front 1914 are in “All fine men”.
This scenario features the northern flank of General von François’ I Corps, centredaround Degesen (modern day Babushkino). Elements of the German 1st Division (General Richard Von Conta) have to hold this flank against the...
I have just collected the full list, what is needed to play all scenarios of “All Fine Men”, Easter front First World War scenarios for Great War Spearhead. In Bold what I have already...
I inherited from Francesco a box filled with Irregular miniatures (new 6mm shop), painted for the Russian Civil War. I plan to base them, organising them for GWSHII, on 30mm square bases, 2mm thick...
Francesco, Marco and I just started an excellent BBB scenario about the WWI battle of Tannenberg. We have just started, with the Russians entering in column on the two roads on the Southern table...
Riprendo un vecchio progetto, usando pezzi preparati in origine per Principles of War. Ho deciso di preparare degli eserciti per Spearhead WWI o altri regolamenti, organizzandoli per Spearhead: basi fanteria: 30mm x 30 mm,...
Assuming Baccus figures for both sides, I recommend: A very dark brown for the shoes (both sides), something like Model Colour 872 – Chocolate Brown. I then apply a dot of paint to the...
Una visita a questo museo, a circa 40 chilometri da Parigi, in un paesino bagnato dalla Marna che è stato sulla linea del fronte nel settembre 1914.