Playing Rommel in the desert
Nic and I are playing the Columbia Games Rommel in the desert game. Each turn is one month, an operation may be mounted at the beginning of each month. The game is more complex...
Nic and I are playing the Columbia Games Rommel in the desert game. Each turn is one month, an operation may be mounted at the beginning of each month. The game is more complex...
A wonderful game played with Matteo! An encounter battle between a PanzerGrenadier platoon, supported by one Panzer IV, against a US paratroops platoon. Objective was the heavily shelled town of Cessy sur la Fleuve....
Here our collection of 28mm WW2 figures. We took pictures since we did not remember exactly what we had. Our painted figures are only US and Germans. They are ready to play a good...
German 1914 cavalry Division and more artillery. One cavalry Division and some divisional and corps artillery being painted. Photos soon. The artillery being prepared is:
Here the additional troops I have based, with the idea to have enough troops for all the scenarios present in the Spearhead supplements for the East front.
Non ho tempo a Giugno per preparare altri pezzi, quindi scrivo i miei propositi per luglio.
All troops ready for Degesen, here they are. On these two boxes more than one Russian infantry division, five regiments, with supports. Also half a division of German infantry. I have now completed the...
Just based last units needed for our future Degesen game: HQ, cavalry troops, artillery regiments.
Here my first two regiments, half a division, ready to play Great War Spearhead. Scenarios for East Front 1914 are in “All fine men”.
This scenario features the northern flank of General von François’ I Corps, centredaround Degesen (modern day Babushkino). Elements of the German 1st Division (General Richard Von Conta) have to hold this flank against the...