Tagged: aereo


La soluzione finale per gli aerei 1/600

Da Figures In Confort, UK, ( http://www.figuresincomfort.co.uk ;;) le basi che usero’ per montare gli aerei medio-orientali moderni. Ora su questo sito: https://www.gamingenhancements.com. Nuova soluzione Non montare i pegs sotto gli aerei, perché troppo...


Guerra Iran-Iraq: Aviazione Iraniana

Site where to buy Iranian fast attack crafts German Desert Yellow Flat Dark Earth Flat Dark Green Flat Gull Gray Hum128: Compass Grey Hum93: Mat Desert Yellow Hum116: Matt US Dark Green  Hum160: German...


Aerei Israeliani 1/600

Basette da Figures In Confort, UK, ( http://www.figuresincomfort.co.uk ) Basi AFS004-25 1.375 Hex flight stands AFS006-20 flight peg toppers Modelli Panni Hotzmatz Colori usati Fondo bombola army painter skeleton bone, goblin green e bestial...


Aerei Contemporanei

Tutti gli aerei sono in scala 1/600 della ditta Tumbling Dicehttp://wp.scn.ru/en Mig 31 Foxhound mig 29 Fulcrum SU 27 Flanker Mig 29 Fulcrum Mig 23 Flogger SU 24 Fencer SU 25 Frogfoot F 14...

Airwar over Germany

A ruleset we have found on the internet and which we have heavily modified. We are preparing a set of miniatures to play the dogfights over germany, between american bombers and escorts and the...

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