Treasures from the Silk Road, the true story
The background
What happened

As collected by survivors many years after the event. Somebody says that some of the details are completely invented. In fact some troops appearing in the story have never been found in the records of the British or German authorities.
The docks where the excavated treasure has to be delivered by the french archeologies to the chinese smugglers.
On the foreground a chinese monitor.

An overall view of the battlefield. On the left the yellow river. The archeologists come from the road on the top right. The chinese smugglers from the river, bottom left. The warlords have placed their troops among buildings and the yard. But where is the german archeologist, and the american?

The yard on the back of the river buildings.

Here is the archeological expedition. The prevident french has managed to prepare an improvised armoured car with a light MG in front. The arrive at cruising speed from the northern road.

The precious treasure is inside one of these cars…

An airplane noise is heard, some foreign devil is coming by air!

The chinese troops are alarmed, thay prepare the defense of the place with their newly acquired modern weapons.

Some of the troops reach the docks. On the background a mortar position can be seen.

The warlord has firmly occupied the main building with his troops searching for the enemies.

Suddenly big bubbles appear in the yellow river. A german U-Boot emerges! Baron Von Le Coque appears from the turret hatch!!! The submarine has been hiding during the night, unseen.

Immediately one of the newest european weapons, in the hands of the Warlord cranck towards the river.

The sino-japanese warlord heads his cavalry towards the french archeologists.

A big boom is heard by all perties. A torpedo has been fired point-blanck to the chinese monitor which was sitting like a duck on the river front.

Immediately after sailors of the Kriegsmarine land and start to advance towards the archeologists. But the cars are fast, they will loose pace very fast.

But the leading armoured car is hit by a gun and the LMG is destroyed, from where? Ah, it is the U-boot gun firing!

The rest of the chinese troops hols the ground, only the cavalry chases the french cars, but they are first strafed by a british airplane just arrived, then they get disordered (six disorder point from strafing and from an event card ! ) and are pinned down.

The two warlord are indecided whether to point their troops on the mainland or towards the river. they are loosing precious time they could use moving!

A big roar from the sky, and a big plane drops a party of Special Airland Service troops (most secret British special troops, founded in 1912). The parachutes are carried by the wind and the british squad lay scattered and almost defnceless in the midsts of the rice paddies.

On the other end of the river, the chinese pirates have managed to moor their junks. They wait for the french archeologist to deliver his wooden box.

But an assault party is coming to dislodge them, armed with submachineguns.

The British captain manages to rally his troops unmolested. The troops fire coloured flares and they place them in a long line on firm ground.

In the mean time Von Le Coque, obeserves the fighting from the U-boot. He does not seem to eager to get rid of the french expedition. He reads a nespaper leding the gunfire from time to time.

The big mortar in the hands of the chinese troops is well lead by an observer on the top of the building. the chinese smugglers are hit very heavility by this fire and are pinned among the junks and the landing site.

The british plane who was strafing and dropping bombs (without doing very mush damage) lands. On the back seat the famous american archeologists appears. holding his pistol and whip.

The mongol escort in the meantime is a bit behind respect to the archeologist car. The mongols disembark from the truck to make a spirited attack on the hated chinese.

But assault troops are coming to dela with them!

The chinese field gun is aimed towards the river. More chinese pirates drop to ground. Very few are paying attention to the plane just landed.

Yes indeed, a big heavy box is being delivered…

The plane is ready to leave the ground. the pilot, the american and the french archeologists are aboad.

Last struggle of the day happens when the mongols charge the chinese assault troops. They manage to get to melee but they succumb!

Pictures of the table. Chinese junks on fire on the bottom left.

Last view from the plane…