Grande battaglia della Terra di Mezzo, regolamento “Chainmail 3rd Edition” (1976).
Large Battle from Middle Earth, using Gary Gygax “Chainmail” rules, 3rd edition.

Ithilien Rangers have spotted a large enemy force coming from east, and decided to hols the ruins of Osgiliath.

At some distance from the ruins, a village.

The village is held by peasants and a mounted troop of rangers.

Here they come!

The first horde is arriving. As soon as they spot the humans, they charge at them. Some wolves are killed by arrows.

The rangers decide to keep firing until they see the peasants retreating for fear, then they try to evade.

All defences are ready now.

The rangers are defending the ruins, but there is activity on the river.

The rangers engage the first line of warg riders. They are then attacked from the rear from wild wolves. they will succumb.

A boat bridge is now ready, Gondoreans are crossing to relieve the rangers.

Having defeated the mounted humans, the wargs continue their advance.

They are just the advance guard of two large battles, Orcs and Uruk-Hais. They are very close, they might start quarrel!

The two massed battlelines of orcs and Uruks advance towards the Rohirrim.

The Rohirrim gallantly develop a full gallop.
They will charge soon!The Gondoreans are now deplying, out of the bottleneck created by the bridge and ruins.
The wargs develop their attack on the gondoreans.Just before the clash a fireball from the Nazgul commander burns a few rohirrim.
But the wargs cannot stand the advance of the Gondoreans, they retire behind the lines.Just one group of wargs attacks the gondoreans, which stand the charge. Just behind the village you may see the lonely Nazgul, which has to stand still to fire a second firball. But this is a fatal error for him, he will be caught by the charge of the Rohirrim and destroyed!
Here the good ones!Here the evil ones!The Rohirrim guard advances.The Nazgul is destroyed, the full first line of orcs tries to flee oin panic, but they are caught in between the horsemen and the second orc battle line. They are cut to pieces by the Rohirrim.The troops of Gondor continue their advance. Only a handful of men are engaged.It takes time for the horsemen to cut through the panck stricken orcs. The second line stands firm.
In the meantime the archers from Gondor become very efefctive againts the wargs and riders.The troops from Khan arrive.
The uruk pike armed phalanxes are very fearsome.Now hordes of goblins come out from the side of the mountain!
Last move, first day of battle, next part on friday!