by Rudy Scott Nelson
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Minor Races and Special Creatures can only be coaxed into going to war by a particular major race that they respect or fear. BUGBEARSA Neutral race often forced to serve in an army. As conscripts their morale is not very good. They can only be fielded with a Dark Elf or Orc Army.
CENTAURS.Neutral Race. Only Elves and Amazons can raise Centaurs. If Centaur cavalry mounts OR draft teams are used with chariots, then it is treated as a transport and the riders/crew must dismount before charging.
ENT-Treeherders.Only Elves can use Ents. In Basic games up to 3 Ent units can be used and they must deploy in a Woods or Rough area. Flame weapons Disrupt Ents and inflict double casualties. They are mounted one per horde base and move as MASS foot.
GIANTS.A Neutral creature that can be used by any group. These are mostly the smaller Hill Giants. They are mounted one per Horde base and move at Mass foot speed
GNOLLS.Gnolls are allies or slaves of the Orcs and other Evil rulers. They are Evil groups living in independent villages Gnolls will attack the closest Dwarf or Gnome unit that is within visibility regardless of orders. Their Basic OB is a total of 12 stands. Veterans are wearing captured armor and armed with captured weapons.
GNOMES.They are NEUTRAL but can only be raised/commanded by a Dwarf General with a basic OB total of 12 stands.
KOBALDS.Evil. Known for their extremely tough skin and abilities to fight in rough terrain. They are a scarce race with only 6 stands available. Veterans are wearing captured armor and armed with captured weapons.
HOBBITS.Hobbits are living in independent communities within the various Good and Neutral Power countries. If a Shire does not exist, then Hobbit OB is a total of 12 stands.
OGRE.An Evil Special Creature mounted one on a Horde stand and move as FLEX.
SKELETONS & UNDEAD.These are actually Neutral troops that serve the sorcerer who raised them. Very few Good Wizards have the skill to raise numerous Skeletons and other types of Undead.. The spell forms an aurora that holds the bones together and traps the warrior’s spirit within. The spirit is devoid of mercy and desires to kill anything alive The spirit allows the skeleton/Undead to perform the same tasks that warrior knew when he was alive. As a result a skeleton force is best tactically deployed in an advance first wave or on an isolated wing. They cannot maneuver unless within 12 inches of their General. Once told to move, they must move toward the nearest alive unit. They can never fail morale BUT will cease to function and disappear if their controlling General is killed. Unarmed Zombies or Ghouls fight as with SM.
TROLLS.They are Evil. They can operate as two-stand units OR assigned to the Bodyguard of a General. They are not considered Special Creatures but do have special characteristics. They are mounted Two per Horde stand and move as FLEX. Each casting counts as TWO in melees. Trolls with shields are treated as having PL armor rating.
WOLVES.They are Neutral creatures found in every country. However only Elves and Orcs can use them as Cavalry mounts for native troops. Elves and Orcs can raise Wolf scouts as native troops but are limited to twice the OB max in a campaign. Wolf Scouts are un-mounted wolves who are based as Light Horse but do not suffer disruption in Rough terrain. Wolf Dragoons will carry their riders to within charge range then the riders will dismount and the wolves will charge the nearest enemy unit.
Races can be regarded as raised at either a Special Recruitment location or an Overseas Mercenary. These are not really overseas but actually residing in an isolated hard to find location. Races found in Special Recruitment areas are Trolls, Hobbits, Gnolls, Ents, and Bugbears. Races found only in Overseas regions are Ogres, Hobbits, Kobalds, Gnomes, Giants, Centaurs. Supreme Warlord: Bloodlust Army Lists
Army Lists: Main Fantasy Races Army Lists: Minor Races and Special Creatures Army Lists: Historical Human Armies Back to Time Portal Passages Fall 2004 Table of Contents Back to Time Portal Passages List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2004 by Rudy Scott Nelson This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |