by Rudy Scott Nelson
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Because of the independent nature of the tribes, it is hard to produce a definitive list. I have listed the tribal name first, followed by any National or Linguistic association. Next, I provide an APPROXIMATE location, additional notes and known enemies. Because of the lack of recorded dates of pre-European contact conficts, I do not have a Chronological list of Nation vs Nation wars. ALEUTS. Located along the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. Reports included them using darts in combat. Used as mercenaries/ subjegated troops against the Tlingits by the Russians. Fought the Tlingits and Russians (1761-66) ATHENA. Athabascan. Located on the Cooper River Alaska. Fought the Eskimos and Russians in 1796. BELLA BELLA. Tsimshian/ ?Kwakiutl. Regarded a very good warriors. Fought the Xaihais, other Tsimshian, Haida and Bella Cola BELLA COOLA. Coastal Salish. Fought the Bella Bella CHEHALIS. Salish. Located in Northwest Washington around Gray Harbor. CHILKAT. Tinglit. Conducted a successful raid in 1852 against the British at Fort Selkirk. CHIPEWYAN. Located in Canada's Northwest Territory near the western coast of Hudson Bay. Fought the Cree and Dogrib. CHINOOK. Located in the coastal Washington area of the lower Columbia River. Regarded as key traders in the regions economic system. Fought wars with the Modoc and Nez Perce. CHILCOTINS. Fought the Salish. COMOX. Salish. Located on the north coast of the Gulf of Georgia. Fought the Lekwiltok. CREE. Often regarded as a Northern Plains Nation, their influence extended northward to includ portions of the Plateau, Sub-Arctic and Mackenzie regions. They fought Slavey, various Inland Salish tribes, Chipewyan DOGRIB. Located in Northern Northwest territory. Fought the Chipewyan, Yellowknife and Eskimo ESKIMO. Located in Alaska. The Inuits were in north Alaska and the YUPIK were located near the Bering Strait. Unusual for mackenzie Nations in that they preferred the bow rather than the sling. Fought the Kutchin, Dogrib, Athena and the Tanaina HAIDA. Includes the Kaigani tribe. Located on the islands of the Price of Wales Archepelego and Queen Charlotte Island. Fought wars with the various tribes of the Tlingit and Tsimshian HAISLA. Kwakiutl. HEILTSUK. Kwakiutl. Includes the Xaihais tribe. Considered superior warriors INGALIK. Athapascan. Located in NW Alaska. Fought the Eskimo and other neighbors. KITKATLA and KITISU. Tsimshian tribes that fought the Xaihais KLAMATH. A major Nation whose tribes were located in the area where the Northwest Coastal, Plateau and California regions merged. Often a close ally of the Modocs and participated in joint raids with them. However they did not support the Modocs during their conflicts with the USA. Fought wars with the Salmish tribes and the Achomawi . KLATKANIE. Located in coastal Oregon. A very warlike tribe which was eventually wiped out. KLICKITAT. (AKA Walla Walla??) Located on the Eastern slopes of the Cascaaades , north of Columbia River. They launched a conquest campaign during the 1830s in the Columbia river, Wallamet Valley and coastal areas down to the Rouge River area and forced many of the local tribes to pay them tribute. KUTCHIN. Athabascan. Fought the Eskimo KWAKIUTL. A major linguistic group of the area and includes the Haisla, Heiltsuk, Ukeltaws and Nootka. LEKWILTOK. Kwakiutl. Considered one of the most aggressive of the Kwakiutl nation. Fought the Cumox/Salish LILLOOET. Stlatlumh culture also Inland Salmish. Located in western British Columbia and some consider as part of the Plateau region. Fought wars with other Salish MAKAH. Nootka. Fought the Salish. NISQUALLI. Salmish. Located in the Puget Sound area. NOOTKA. Kwakiutl though some authors consider them a separate linguistic group. Included 26 tribes. Fought wars with the Salish. SALISHAN. A major linguistic and cultural group of the Northwest Coast region. Located on the coastal areas of British Columbia and Northern Washington around Puget Sound and Olympic Island. There were 16 tribal groups among the Coastal Salish and 7 groups among the Inland Salish. Member tribes included the Bella Coola, Tillamook, Chehalis and Squamish. Some Salish tribes were located east of the Cascades in the Plateau region and were referred to as the Inland Salish. Some Salish tribes practiced a head shaping ritual which resulted in they being often referred to as FLATHEADS. A very aggressive Nation. Fought numerous wars with their neighbors including various tribes of the Klamath and Kwakiutl. SAHAPTINS. Located along the Columbia River. SARCI. Aka SARCEE. Fought Tsimshian, Inland Salish and Tinglit tribes. See Plains. SELISH. Salish tribe located in coastal British Columbia. SLAVEY. Aka Slave. Located in the Northwest Territory. Often fought the Cree. SQUAMISH. Salish. Located on the Burrard Inlet. TANAINA. Athapascan. Located on the Kenai Peninsula around Cook Inlet. Fought the Eskimo. TANANA. Located on the Tanana River in Alaska. Fought the Eskimo. TILLAMOOK. Salish. Aka Umpqua. Located along the Oregon coast. Fought American traders- militia /USA in 1788. Allied with Tututni. TINGLIT. A major linguistic and cultural Nation of the Northwest coast. Consisted of fourteen tribal groupings including the Yakutat, Taglish, Chilkat, Stikine, Kake and Sitka. Various tribes fought wars with the Haida, Aleut, Chugach, British (1852) and the Russians (1802-67) TSILKOTIN. Athapascan. located on the Chilcotin River in British Columbia. Often fought the Shuswap. TSIMSHIAN. A major linguistic and cultural Nation of the Northwest coast. Includes two sub-divisions of Niska (coastal) with fourteen tribes and the Gitksan (inland) with eight tribes. TUTUTNI. Aka Rouge. Located in coastal SW Oregon, south of the Chetco River. Fought a series of skirmishes with American miltia during the 1850s. UKELTAWS. Kwakiutl. Fought wars with the Salish WAKASHAN. Considered by some authors to be a primary linguistic group with sub-divisions of Kwakiutl and Nootka WIKENU. Tsimshian XAIHAS. Heiltsuk-Kwakiutl. Fought wars with the Bella Bella and Wikenu. YELLOWKNIFE. Located in the Mackenzie region in northern Canada Various small tribes of the Central Oregon area included the CHEMAKUM, QUILEUTE, COOS, ALSEA and SIUSLAW. More America's Far West
Warfare Among the Native Nations of the Mackenzie and Northwest Coast Major Nations in the Mackenzie and Northwest Coast Regions The Nations of the Plateau Major Nations of the Great Basin Major Nations of the California Region Chronology of Conflicts Back to Time Portal Passages Fall 2000 Table of Contents Back to Time Portal Passages List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2000 by Rudy Scott Nelson This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |