written by Roger E. Moore
artwork by Cris Dornous and Carl Frank
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The following story is one that must be compiled from numerous sources after considerable questioning by player characters. Otiluke's former neighbors do not like talking about this episode for many reasons, not the least of which is the potential threat to their lives offered by those who raided Otiluke's home. The DM should paraphrase this material if an NPC is questioned, adding embellishments or minor twists as desired. On the day that Otiluke was murdered, a large squad of men in medium armor (chain mail) rode up to Otiluke's home from Marsh Street, having assembled at some point in the northern end of the River Quarter. Some 18-20 were counted by onlookers. They used a device, possibly magical, to swiftly break down the front door, then many charged inside while others stood guard outside, attacking with swords anyone who came close. An old beggar and two minor followers of Trithereon were killed by the attackers, and all onlookers were threatened with death if they spoke of this to anyone. The men spoke a foreign language that one onlooker, a baker, recognized as Baklunish, though they wore armor and clothing typical of the city of Greyhawk. Their faces were partially covered by their helmets. The men looted the house in record time, mounting their horses and fleeing within 10 minutes of their arrival. The last two men leaving the house were seen running; they appeared to have been in a fight with someone inside, as they had been wounded and were bleeding. All escaping men carried off sacks full of valuable items, waving some in the air as trophies of their raid. The men rode out of the city through Marsh Gate, surprising the soldiers there and wounding three. Their ultimate destination was not known then. It is known now that they were working for Rary. The five servants (three male, two female) who worked for Otiluke at the time were all slain by the men who looted his home. They were local people, all elderly. Their bodies have long since been buried. Glorial, his apprentice, was at home that morning. From her words to neighbors later, she had been upstairs when the men attacked. She had snatched up a dagger to defend herself. She was magically unprepared; her spells for the day were not offensive -- she was studying divination spells and had not finished learning her full range of spells for the day, as she had not planned to leave the house. In the ensuing melee, she killed one attacker and wounded two others, driving the men from the second floor though one of them (whom she later slew) managed to throw a device into Otituke's workroom that detonated and destroyed his workshop. Glorial was battered and wounded in the fight, but was treated by several minor clerics of Trithereon who arrived on the scene as the men were escaping. Curiously, despite Glorial's story of a device detonating in Otiluke's workroom, no explosion was heard from within the house by onlookers, and no one saw flames, light, or smoke within the home. No one dared enter the home until a Special Patrol Group arrived an hour later, backed by several extra wizards from the Guild of Wizardry, who secured the area. Otiluke's house was found to have been stripped of nearly all its many valuables. The body of the one attacker -- a male human -- was removed-, nothing is known of its disposition. No harm was done to the leather-working family's residence next door, leading many to suppose that the attackers had special knowledge of Otiluke's quarters. City officials were tight-lipped about other details, and kept the house under heavy guard for weeks. Glorial moved out of the area that evening, staying at a guarded inn elsewhere in the city for weeks afterward. She refused to speak to anyone about the event, except for official investigators and a few trusted neighbors. The Guild of Wizardry issued a statement that completely cleared her of any complicity in the attack on Otiluke's home. The guild even commended her for her courage, as she resisted three armed men while armed only with a common dagger (and no spells). Anyone looking for Glorial, may ask about her at the Guild of Wizardry. Glorial is said by the membership office to have left the city for Dyvers during Needfest 585, earlier this year, headed for an undisclosed address. The guild has respected her request for privacy following her mentor's death. Rumors and gossip about her have dried up, though there was a brief flurry about after Otiluke was killed; what would she do with no place to go. There was and is very little said about her relationship with Otiluke; it is simply not regarded as being anyone's business but theirs. The leather-working family has stayed on next door to Oitluke's former home, though sometimes rumors surface that one or more of them were involved in Otiluke's death charges that have long since been proven false by a variety of means. Clerics and followers of Trithereon now patrol this area more often than before, challenging anyone who looks even vaguely suspicious and calling for the Watch at the slightest disturbance. A huge street fight with a merchant wagon guarded by clerics of Pholtus came about in Sunsebb 584; two people were killed, six were injured, and five (including three of the injured) were jailed. The city government has since ordered everyone to keep the peace here or face grave punishment. Several neighbors recall that in Patchwall, 584 (just a week after what would have been Otiluke's 42nd birthday), a famed gnome warrior and spellcaster came to visit and inspect the grounds of Otiluke's home. He was Imiric von Suss- Varren, a powerful count from the Principality of Ulek and until recently a henchman of Otiluke. He had retired from Otiluke's service shortly after the Vecna affair less than five years earlier, and he had recently been directly involved in fighting against the so-called Ore Empire of the Pomarj, which had invaded and taken his ancestral lands in the Suss Marches. The gnome seemed saddened and quite weary, but said little to anyone as he inspected the house in the company of the Greyhawk Watch and two wizards from the Guild. He apparently spoke with Glorial at her inn room; the conversation (which was not overheard) seemed to anger him, as he left the city in an ill-humor soon thereafter, returning to the Principality of Ulek. The town house and Otiluke's belongings are now believed by all to belong to local relatives of Otiluke, left to them in his will. These relatives have not been seen around the house, and to everyone's knowledge they have not inspected the place nor taken up residence there. Their names and addresses are not known. It is suspected they are in hiding or laying low to avoid being targeted by Rary or other enemies of Otiluke in the future. This seems logical to all. The House on Summoner Court Greyhawk Location
Events of Harvester 14 584CY: About Noon Loose Ends and Odd Trails Examining the House Inside and Outside Objects Found in the House Future Adventures and Disasters NPCs: Sgt-at-Arms and Invisible Stalker Back to Shadis #50 Table of Contents Back to Shadis List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1998 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in MagWeb.com (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |