Part Two:
Dealing With Devils
by Serge Stelmack
Artwork by Mary Lee Bryning
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Whether the characters are prisoners of the brothers or not, the deal David Parchuk offers is the same: "You see, it's like this--Outland belongs to Jim and me. We brew alcohol, and have a stash of drugs which everybody can shoot to keep themselves happy. In return, our boys nab anybody who gets themselves stuck near this place. "We've made ourselves a damn fine living, but now we think it's time to go and look for greener pastures. We have a whole mess of trucks parked down at our place, plus more guns and ammo than we know what to do with. We even got thirty men who will jump when we say so, as least as long as they get their fixes. "Unfortunately there's a bit of a setback. A good ol' boy narned Chip is what has been giving us our business. As long as he's around every gadget that gets within ten miles of our place shuts down, and stays that way permanent. "The only way we're going to get on the road like we want to is to do old Chip in, but that's not so easy. You see, Chip's a demon, like the ones that Lucifer himself used to have. He got himself in a nasty tangle with an angel around Judgement Day, but he won and lived to crawl over to our place. "So here's the bottom line: you kill Chip for us and we'll give you the girl and her plane. You can fly OUt of here and have yourselves a good life. Otherwise we're going to have to give the little girl to Chip to eat, since he gets mighty upset if he don't get someone to chew on every now and then." How? If the characters ask how Chip can be slain, David Parchuk answers as follows: "Well, when Chip fought with that angel he didn't get to killing her. Instead he nailed her to a rock about five miles down the road from here and left her to suffer. People have tried to get them nails out, but none of them have done it, so the angel is still stuck there like a moth on a pin. "Me and Jim went to see her about Chip, figuring that she would know how to kill him, but she won't talk with us. We'd like you all to go give it a try, seeing as how nice you all seem." If the characters refuse the deal, and are prisoners of the brothers, David threatens to execute Julie on the spot. He means it, and unless the character agree very quickly he puts a crossbow bolt through her head. If the characters refuse and are not prisoners, David gives them one last chance to reconsider before riding off and getting the rest of the bandit gang. On foot, fighting thirty men, the characters don't have much chance of survival. Say Nothing Should the deal be accepted, however, Jim tells them that when they figure out how to kill Chip they should come back to the camp but not say a word to anyone when they do. Chip can hear anything said within about 200' of him, regardless of noise, distraction, or intervening structures, and would not react in kindly to an assassination plot. Presuming the characters agree, they are left alone with the threat that if they do not show up at the camp within two days, a posse will hunt them down and kill them. If Julie was with them, she is taken back to the camp by the brothers.
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Part One: The Long Strange Road Part Two: Dealing With Devils Part Three: Date With an Angel Part Four: Gravedigging Part Five: Showdown in Outland Epilogue Back to Shadis #35 Table of Contents This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |