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New PostingsSeptember 29, 1998Historical Minatures September 28, 1998Renaissance Book Review News Item September 24, 1998Ancient and Medieval Info September 21, 1998Clash of Empires Double Issue September 18, 1998Victorian Colonial Era and Spanish-American War September 16, 1998News: AH and Don Greenwood
September 15, 1998Courier Back Issues September 14, 1998War Lore: Kursk 1943 September 12, 1998Spanish Civil War Issue September 11, 1998Welcome 54th Magazine! Taisho covers Japanese Samurai military history and supports Killer Katana rules. September 10, 1998News: Napoleonic Fair; Blue Byte Software
Blue Byte Software announcements: agreement for a 3D engine, and also, the DVD version of Settlers III game for release in the 4th quarter 1998. September 9, 1998Welcome 53rd Magazine! The Frontline covers all eras of military history and wargaming. September 8, 1998MagWeb Hall of Heroes Inducts Neal Smith September 7, 1998Current and Back Issues about the Ottoman Empire September 5, 1998Current and Back Issues about Military Books September 4, 1998One-Drous Chapters: WWII German Leadership; AWI Scenario
Army of Professionals (AWI Scenario: Moore's Creek Bridge 1776) September 3, 1998Back Issue: Campaign September 1, 1998Trio of Conflict Back Issues September 1, 1998New Advertiser
August 28, 1998Quartet of Zouave Back Issues for ACW information.
Zouave Vol. VII No. 3 (Fall 1993) Zouave Vol. VII No. 2 (Summer 1993) Zouave Vol. VII No. 1 (Spring 1993) August 26, 1998Welcome 52nd Magazine! The Tombstone Epitath supports the collectible sci-fi/wild west card game DoomTown. Enjoy... August 25, 1998Welcome 51st Magazine: Berg's Review of Games (BROG) brings you comprehensive reviews of historical board and computer wargames. Enjoy... August 24, 1998Quartet of News Items MagWeb Discussion Board Hits and Posts (numbers) HMGS Exhibit California State University, Fullerton Forge: Out of Chaos Released New RPG game. Advance The Colors HMGS Convention Sept 18-20, 1998. August 22, 1998NBN Week Ends with a Back Issues:
We hope you have enjoyed our second annual NBN (Nuthin' But Napoleon) Week. Remember, the Napoleonic trivia/scavenger hunt contest continues until September 7. If you haven't entered, please do. And if you have friends who might be interested, please let them know about the contest and about MagWeb. August 21, 1998NBN Week: Even More...Back Issue NN&Q August 20, 1998Napoleon Only Week! News and Army List
In Napoleon's Shadow: The Memoirs of Louis-Joseph Marchand August 19, 1998More NBN Week! First Empire back issue August 18, 1998Hey! It's NBN Week! Empires Eagles & Lions back issue August 17, 1998NBN Week Continues With a Back issue of Age of Napoleon August 16, 1998NBN Week Continues With a Back issue of First Empire NBN Week II: August 15-22, 1998August 15, 1998Magazine and memoirs
With Abercrombie and Moore in Egypt (Memoirs) After Waterloo: Most Pivotal Battle? gives you a chance to get into a discussion after what would/could have happened if Napoleon had won Waterloo. Since the battle was selected by MagWeb members as the most pivotal battle, here's your chance to express your ideas on how history would have been reshaped. Click on the "Discussions" icon off the MagWeb Master Magazine List page, then either enter your username and password again (to "register" if you've never been in discussions, or "login" if you have) and click on the "Historical Periods" link, and then the "Napoleonic" link, and finally on the "After Waterloo: Most Pivotal Battle?" link. And the Contest Grand Prize: hand-cast Napoleonic chess set by Robert Taylor. This is a trivia/scavenger hunt style contest (the info to complete the contest entry is on the free sample side of MagWeb). Good hunting and good luck! And if you want to see more of Taylor's chess sets, visit our Mall at MagWeb: August 14, 1998New Advertiser
August 13, 1998Sino-Japanese War 1937-1941
August 12, 1998Current Issue: Penny Whistle #37 August 11, 1998Designer Interview: Mark Royer
August 10, 1998Back Issue: MWAN #93 Aug 6-9, 1998MagWeb at Gencon convention We went, we saw, we schmoozed, we listened to lectures, and we gamed. Full convention report coming, but we have to recover first! DiscussionsAlthough not necessarily our most popular feature, members should note that they are available. You can post free classified ads to sell those old games, figures, and rules. A couple of new discussions have started regarding tactics in the American Civil War and Modern Soviet tactics. And if you log in with your username and password, you'll be able to "check Messages" and retrieve only the latest ones... August 5, 1998News
Fix Bayonets Casualty Change. August 4, 1998Back Issues of PW Review
PW Review December 1997 PW Review November 1997 PW Review October 1997 PW Review September 1997 August 1, 1998Current and Back Issue July 31, 1998Origins '98 Report and Game Reviews
Nuts! WWII Battle of the Bulge Card Game. Bosworth Chess Variant Board Game. Bommerz Flying Orkz Board Game. July 30, 1998New Advertiser
Pete Panzeri is the driving force behind this Oct 9-11 convention in Sea Girt, NJ. Details via the link above. July 29, 1998News Items
Campaign '98: 10-11 October 1998 Convention (USA). Settlers III Online Beta Test Online game. July 23-26, 1998MagWeb at Historicon '98
July 21, 1998A Trio of News Items
Blue Byte Software Upcoming Releases 1998-99 On Wellington: The Duke and his Art of War July 20, 1998Napoleonic Back Issue July 18, 1998White Knight Back Issue July 17, 1998Rebel Yell Current Issue July 16, 1998News, Reviews, and Sample Chapters July 15, 1998Napoleonic Back Issue July 14, 1998New Penny Whistle July 13, 1998Spanish Civil War July 12, 1998Greenhill Military Book News Current Issue July 11, 1998Gauntlet Current Issue July 7-9Convention Recovery!
July 6, 1998Courier Back Issues cover wide range of historical topics
The Courier Vol. I, No. 5 (March-April 1980) The Courier Vol. I, No. 4 (December-February 1980) MagWeb has 7,611 articles available to members... July 2-5, 1998MagWeb at Origins '98
July 1, 1998Shadis Back Issues for sci-fi Fast Facts: MagWeb Hit Parade of Numbers Uploaded in April, May, and June 1998 July 1, 1998: