A Tribute to John R. Elting

George Nafziger

Author of Imperial Bayonets and the 18-volume Napoleonic Studies series.

"I first met John Elting at the Little Wars wargaming convention in 1995 where he was signing copies of his recent translation of Captain Blaze. I listened to his talks and found him a delightful gentleman. Two years later I truly came to know him personally when my son and I went on a Napoleonic Alliance tour of the battlefields of northern Italy and Switzerland with Colonel Elting and Christopher Duffy.

"However, not wishing to be maudlin about my friend, let me, instead, tell a story about him. During our trip to Northern Italy, we were in Arcola to visit the nearby battlefield. John was 85 years old at the time and not up for a lot of walking so he stayed with the bus which was parked next to an American style house. The owner was at the front trimming his hedge. John didn't speak a word of Italian and the homeowner didn't speak a word of English, but they were having a marvelous time.

"My arrival provided a translator and the explanation that we were there to visit the Napoleonic battlefield. The homeowner said that the town had a nice little museum dedicated to Napoleon, but we advised him that the museum was closed. Suddenly, he ran back to his garage, fired up his Mercedes and roared down the street to get the museum director. He came back in triumph a few minutes later. John's ready smile won us entry into the museum. "Later, at the Panixer Pass, we climbed off the bus and wandered about in what was a near gale. John's hat blew off. My son bolted after it and soon brought it back. Ever since then, when John and I met he asked about my son.

"Since that time we'd corresponded regularly. We discussed many historical topics and I'll cherish every conversation. I've saved them all. I'll miss him very much."

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