Napoleonic Calendar

Upcoming Events

13-15 February, 1998 A complete Napoleonic program hosted by the Napoleonic Alliance will be featured as part of Celebrate History, a new type of show that premieres at the South San Francisco Conference Center over Presidents' Day holiday weekend. Presentations will be made by noted authors Scott Bowden and Brent Nosworthy, militaria experts Virginia Medlen and Sheperd Paine, and renowned artist Keith Rocco, among others. Living history activities by re-enactors, including a multi-era ball and historical fashion show, are also planned. To become a member of the Napoleonic Alliance, or to participate as a speaker or volunteer, contact Virginia Medlen, 220 Montgomery Street, Suite 2200, San Francisco, CA 94104, telephone 415-705-8410. To receive pre-registration materials with the list of events and activities, contact Celebrate History, P.O. Box 70332, Point Richmond, CA 94807-0332 USA, telephone 800-748-9901 (voice mail), or e-mail to

15 February, 1998 The fifth annual Napoleonic Fair will again be held in central London at the Royal National Hotel, Bedford Way (off Russell Square) from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on a Sunday, hosted by Greenhill Books, publishers of the Napoleonic Library series. The one day event will include a dealer room with 100 stands of vendors offering books, militaria, prints, etc. There will also be wargame demonstrations, re-enactors, and a painting contest. Lecture presentations have been added for 1998, including "Was Napoleon Murdered at St. Helena" by Ben Weider, and "Wellington: Did He Trick the Prussians into Fighting at Ligny?" by Peter Hofschršer. Admission is Ł5 by catalogue (available at the door) with a prize drawing. For more information, contact: Greenhill Books, Park House, 1 Russell Gardens, London NW11 9NN England. Phone: 0181-458-6314; fax: 0181-905-5245; e-mail:

5-7 March, 1998 The 28th Consortium on Revolutionary Europe 1750-1850 will be held at Florida State University, Tallahassee in the spring. Information and further details can be obtained from Dr. Donald Horward, Institute on Napoleon and the French Revolution, Dept. of History, 429 Bellamy, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2029 USA. Telephone: 904-385-2680; fax: 904-644-6402.

13-17 July, 1998 The second International Congress on the Duke of Wellington will he held at the University of Southampton, England, this summer. This major conference invites proposals for papers on any aspect of the first Duke of Wellington's life and career. Prospective contributors are invited to send a proposal of 100-150 words to the congress organizer by 1 March, 1998. Proposals can be submitted in hard copy; on 3.5 inch disk WordPerfect 5.1 file; or as an e-mail ASCII file.

The Special Collections Division of the Hartley Library at the University holds the principal collection of the public papers of the first Duke of Wellington, as well as other extensive holdings relating to British political military, official and diplomatic history in the first half of the 19th Century.

The main program of plenary sessions includes contributions on the Duke of Wellington's military career in India, the Peninsula and at Waterloo, his political career and cultural aspects of his life and work. Keynote speakers scheduled are Field Marshal Lord Carver and Professor Neville Thompson of the University of Western Ontario, Canada. Nearly 50 papers are noted as in the program so far, including "Wellington and Massena" by Professor Donald Horward (see interview this issue); "Wellington's relationship with the Prussian High Command, June 1815" by Peter Hofschršer; "Vandamme, Grouchy and the retreat to Paris" by Professor John Gallaher; and "Wellington's Lost Soldiers: British Prisoners of War" by J. David Markham.

For further information on attending, contact the congress organizer: Dr. C. M. Woolgar, Archivist and Head of Special Collections, Hartley Library, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ England. Telephone: 01703-592989; fax: 01703-593007; e-mail:

18-20 September, 1998 The 14th annual Conference of the Napoleonic Society of America will be held in New Orleans again, site of the 1996 convention. The NSA is also planning a tour to Napoleon's Italian battlefields in May. For details, contact the Napoleonic Society of America, 1115 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Clearwater, FL 34616. Telephone 813-586-1779; fax 813-581-2578.

2-4 October, 1998 The Napoleonic Alliance will hold its annual conference in Colonial William-sburg, Virginia, in the fall. Papers will be presented by both scholars and members of the NA, and other functions are scheduled as well. For registration form and other details, call 773-777-4709 or write to: Napoleonic Alliance Williams-burg Conference, 5744 West Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL 60634 USA.

27 October-11 November, 1998 The Napoleonic Alliance is hosting a 200th anniversary tour of Bonaparte's invasion of Egypt in the fall. Top authorities in Egyptology as well as Napoleonics are scheduled as guides, and special access to restricted areas not usually open to the public are included in the tour. Jerusalem and the World War II battlefield El Alamein will be visited as well. For details, call 773-777-4709 or write to: Napoleonic Alliance Williamsburg Conference, 5744 West Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL 60634 USA.

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