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No. 10

Units and Uniforms


They were considered the senior line regiments of the French heavy cavalry. Unlike the armored cuirassiers, the two regiments of the carabiniers initially wore no armor and sported tall bearskin hats, befitting their title of Grenadiers of the cavalry. After playing a prominent role in the victory at Austerlitz in 1805, the carabiniers were underemployed in 1806-1807. The great test came in 1809 when they were twice called upon to hold the center--and suffered terribly as a result. This led to a new uniform with cuirass and helmet, which they wore into Russia in 1812. Destroyed during that campaign, they did not regain their level of quality until 1815. At Waterloo, the carabiniers, along with the rest of the French cavalry, would be wasted in a grand but futile series of charges.

Cover: Keith Rocco's "The Melee" highlights the charge at Brorodino, 1812.
Large Cover (224K)

200th Anniversary


    Young General Bonaparte's amazing string of victories in 1796-1797 receives the most attention in studies of the Revolutionary period. But Napoleon was appointed to his command by the new government of France, called the Directory. After the excesses of the Reign of Terror, many hoped for stable, moderate rule. Instead, they were exploited by two corrupt Directors who fended off numerous coup attempts from Leftists and Royalists--when they were not plotting against the other three Directors. the continuing chaos helped set the stage for Napoleon's coup.

    Flags of the Revolution

Featured Scholar


    Colonel John R. Elting is perhaps the most respected American Napoleonic scholar. Author of the classic Swords around the Throne and many other works, Elting's insight ranges from the minute detail of uniforms to the intricasies of how Napoleon's army functioned. A combat veteran of WWII, he offers a perspective of warfare that few modern scholars can match. Dr. June Burton conducted Napoleon's fourth interview by correspondence which featured Elting's unique style and insight.

Game Review


    After Waterloo, Napoleon's 1812 campaign in Russia may be the most well-known of his 19 years in the field. Talonsoft's graphic depiction of battlefield terrain and Napoleonic military formations moves east to the Battle of Borodino.


Napoleonic Library: Reviews of selected books

Napoleonic Calendar: Letters, News, and Events

Product Survey: Items of Interest

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