by Chris Engle
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4-6-00 Turn ResultsHappy Islamic New Year! In the game the year is now 1301 AH. (In real time it is 1421 AH). Ali Baba in the middle of the battle and about the time the shelling started says he is going to get reinforcements. (Yeah sure) When the shelling starts and things get really confusing he falls down, rolls next a dead man and grabs his clothes. He crawls to the edge of the battle field and makes tracks that only a thief can make for his village. The Shariot at Dorah digs in. The Shariot realizing that the situation facing them is very grim, order the building of defences around Dorah. Walls are built, trenches dug and every able bodied male from the age of 10 on up are now in military service. The women have formed their own Brigade prepared to die with their men if necessary. Dorah will fight to the very end. The Zakat and Kiff monopoly revenue is used to buy rifles and some mercenaries from the south. Mustapha and his raiders return to his tribe heroes, loaded with booty and praising Allah for his justice. Mustapha is astonished to hear of the rout of Ali Baba's forces at Dar as Salaam, and can only say, "Allah's name is great," and "Honor has been satisfied." He notes that Ali may not yet be dead, and warns his tribe to be wary still -- post guards in their fields, villages, etc. He and his tribe do a lot of praying in thanks. Mullah Amad returns to Dar as Salaam to find that a great battle has taken place. The thief Ali Baba's power has been broken, his "jihad" destroyed. The people of Dar as Salaam welcome Amad back as their spiritual leader. They know his policy of moderation prevented bloodshed until Ali Baba's threats forced him to leave the country. Amad restores his position by preaching the philosophy of tolerance for all people. He reminds his people that only the threat from the fanaticism of Ali Baba's followers enabled the Europeans to cooperate. Without an external threat, the European unity will soon disappear, and the troops will disappear to fight among themselves somewhere else. Schliemann and the expedition have been unable to leave because of the siege. Now they plan to leave ASAP! In the midst of their packing, a messenger from British Captain Harold Graham arrives to report that all the remaining hostages are in the British camp infirmary (and none of them have turned Muslim). Ali Baba had kept them near him throughout the campaign, the better to keep them from being killed by his followers (he recognized they were money in the bank), and they had escaped (or been ignored) in the chaos. The British found them. Henry Jones is among them; Schliemann sends Schmidt to conclude remaining expedition business with him, and arrange passage with the British once he's well. The expedition then leaves for Malta and home. THE REFEREE INSERTS A CONFLICTA great debate breaks out in Parliament. The war in Dar as Salaam is won – some say. Other point out that the French gained more than Britain. Still others say the matter is mute – the fighting is over – our boys should come home. Others point out England's moral obligation to the people of Dar as Salaam. Others say Damn the WOGs! Let them fight their own wars! No mater what the outcome, it looks like Dar as Salaam is in for a long nasty civil war. The Mullah Amad, Young Salaam and the Bey hold the city. Ali Baba, now a legend is safe in the hinterland. Modernity versus tradition. It will be many years before this conflict is settled! 4-9-00 Turn ResultsThe Debate in Parliament rages for days but in the end all realize that chaos in Dar as Salaam prevents anyone from using it as a spring board to India. The Prime Minister declares victory and calls for most of the Troops to come home. Only one Battalion will be left to safe guard British civilians. 4-10-00 Turn ResultsThe Turkish elements of the Bey's army that were scattered by Ali Bab are reformed outside Dar as Salaam city. The victory won by Young Salaam restores their morale. With the defeat of the ansar horde Ali Baba no longer menaces the countryside allowing stragglers to come out of hiding and report for duty. And if they don't report for duty who will feed them? This has the effect of restoring three of the Bey's less-than-reliable troops. Dar as Salaam: 1880 British Invasion Matrix Game
Turn 2-24-00 Turn 2-27-00 and 3-2-00 Turn 3-5-00 and 3-9-00 Turn 3-12-00 and 3-16-00 Turn 3-19-00 and 3-23-00 Turn 3-30-00 and 4-2-00 Turn 4-6-00, 4-9-00, and 4-10-00 Historical View of the 1880 Invasion of Dar as Salaam 4-16-00 The players' "Where are they now…" arguments Started in MG #11. Back to Table of Contents -- Matrix Gamer #12 To Matrix Gamer List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2000 by Chris Engle. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |