The 1991 Persian Gulf War

US: MARCENT (Marines): I, II MEF

by David Nilsen and Greg Novak

I Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF)

    I MEF Headquarters
      1 command stand
      1 LAV-C
      1 LAV-C TOC

1st Marine Division


Divisional Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 HMMWV
    1 AAVC-7A1 TOC

Task Force Papa Bear (Regimental Combat Team 1), with:

    Headquarters 1st Marines, with:
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      1 AAVC-7A1 TOC

    Regimental Antitank Platoon, with:

      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      6 HMMWV with TOW

    1st Battalion, 1st Marines, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 AAVC-7A1 TOC
        1 recon infantry stand
        1 HMMWV with 40mm AGL
        1 HMG stand
        1 5-ton truck
        1 5-ton supply truck with trailer
        1 maintenance van

      4 Infantry Companies, each with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        1 weapons stand

      Weapons Company, with:

        1 command stand
        2 81mm mortars
        1 HMG stand
        1 40mm AGL stand
        6 Dragon teams
        2 HMMWV with trailers
        5 HMMWV

      Plus attached unit: B Company, 3d Assault Amphibian Battalion, with: 1 command stand and 8 AAVP-7A1

    3d Battalion, 9th Marines

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 AAVC-7A1 TOC
        1 recon infantry stand
        1 HMMWV with 40mm AGL
        1 HMG stand
        1 5-ton truck
        1 5-ton supply truck with trailer
        1 maintenance van

      3 Infantry Companies, each with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        1 weapons stand

      Weapons Company, with:

        1 command stand
        2 81mm mortars
        1 HMG stand
        1 40mm AGL stand
        6 Dragon teams
        2 HMMWV with trailers
        5 HMMWVs

      Plus Attached units: C Company, 3d Assault Amphibians, with 1 command stand and 6 AAVP-7A1
      B Company, 1st Tank Battalion, with:

        1 command M60A1 RP
        1 M60A1 RP
        1 M60A1 RP with mine plow

    1st Tank Battalion, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command M60A1 RP
        1 AAVC-7A1 TOC
        1 recon HMMWV with HMG
        1 recon HMMWV with Mk 19 40mm AGL
        2 5-ton ammo trucks with trailers
        2 M88 ARV
        1 maintenance van

      2 Tank Companies (C & D, 1st Tks), each with: 1 command M60A1 RP and 2 M60A1 RP

      Antitank Company, with:

        Company Headquarters, with: 1 command stand and 1 HMMWV
        4 Platoons (one from HQ Co., 5th Marines), each with:
          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          6 HMMWV with TOW

      I Company, 3/9 Marines, with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        1 weapons stand
        2 AAVP-7A1

    Engineer Task Force (consisting of units:

      A Company, 1st Combat Engineer Battalion,
      A Company, 7th Engineer Support Battalion,
      Detachment, 3d Assault Amphibian Bn), with:
        Task Force Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          1 AAVC-7A1 TOC
          1 M60A1 RP with bulldozer blade
          1 AVLB
          1 M9 ACE combat earthmover
          2 SEE
          3 dumptrucks

        2 Engineer Teams, each with:

          1 command stand
          3 engineer stands
          3 AAVP-7A1 with fascines
          1 AAVP-7A1 with linecharge
          1 armored D-7 bulldozer
          1 T5 bulldozer
          2 line charge trailers

Task Force Ripper (Regimental Combat Team 7), with:

    Headquarters, 7th Marines as Headquarters, 1st Marines
    Regimental Antitank Platoon as with 1st Marines (TF Papa Bear)
    1st Battalion, 7th Marines as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines, plus:
      D Company,3d Assault Amphibian Battalion as C Company, 3d AAB
      A Company, 3d Tank Battalion, with: as B Company, 1st Tanks

    1st Battalion, 5th Marines as 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, plus:

      A Company, 3d Assault Amphibian Battalion as B Company, 3d AAB
      A Company, 1st Tank Battalion, with: as B Company, 1st Tanks

    3d Tank Battalion, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command M1A1
        1 AAVC-7A1 TOC
        1 recon HMMWV with HMG
        1 recon HMMWV with Mk 19 40mm AGL
        2 5-ton ammo trucks with trailers
        2 M88 ARV
        1 maintenance van

      3 Tank Companies (B & C/3d Tanks, and D/1st Tracked Vehicle Bn), each with:

        1 command M60A1 RP
        2 M60A1 RP

      A Company, 1/7 Marines as 1 Company, 3/9 Marines
      Antitank Company, with:
        Company Headquarters, with: 1 command stand and 1 HMMWV
        3 Platoons, each with: 1 command stand and 1 HMMWV and 6 HMMWV with TOW

    Engineer Task Force (consisting of units:

      C & Service Cos., 1st Combat Engineer Battalion,
      A Company, 3d Combat Engineer Battalion,
      Detachment, 3d Assault Amphibian Bn), with: as Engineer Task Force, TF Papa Bear, but 3 Engineer teams instead of 2
      D Company, 3d Light Armored Infantry Battalion
        1 command LAV-25
        2 LAV-25
        1 recon infantry stand
        1 LAV-AT

      2d Platoon, C Company, 1st Recon Battalion, with:

        1 recon infantry stand
        1 HMMWV with HMG

Task Force Taro (Regimental Combat Team 3), with:

    Headquarters, 3d Marines as Headquarters, 1st Marines
    Regimental Antitank Platoon as with 1st Marines (TF Papa Bear)
    2d Battalion, 3d Marines as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines
    3d Battalion, 3d Marines as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines
    3d Platoon, A Company, 3d Recon. Battalion, with: 1 recon. infantry stand
    Detachments, A & C Cos., 1st Recon Battalion, with:
      1 recon infantry stand
      1 patrol stand
      1 HMMWV with HMG

Task Force Grizzly (Regimental Combat Team 4), with:

    Headquarters, 4th Marines as Headquarters, 1st Marines
    Regimental Antitank Platoon as with 1st Marines (TF Papa Bear)
    2d Battalion, 7th Marines as 3d B attalion, 9th Marines
    3d Battalion, 7th Marines as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines
    2d Platoon, A Company, 1st Recon Battalion, with: 1 recon infantry stand
    1st Platoon, D Company, 1st Recon Battalion, with: 1 recon infantry stand and 1 HMMWV with HMG

Task Force X-Ray/1st Battalion, 3d Marines as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines

3d Assault Amphibian Battalion (-), with:

    Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command stand and 2 AAVR-7A1

11th Marine Regiment (TF King), "Cannon Cockers" with:
    Regimental Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV TOC
      1 HMMWV
      5 trailer-mounted Q-36 mortar locating radars
      5 5-ton trucks

    1st Battalion, 11th Marines (Artillery), with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 HMMWV TOC

      Service Battery, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 M578 ARV
        3 5-ton trucks

      3 Firing Batteries (Alpha/1/11 Marines, India/3/11 Marines, and Hotel/3/14 Marines), each with:
        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        2 HMMWV
        2 gun crew stand
        2 M 198 towed 155 howitzer
        2 5-ton trucks
        2 5-ton supply trucks with trailers

    3d Battalion, 11th Marines (Artillery) as 1st Battalion, 11th Marines, with units: Golf/3/11 Marines, Hotel/1/1 Marines, and Echo/2/12 Marines
    5th Battalion, 11th Marines (Artillery), with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 HMMWV TOC

      Service Battery, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 M578 ARV
        2 HEMTT heavy trucks

      2 Firing Batteries (Quebec & Romeo/5/11 Marines), each with:
        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        2 HMMWV
        1 gun crew stand
        1 M198 towed 155 howitzer
        1 5-ton truck
        1 5-ton supply truck with trailer

      Firing Battery (Sierra/5/11 Marines), with:
        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        2 HMMWV
        1 M109A3 SP 155 howitzers
        1 M548 ammo tractors

      Firing Battery (Tango/5/11 Marines), with:
        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        2 HMMWV
        1 M110A1 SP 8" howitzers
        1 M548 ammo tractors

    1st Battalion, 12th Marines (Artillery) as 1st Battalion, 11 th Marines, with units: Alpha & Bravo/1/12 Marines and Foxtrot/2/12 Marines

    3d Battalion, 12th Marines (Artillery), with as 1st Battalion, 11th Marines, with units: Bravo/1/10 Marines, Foxtrot/2/10 Marines, and India/3/14 Marines

Divisional Troops, with:

    Task Force Shepherd (1st Light Armored Infantry Battalion), with:
      Headquarters, 1st LAI Battalion, with:
        1 command LAV-25
        1 LAV-C TOC
        1 LAV-R ARV
        2 LAV-L supply vehicles

      Combat Support Company, with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        2 LAV-M
        4 LAV-AT

      3 Companies (A, B, & C, 1st LAI), each with:

        1 command LAV-25
        2 LAV-25
        1 recon infantry stand

    1st Reconnaissance Battalion, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command stand and 1 HMMWV
      3 Company equivalents (from A, C, & D/1st Recon, and A/3d Recon), each with:
        1 command stand
        3 recon infantry stands
        1 HMMWV with 40 AGL
        1 HMMWV with HMG

    Chemical Reconnaissance Detachment, with: 2 recon M93 Fox NBC recon vehicles

    Prisoner Handling Unit (Task Force Warden), with: 1st Battalion, 25th Marines as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines

    Battery B, 3d Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion with:

      1 command stand
      9 Stinger stands
      9 HMMWV


1. Task Forces Taro and Grizzly infiltrated on foot across the Iraqi border on G-1.

2. Task Force X-Ray (1-3 Marines) was the 1st MarDiv's heliborne contingency force.

3. Marine LAV-25s do not have APFSDSDU ammunition for the 25mm Chain Gun, so must use the APFSDS line on the Direct Fire Performance table instead.

4. Marine FO stands may designate targets for Hellfire missiles (as AH1Ws may not self-designate), as may one stand of each battalion, designated by the player as containing the battalion's air liaison officer.

5. 1st Battalion, 11 th Marines fired in direct support of Task Force Papa Bear, 3d Battalion, 11th Marines was DS to Task Force Ripper, IstBattalion, 12th Marines was DS to Task Force Taro, 3d Battalion, 12th Marines was DS to Task Force Grizzly, and 5th Battalion, 1 Ith Marines was the division's general support battalion.

6. Note that the Marines letter their companies consecutively by regiment, unlike the US Army which letters them consecutively by battalion.

2d Marine Division

Divisional Headquarters

    1 command stand
    1 LAV-C
    1 LAV-C TOC

6th Marine Regiment, with:

    Headquarters, 6th Marines as Headquarters, 1st Marines
    Regimental Antitank Platoon as with 1st Marines (rask Force Papa Bear)
    1st Battalion, 6th Marines as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines, plus
      B Company, 1st Assault Amphibian Bn with: 1 command stand and 6 AAVP-7A1
      C Company, 8th Tank Battalion, with: 1 command M60A1 RP and 1 M60A1 RP

    3d Battalion, 6th Marines as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines
    2d Battalion, 2d Marines as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines
    B Company, 2d Assault Amphibian Bn, with: as B Co., 1st AAB, above
    A Company, 8th Tank Battalion, with: as C Company, 8th Tanks, above
    8th Tank Battalion, with:
      Battalion Headquarters as in 1st Tank Bn (TF Papa Bear)
      B Company, 8th Tank Battalion, with: as C Company, 8th Tanks, above
      Antitank Company, with:
        Company Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          3 Platoons, each with:
            1 command stand
            1 HMMWV
            6 HMMWV with TOW

Task Force Breach Alpha (consisting of the following units: Company B, 2d Combat Engineer Battalion, Company D, 4th Combat Engineer Battalion, Provisional Company, 4th Assault Amphibian Battalion, and Detachment, 4th Tank Battalion), with:

    Task Force Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      1 AAVC-7A1 TOC
      1 M60A1 RP with mine rake
      1 M60A1 RP with bulldozer blade
      1 M1A1 (HA) with track-width mine plow
      1 AVLB

    2 Engineer Teams, each with:

      1 command stand
      3 engineer stands
      3 AAVP-7A1
      2 AAVP-7A1 with linecharge
      2 M60A1 RP with track-width mine plow
      5 line charge trailers
      2 M9 ACE armored combat earthmovers

8th Marine Regiment with:

    Headquarters, 8th Marines as Headquarters, 1st Marines
    Regimental Antitank Platoon as with 1st Marines (TF Papa Bear), plus Antitank Platoon (-), 4th Tanks, with: 4 HMMWV with TOW
    1st Battalion, 8th Marines as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines
      D Company, 2d Assault Amphibian Bn, with: as B Co., 1st AAB (6th Marines)
      B Company, 4th Tank Battalion, with:
        1 command M1A1 (HA)
        1 M1A1 (HA)
        1 MIA1 (HA) with mine plow

    2d Battalion, 4th Marines as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines

      B Company,4th Assault Amphibian Bn, with: as B Co., 1st AAB (6th Marines)
      C Company, 4th Tank Battalion 1 command M1A1 (HACT) and 2 M1A1 (HACT)

    3d Battalion, 23d Marines as 3d B attalion, 9th Marines

      A Company, 4th Light Armored Infantry Bn, with: as in Task Force Shepherd (1st MarDiv)
      C Company, 2d Combat Engineer Battalion, with:
        1 command stand
        3 engineer stands
        3 HMMWV
        1 armored D7 bulldozer
        1 line charge trailer
        1 SEE

1st "Tiger" Brigade, 2d Armored Division, with:

    Brigade Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 M113A3
      1 M577 TOC
      1 ANGLICO stand
      1 M2A1 Bradley

    Task Force 1st Battalion, 67th Armored, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command M1A1 Mod
        1 M577 TOC
        1 recon M3
        1 M106 SP mortar
        2 HEMTT heavy trucks
        2 M88 ARV
        1 maintenance van
        1 ANGLICO stand
        1 M2A1 Bradley

      3 Tank Companies (A, B, & D/1-67 AR), each with:

        1 command M1A1 Mod
        1 M1A1 Mod
        1 M1A1 Mod with mine plow

      Infantry Company (D/3-41 IN), with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        3 M2A2 Bradley

    Task Force 3d Battalion, 67th Armored, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command M1A1 Mod
        1 M577 TOC
        1 recon infantry stand with TOW
        2 HMMWV
        1 M106 SP mortar
        2 HEMTT heavy trucks
        2 M88 ARV
        1 maintenance van
        1 ANGLICO stand
        1 M2A1 Bradley

      3 Tank Companies (A, B, & D/3-67 AR), each with:

        1 command M1A1 Mod
        1 M1A1 Mod
        1 M1A1 Mod with mine plow

      Infantry Company (C/341 IN), with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        3 M2A2 Bradleys

    Task Force 3d Battalion, 41st Infantry (Mech), with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command M2A2 Bradley
        1 M577 TOC
        1 recon infantry stand with TOW
        2 HMMWV
        1 M 106 SP mortar
        2 5-ton ammo trucks with trailers
        2 M88 ARV
        1 maintenance van
        1 ANGLICO stand
        1 M2A1 Bradley

      2 Infantry Companies (A & B/3-41 IN), each with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        3 M2A2 Bradleys

      2 Tank Companies (C/1-67 AR & C/3-67 AR), with:

        1 command M1A1 Mod
        1 M1A1 Mod
        1 M1A1 Mod with mine plow

      Antitank ("Echo") Company, with:

        1 command stand
        1 M2A1
        3 M901A1 ITVs

    1st Battalion, 3d Field Artillery "First Gunners" as 3d Battalion, 82d Field Artillery (1st Cavalry Division)

    Battery B, 4th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, with:

      1 command stand
      1 M113A2APC
      1 M548 ammo tractor
      3 M 163 Vulcan ADA Vehicles
      2 Stinger stands
      2 HMMWV
      1 maintenance van

    A Company, 17th Engineer Battalion, with:

      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      3 engineer stands
      3 M113A2 with trailers
      1 M728 CEV with full-width mine rake
      1 M9 ACE armored combat earthmovers
      1 SEE smal emplacement excavator
      1 AVLM (AVLB-mountedmine-clearing line charge)
      1 HEMTT wrecker
      1 M548 cargo vehicle with trailer

10th Marine Regiment (Artillery), "Arm of Decision" with:

    Headquarters, 10th Marines as Headquarters, 11th Marines, plus
      4th Platoon, A Battery, 26th Field Artillery (Target Aquisition) (US Army)
        1 trailer-mounted Q-37 artillery locating radar
        1 5-ton truck

      2d Battalion, 10th Marines (Artillery) as 1st Battalion, 11th Marines, with units:

        Delta & Echo/2/10 Marines, and Delta/2114 Marines

      3d Battalion, 10th Marines (Artillery) as 1st Battalion, 11 th Marines, with units:

        India/3/10 Marines, Hotel/3/12 Marines, and Foxtrot/2/14 Marines

      5th Battalion, 10th Marines (Artillery), with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          1 HMMWV TOC

        Service Battery, with:

          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          1 M578 ARV
          2 HEMTT heavy trucks

        3 Firing Batteries (Quebec/5/10 Marines, Kilo & Mike/4/14 Marines), each with:

          1 command stand
          1 FO stand
          2 HMMWVV
          1 M109A3 SP 155 howitzers
          1 M548 ammo tractors

        Firing Battery (Romeo/5/10 Marines),with:

          1 command stand
          1 FO stand
          2 HMMWV
          1 M110A1 SP 8" howitzers
          1 M548 ammo tractors

      2d Battalion, 12th Marines (Artillery), with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 HMMWVV
          1 HMMWV TOC

        Service Battery, with:

          1 command stand
          1 HMMWVV
          1 M578 ARV
          4 5-ton trucks

        Firing Battery (Bravo/1/12 Marines), with:

          1 command stand
          1 FO stand
          2 HMMWV
          2 gun crew stands
          2 M198 towed 155 howitzers
          2 5-ton trucks
          2 5-ton supply trucks with trailers

        3 Firing Batteries (Sierra/5/10 Marines, Delta/2/12 Marines, and Lima/4/12 Marines), each with:

          1 command stand
          1 FO stand
          2 HMMWV
          1 gun crew stand
          1 M198 towed 155 howitzer
          1 5-ton truck
          1 5-ton supply truck with trailer

      Battery A, 92d Field Artillery (US Army) "Brave Cannons" as Battery A, 21st Field Artillery (1st Cav Div)

Divisional Troops, with:

    2d Light Armored Infantry Battalion, with:
      Headquarters, 2d LAI Battalion, with:
        1 command LAV-25
        1 LAV-C TOC
        1 LAV-R ARV
        2 LAV-L supply vehicles

      2 Combat Support Companies, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        2 LAV-M
        4 LAV-AT

      2 Companies (A & C2 2d LAI), each with:

        1 command LAV-25
        2 LAV-25
        1 recon infantry stand

      4 Cos. (A, B, C, & D2 4th LAI), each with:

        1 command LAV-25
        2 LAV-25

      Company F, 2d Battalion, 25th Marines, with: 3 infantry stands

    2d Recon Battalion

      Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command stand and 1 HMMWV
      3 Companies (B & C/2d Recon and D/4th Recon), each with:
        1 command stand
        3 recon infantry stands
        3 HMMWV with 40 AGL

      2d Tank Battalion, with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command M1A1 (HA)
          1 AAVC-7A1 TOC
          1 recon HMMWV with HMG
          1 recon HMMWV with 40mm AGL
          2 5-ton ammo trucks with trailers
          2 M88 ARV
          1 maintenance van

        3 Tank Cos. (B, C, & D 2d Tanks), each with:

          1 command M1A1 (HA)
          2 M1A1 (HA)

        Antitank Company, with:

          Company Headquarters, with:
            1 command stand
            1 HMMWV
          3 Platoons, each with:
            1 command stand
            1 HMMWV
            6 HMMWV with TOW

          Platoon (-), AT Co, 24th Marines: 4 HMMWV with TOW

      2d Combat Engineer Battalion (-)

        Made up of elements of Engineer Support Company/ 2d CEB, B, D, & ESC/4th CEB, C/3th CEB, B/8th Engineer Support Battalion; treat as supporting and enhancing rear area logistics and mobility.

      2d Assault Amphibian Battalion (-) Battalion Headquarters, with:

        1 command stand
        2 AAVR-7A1

      Chemical Reconnaissance Detachment, with: 2 recon M93 Fox NBC recon vehicles

      Battery B, 2d Low Altitude Air Defense Battalin with:

        1 command stand
        9 Stinger stands
        9 HMMWV


    1. This was the heaviest and most powerful Marine Division ever formed. Because the 1st MarDiv already took much of the available Marine force structure with it during the Desert Shield deployments, 2d MarDiv was filled out to a large degree with Marine Corps Reserve units.

    2. Marine LAV-25s do not have APFSDSDU ammo for the 25mm Chain Gun, so must use the APFSDS line on the Direct Fire Performance table instead.

    3. Marine FO stands may designate targets for Hellfire missiles (as AHlWs may not self-designate), as may one stand of each battalion, designated by the player as containing the battalion's air liaison officer.

    4. 2d Battalion, 10th Marines was in direct support of 6th Marines, 1-3 Field Artillery (US Army) and 5th Battalion, 10th Marines were DS to the Tiger Brigade.

    5. The mine plow-equipped tariks in Task Force Breach Alpha are taken from the 8th Tank Battalion (6th Marines). They may be returned, one each, to A, B, and C Companies following breaching operations (leaving one with the engineer task force).

    6. The 8th Tank Battalion (Marine Corps Reserve) suffered from a lack of reactive armor packages. These tanks were fitted with reactive armor only on the gun mantlet; all other reactive armorblocks were dummies. If hit with HC, HEAT, HEP, or HESH (on the frontal armor only) these tanks receive the reactive armor benefit only on a roll of 2 or less, or in a hull-down position, only on a roll of 5 or less.

    7. Note that the Marines letter their companies consecutively by regiment, unlike the US Army which letters them consecutively by battalion.

II Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF)

4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB), with:

    Regimental Landing Team 2
      Headquarters, 2d Marines as Headquarters, 1st Marines
      1st Battalion, 2d Marines as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines
      3d Battalion, 2d Marines as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines
      A Company, 2d Tanks, with: 1 command M60A1 RP and 2 M60A1 RP
      A Company (-), 2d Recon Battalion, with: 2 recon infantry stands and 2 HMMWV
      A Company, 2d Assault Amphibian Battalion 1 command stand and 6 AAVP-7A1
      Detachment, 2d Light Armored Infantry Bn, with: 1 recon LAV-25 and 1 patrol stand

      1st Battalion, 10th Marines (Artillery), with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          3 FO stand
          4 HMMWV
          1 HMMWV TOC

        Service Battery, with:
          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          1 M578 ARV
          3 5-ton trucks

        3 Firing Batteries (Alpha & Charlie/1/10 Marines, and India/3/12 Marines), each with:
          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          1 gun crew stand
          1 M198 towed 155 howitzer
          1 5-ton truck
          1 5-ton supply truck with trailer

5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB), with:

    Regimental Landing Team 5
      Headquarters, 5th Marines as Headquarters, 1st Marines
      2d Battalion, 5th Marines as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines
      3d Battalion, 5th Marines as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines
      3d Battalion, 1st Marines as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines
      A Company, 4th Assault Amphibian Bn with: 1 command stand and 9 AAVP-7A1
      Company A, 4th Tank Battalion 1 command M60A1 RP and 2 M60A1 RP
      D Company, 1st Light Armored Infantry Battalion as company of 2d LAI Battalion, above
      B Company, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion as in 2d Recon Battalion, above
      B Company, 1st Combat Engineer Battalion, with:
        1 command stand
        3 engineer stands
        3 HMMWV
        1 T5 bulldozer
        1 SEE small emplacement excavator
        1 dump truck

      Regimental Antitank Platoon, 23d Marines as with 1st Marines (TF Papa Bear)

      2d Battalion, 11th Marines (Artillery) Battalion Headquarters, with:

        1 command stand
        3 FO stand
        4 HMMWV
        1 HMMWV TOC

      Service Battery, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 M578 ARV
        3 5-ton trucks

      2 Firing Batteries (Echo & Foxtrot/2/11 Marines), each with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        2 gun crew stands
        2 M198 towed 155 howitzer
        2 5-ton trucks
        2 5-ton supply trucks with trailers

      Firing Battery (Golf/3/12 Marines), with:
        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        2 HMMWV
        1 M198 towed 155 howitzer or 1 M101A1 towed 105 howitzer
        1 5-ton truck
        1 5-ton supply truck with trailer

13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable), with:

    Battalion Landing Team 1/4
    1st Battalion, 4th Marines (Reinforced), with:
      as 3d Battalion, 9th Marines,
      plus: 1 M60A1 RP
      1 recon infantry stand
      1 engineer stand
      3 HMMWV with TOW
      2 AAVP-7A1

    Firing Battery (Bravo/1/11 Marines), with:
      1 command stand
      1 FO stand
      2 HMMWV
      1 M198 towed 155 howitzer or 1 M101A1 towed 105 howitzer
      1 5-ton truck
      1 5-ton supply truck with trailer


1. Golf Battery, 3d Battalion, 12th Marines and Bravo Battery, 1st Battalion, 11 th Marines were the artillery units for the Battalion Landing Teams of the 13th mid 1 Ith MEUs (Maine Expeditionary Units), respectively, (11 th MEU was embedded in the 5 th MEB). Each artillery battery was equipped with both 105nun and 155mm howitzers, to allow flexibifiry in various contingency operations, but had crews sufficient for only one or the other.

2. 5th MEB was landed on the coast of Saudi Arabia on G-Day to serve as the 1 MEF reserve, while 4th MEB remained afloat through the ground war, able to threaten the Iraqi seaward flank.

Note on Sources

This is round three of GDW's study of the Gulf War. The first round consists of the Desert Shield and Gulf War Fact Books by Frank Chadwick (the second with Matt Caffrey). The second round, approximately two years later, was Phase Line Smash, which concentrated on the heavy land forces and focussed the level of detail down to battalions. We now return to an attempt to define, in game terms, virtually every unit that was in the theater, on an insanely demanding level of detail. Even three years later, this exercise is massive, time-consuming, and uncertain (not to mention brain-darnaging). In other words, don'tbe surprised to see "take four" someday (this particularly applies to the Arab OBs, whose owners are still surprisingly tight-lipped). Greg Novak assembled this document's framework in Command Decision terms, and I basically completely disassembled it, spilled it all over the floor, proofed it, updated it, changed it all around, doubled its length, and then put itback together again based on my additional year's research since PLS. This is a state-of-the-art (March 1994) assessment of the forces of the Gulf War. You will not find all of this disparate material in one document anywhere else in this entire world (but if you can, boy did I waste a lot of time). Where this OB disagrees with Phase Line Smash or either of the fact books, this is the more definitive.

Although the bibliography will appear in the next issue of CPQ, it is only proper to offer thanks to the following individuals in both installments:

    Dr. John Purdy, Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox,
    Dr. Wright, US Army Aviation Branch History Office, Fort Rucker,
    LT Edward Kroszkewicz (101st Airborne Division Historian) at the Don F. Pratt Museum, Fort Campbell,
    Robert Anzuoni, Curator of the 82d Airborne Division War Memorial Museum, Fort Bragg,
    and Steve Zaloga and Steve Rothwell.

And of course, my deepest thanks to numerous US Army officers and milisted personnel who generously offered their time. Unfortunately, the US government has this funny idea that game designers are strange, unscrupulous greedheads, whereas book writers and the press are Seekers After The Truth. In practical terms, what this means is that Army officers are really not supposed to help game designers do research as this would constitute "commercial favoritism," as if Houghton Mifflin and the Washington Post were charities. (I don't write the laws, I just have them quoted at me by various Judge Advocates General.) Therefore, some of the finest human beings that you would ever wish to share oxygen with are credited here anonymously, because there is no point in having JAGs pissing in their cornflakes just because they were kind enough to help out with this research. Better safe than making someone else sorry.

Herewith, one multiple anonymous credit, to whit: God bless the US Army and Marine Corps, their officers and enlisted personnel, especially those of you at Forts Knox, Monroe, Leavenworth, Bliss, Sill, McPherson, Gillem, and Leonard Wood, Headquarters Marine Corps, and Carnp Lejeune. If the rest of the world lived up to your standards of decency and professionalism, you'd all be out of a job.

More Tables of Organization: United States

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