The 1991 Persian Gulf War

US: XVIII Airborne "Dragon" Corps

by David Nilsen and Greg Novak

Corps Headquarters, with: 1 command stand and 1 HMMWV and 2 5-ton Expandable van TOCs

24th Infantry Division

"Victory Division," with:

    Divisional Headquarters
      1 command stand
      1 UH-60A
      1 M577 TOC
      1 5-ton Expandable van TOC

    1st Brigade, with:

      Brigade Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 M577 TOC
        3 M113A2 with ground surveillance radars

      Task Force 4th Battalion, 64th Armored, with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command M1A1 Mod
          1 HMMWV TOC
          2 recon HMMWV with 40mm AGL
          1 M106 SP mortar
          2 HEMTT heavy trucks
          2 M88 ARV
          1 maintenance van

        2 Tank Companies (A & C/4-64 AR), each with: 1 command M1A1 Mod and 2 M1A1 Mod
        2 Infantry Companies (A/2-7 and C/3-7 Rq), each with: 1 command stand and 3 infantry stands and 3 M2A1 Bradleys

      Task Force 2d Battalion, 7th Infantry (Mech), with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command M2A1 Bradley
          1 M577 TOC
          1 recon M3A1 Bradley
          1 recon HMMWV with 40mm AGL
          1 M106 SP mortar
          2 5-ton ammo trucks with trailers
          2 M88 ARV
          1 maintenance van

        3 Infantry Companies (B, C, & D/2-7 IN), each with: 1 command stand and 3 infantry stands and 3 M2A1 Bradleys
        Tank Company (from 4-64 AR), with: 1 command M1A1 Mod and 2 M1A1 Mod
        Antitank Company ("Echo"), with: 1 command stand and 1 M113A2 APC and 3 M901A1 ITV

      Task Force 3d Battalion, 7th Infantry (Mechanized) as 2d Battalion, 7th Infantry (Mech), with units: A, B, D, & E 3-7 IN, and one company from 4-64 AR

      1st Battalion, 41st Field Artillery, with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          1 M577 TOC
          3 M981 FISTV
          1 trailer-mounted Q-36 mortar locating radar
          1 M35 2.5-ton truck
          1 Stinger stand
          1 HMMWV

        Service Battery, with:

          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          1 M578 ARV
          2 HEMTT heavy trucks

        3 Firing Batteries, each with:

          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          2 M109A2 SP 155 howitzers
          2 M548 ammo tractors

      Task Force 5th Engineer Battalion, with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          1 M577 TOC
          1 HEMTT wrecker

        Tracked Engineer Company (118 EN), with:

          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          3 engineer stands
          3 M113A2 with trailers
          1 M728 CEV with mine rake
          2 M9 ACE earthmovers
          1 SEE small emplacement/excavator
          1 AVLB
          1 AVLM (AVLB-mounted mineclearing line charge)
          1 M548 cargo vehicle with trailer

        3 Wheeled Engineer Companies (A, C, & D/5 EN), each with:

          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          3 engineer stands
          3 5-ton dumptrucks;
          1 armored D7 Bulldozer
          1 tractor-trailer flatbed engineer equipment transporter
          1 SEE small emplacement/excavator
          1 scoop loader
          1 road grader
          2 flat bed equipment transporters

      A Battery, 1st Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery see under Divisional Troops, below 2d Brigade, "Vanguard," with: Brigade Headquarters as 1st Brigade Headquarters, above

      Task Force 1st Battalion, 64th Armored, with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command M1A1 Mod
          1 HMMWV TOC
          1 recon M3A1
          1 M106 SP mortar
          2 HEMTT heavy trucks
          2 M88 ARV
          1 maintenance van

        2 Tank Companies, each with: 1 command M1A1 Mod and 2 M1A1 Mod
        2 Infantry Companies (from 3-15 IN), each with: 1 command stand and 3 infantry stands and 3 M2A1 Bradleys

      3d Battalion, 69th Armored (-), with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command M1A1 Mod
          1 M577 TOC
          1 recon M3A1 Bradley
          1 recon HMMWV with 40mm AGL
          1 M106 SP mortar
          2 HEMTT heavy trucks
          2 M88 ARV
          1 maintenance trailer

        3 Tank Companies, each with: 1 command M1A1 Mod and 2 M1A1 Mod

      Task Force 3d Battalion, 15th Infantry (Mech),with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command M2A1 Bradley
          1 M577 TOC
          1 recon HMMWV with 40mm AGL
          1 recon HMMWV with HMG
          1 M106 SP mortar
          2 5-ton ammo trucks with trailers
          2 M88 ARV
          1 maintenance van

        2 Infantry Companies, each with: 1 command stand and 3 infantry stands and 3 M2A1 Bradleys
        2 Tank Companies (from 1-64 AR), with: 1 command M1A1 Mod and 2 M1A1 Mod
        Antitank Company ("Echo"), with: 1 command stand and 1 M113A2 APC and 3 M901A1 ITV

      3d Battalion, 41st Field Artillery, "BattleKings" as 1st Battalion, 41st Field Artillery, above

      Task Force 3d Engineer Battalion as TF 5th Engineer Battalion above, but with two tracked companies (C & D/3 EN), and three wheeled companies (B/5 EN and A & D/299 EN)

      B Battery, 1st Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery see under Divisional Troops, below 197th "Sledgehammer" Brigade, with: Brigade Headquarters as 1st Brigade Headquarters, above

      Task Force 2d Battalion, 69th Armored, with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command M1A1 Mod
          1 M577 TOC
          1 recon M3A1 Bradley
          1 M106 SP mortar
          2 HEMTT heavy trucks
          2 M88 ARV
          1 maintenance trailer

        2 Tank Companies, each with: 1 command M1A1 Mod and 2 M1A1 Mod
        2 Infantry Companies (one each from 1-18 & 2-18 M, with: 1 command stand and 3 infantry stands and 3 M113A2 with 40mm AGL

      Task Force 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry (Mech), with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command M113A2
          1 M577 TOC
          1 recon M901 ITV
          1 M106 SP mortar
          2 5-ton ammo trucks with trailers
          2 M88 ARV
          1 maintenance van

        2 Infantry Companies, each with: 1 command stand and 3 infantry stands and 3 M113A2
        Tank Company (from 2-69 AR), with: 1 command M1A1 Mod and 2 M1A1 Mod
        Anti-armor Company, with: 1 command stand and 1 M113A2 APC and 3 M901 ITV

      Task Force 2d Battalion, 18th Infantry (Mech) as 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry (Mech)

      4th Battalion, 41st Field Artillery as 1st Battalion, 41st Field Artillery, above

      Task Force 299th Engineer Battalion as TF 5th Engineer Battalion above, but with one tracked company (72d Engineer Company), and two wheeled companies (B & C/299 EN)

      C Battery, 1st Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery see under Divisional Troops, below 4th (Aviation) Brigade, with:

        Brigade Headquarters as Aviation Brigade Headquarters, 1st Cavalry Division
        Task Force Air Cav (C & D Troops, 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry), with:
          2 Air Troops, with: 1 command OH-58C and 1 recon OH-58C and 1 AH-117
          1st Attack Helicopter Battalion, 24th Aviation, "Vipers" as 1st Battalion, 3d Aviation Regiment (1st Cavalry Division)
          3d Battalion, 24th Aviation, with:
            Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command UH-60A
            Assault Helicopter Company, with: 1 command UH-60A and 1 UH-60A
            General Support Aviation Company, with: 1 UH-1H and 1 recon EH-60A Quickfix
            Target Aquisition Platoon, with: 2 recon OH-58D

    Division Artillery, with:

      DivArty Headquarters, with: as DivArty Headquarters, 1st Cavalry Division
      G Battery (Target Aquisition), 333d Field Artillery, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 trailer mounted Q-37 artillery locating radar
        1 5-ton truck

    Divisional Troops, with:

      Chemical Recon Company, with: as in 1st Cavalry Division
      Task Force 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, with:
        Squadron Headquarters, with:
          1 command M3A1 Bradley
          1 M577 TOC
          1 recon M3A1 Bradley
          1 M106 SP mortar
          2 5-ton ammo trucks with trailers
          2 M88 ARV
          1 maintenance trailer

        2 Ground Troops, each with:

          1 command M3A1 Bradley
          3 recon M3A1 Bradleys
          1 M113A2 with ground surveillance radar

        D Company,3d Battalion, 69th Armor with: 1 command M1A1 Mod and 2 M1A1 Mod
        D Troop, 4th Cavalry (197th Brigade Cavalry), with:

          1 command M1A1 Mod
          1 recon M1A1 Mod
          2 recon M901 ITVs
          1 M113A2 with ground surveillance radar

        Battery A, 13th Field Artillery (MLRS) as Battery A, 21st Field Artillery (1st Cavalry Division), plus

          1 trailer-mounted Q-37 artillery locating radar
          1 5-ton truck
          1 Stinger stand
          1 HMMWV

        A Company, 3d Engineer Battalion, with: as one tracked engineer company in TF 5th Engineers, above

      36th Engineer Group (-)

        Group Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          1 M577 TOC

      1st Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery as 2d Battalion, 3d Air Defense Artillery (1st Infantry Division)

    Attached Troops (subordinited to DivArty), with:

      212th Field Artillery Brigade, with:
        Brigade Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          1 5-ton Expandable van TOC

        2d Battalion, 17th Field Artillery, with:

          Battalion Headquarters with: 1 command stand and 1 HMMWV and 1 M577 TOC
          1 Service Battery, with: 1 command stand and 1 HMMWV and 1 M578 ARV and 2 HEMTT heavy trucks
          3 Firing Batteries, each with:
            1 command stand
            1 HMMWV
            1 M109A2/A3 SP 155 howitzers
            1 M548 ammo tractors

          2d Battalion, 18th Field Artillery as 5th Battalion, l8th Field Artillery (75th FAB)
          3d Battalion, 27th Field Artillery (MLRS) as 1st Battalion, 27th Field Artillery (42d FAB)
          C Battery (Target Aquisition), 25th Field Artillery, with:
            1 command stand
            1 HMMWVV
            1 trailer-mounted Q-37 artillery locating radar
            1 5-ton truck
            2 trailer-mounted Q-36 mortar locating radars
            2 M35 2.5-ton trucks

          C Battery, 5th Battalion, 62d Air Defense Artillery, with:
            1 command stand
            1 M113A2 APC
            2 HEMTT ammunition trucks
            3 M163 Vulcan ADA vehicles
            4 Stinger stands
            4 HMMWV


    1. The two TOCs at the division headquarters are the Division Main headquarters (M577) and the Jump Main headquarters (5-ton "Expandovan"). One of these is always active while the other is not functional while displacing forward.

    2. The M113A2s of the 197th brigade were equipped with the Mk 19 40mm AGL in place of the M2 .50 HMG.

    3. One tank stand in each armored battalion/task force may be designated as being fitted with a mine plow.

    3d Armored Cavalry Regiment, "Brave Rifles," with:

      Regimental Headquarters as 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment
      3 Armored Cavalry Squadrons, each with:
        Squadron Headquarters, with:
        1 command M3A2
        1 M577 TOC
        1 M106 SP mortar
        2 5-ton ammo trucks with trailers
        2 M88 ARV
        2 HEMTT heavy trucks
        1 maintenance trailer
        1 AVLJ3
        1 M113A2 with ground surveillance radar

      3 Armored Cavalry Troops, each with:
        1 command M1A1 (HA)
        1 recon M1A1 (HA) with mine plow
        2 recon M3A2 Bradleys

      Tank Company, with:

        1 command M1A1 (HA)
        2 M1A1 (HA)

      Field Artillery Battery, with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 M981 FISTV
        2 M109A3 SP 155 howitzers
        2 M548 ammo tractors

    4th (Air Cavalry) Squadron, "Longknifes" as 4th Squadron, 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment

    43d Engineer Company as 84th Engineer Company, 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment

    B Battery, 5th Battalion, 62d Air Defence Artillery (augmented by Regimental Air Defense Platoon), with:

      1 command stand
      1 M113A2 APC
      2 HEMTT ammunition trucks
      3 M163 Vulcan ADA vehicles
      2 Avenger ADA vehicles
      4 Stinger stands
      4 HMMWV

    Chemical Recon Company, with: as in 1st Cavalry Division

    Attached Troops, with:

      3d Battalion, 18th Field Artillery, with: as 3d Battalion, 17th Field Artillery (210th FA Brigade), plus:
      Field Artillery Detachment (Target Aquisition, from C/25 FA), with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 trailer-mounted Q-37 artillery locating radar
        1 5-ton trucks
        1 trailer-mounted Q-36 mortar locating radar
        1 M35 2.5-ton truck


1. 3d ACR was under the operational control of the 24th Mech Division from 26 February until the end of the war, functioning as the division's fourth maneuver brigade.

82d Airborne Division

"All Americans," with:

Divisional Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 HMMWV
    2 5-ton Expandable van TOCs

1st Brigade/504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, with:

    Brigade Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      1 HMMWV TOC
      3 HMMWV with ground surveillance radars

    Truck Company (attached), with:

      Company Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 5-ton wrecker
        1 support stand
        1 maintenance van

    1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMVVV TOC
        1 recon infantry stand
        1 81 mortar stand (ds)
        1 supply HMMWV with trailer

      3 Infantry Companies, each with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        1 weapons stand
        1 5-ton truck with trailer

      Antitank Company, with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV with.50 cal. MG
        5 HMMWV with TOW

    2d Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment as 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry

    3d Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment as 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry

    C Company, 3d Battalion, 73d Armored Regiment (Airborne), with: 1 command M551A1 and 2 M551A1

    3d Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        3 FO stands
        4 HMMWV
        1 HMMWV TOC
        1 trailer-mounted Q-36 mortar locating radar
        1 M35 2.5-ton truck

      Service Battery, with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        3 5-ton supply trucks

      3 Firing Batteries, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 towed M 102 105 howitzer
        1 ammo HMMWV with trailer

    A Company, 307th Engineer Battalion see under Division Troops, below

    A Battery, 3d Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery

      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      3 towed M167 Vulcan
      3 M561 Gama Goats
      2 Stinger stands
      2 HMMWV

2d "Falcon" Brigade/325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, with:

    Brigade Headquarters as 1st Brigade, 82d Airborne Division Headquarters
    Truck Company (attached) as with 1st Brigade, 82d Airborne Division
    1st Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment as 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry
    2d Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, as 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry
    4th Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment as 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry
    B Company, 3d Battalion, 73d Armored Regiment (Airborne), with: 1 command M551A1 and 2 M551AI
    2d Battalion, 319th Airborme Field Artillery Regiment as 3d Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Artillery
    B Company, 307th Engineer Battalion see under Division Troops, below
    B Battery, 3d Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery as A Battery, 3-4 ADA, above

3d Brigade/505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, with:

    Brigade Headquarters as 1st Brigade, 82d Airborne Division Headquarters
    Truck Company (attached) as with 1st Brigade, 82d Airborne Division
    1st Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment as 1st B analion, 504th Parachute Infantry
    2d Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment as 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry
    3d Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment as 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry
    1st Battalion, 30th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment as 3d Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Artillery
    C Company, 307th Engineer Battalion see under Division Troops, below
    C Battery, 3d Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      2 towed M167 Vulcan
      2 M561 Gama Goats
      2 Stinger stands
      2 HMMWV

82d (Aviation) Brigade, with:

    Brigade Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      1 5-ton Expandable van TOC

    1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry, with:

      Headquarters Troop, with: 1 command UH-60A and 1 UH-60A
      3 Air Cavalry Troops, each with: 1 command OH-58D and 1 recon OH-58D and 1 AH-117
      Ground Cavalry Troop, with:
        1 command stand
        2 recon infantry stands
        2 HMMWV with .50 cal. MG
        2 HMMWV with TOW

    1st Attack Helicopter Battalion, 82d Aviation, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command UH-60A
      3 Attack Companies, each with:1 recon OH-58C and 1 command AH-64A and 1 AH-64A

    2d Assault Helicopter Battalion, 82d Aviation, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command UH-60A
      Assault Helicopter Company, with: 1 command UH-60A and 2 UH-60A
      Command Aviation Company, with: 3 UH-60L and 1 recon EH-60A Quickfix

Division Artillery, with:

    DivArty Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      1 5-ton Expandable van TOC

    C Battery, 26th Field Artillery (TargetAquisition),with:

      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      2 trailer-mounted Q-37 artillery locating radar
      2 5-ton trucks

Divisional Troops, with:

    3d Battalion, 73d Armored (Airborne) (-), with:
      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command M551A1
        1 HMMWV TOC
        2 recon LAV-25
        2 patrol infantry stands
        2 supply H?4MWV with trailers
        2 HEMTT wreckers
        1 maintenance van

      2 Tank Companies (A & D/3-37 AR), each with: 1 command M551A1 and 2 M551A1

    307th Engineer Battalion (Airborne), with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 HMMWV TOC
        1 SEE small emplacement excavator
        1 JD410 backhoe/loader
        1 road grader
        1 D5 bulldozer
        1 scoop loader
        1 5-ton dump truck with flatbed equipment transporter trailer

      3 Engineer Companies, each with:

        1 command stand
        3 engineer stands
        3 HMMWV with trailers
        1 SEE small emplacement excavator
        1 supply HMMWV
        1 line charge trailer

    618th Engineer Company (Light Equipment), "The Nasty" with:

      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      2 D5 bulldozers
      2 scoop loaders
      2 road graders
      2 scrapers/water distributors
      3 5-ton dump trucks with flatbed equipment transporter trailers
      4 2.5-ton dump trucks

    Chemical Recon Company, with:

      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      2 M93 Fox NBC reconnaissance vehicles
      2 HHMWV NBC reconnaissance vehicles

    3d Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery, with:

      Headquarters Battery, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 HMMWV TOC
        1 maintenance van
        3 Stinger stands
        3 HMMWV

      Team D with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 Towed M167 Vulcan
        1 M561 Gama Goat
        6 Stinger stands
        6 HMMWV


1. The two TOCs at the division headquarters are the Division Main and the Jump Main headquarters. One of these is always active while the other is not functional while displacing forward.

2. The 2d Brigade was under the operational control (OPCON) of the French 6th Light Armored Division from the beginning of the ground war until 1400, 26 February, when it was released to return to 82d Airborne Division control.

3. The airborne infantry companies do not have a weapons platoon per se, but they have a mortar section and weapons squads within each platoon. The weapons stand is a combination of these factors.

4. The designation of the the 325th Infantry Regiment as Airborne Infantry versus the 504th and 505th Parachute Infantry is purely historical: The 325th was a Glider Regiment in the Second World War with the other two were parachute units.

5. At the time of the ground war, the 82d Airborne Division was no longer jump-qualified. In order to remain jump-qualified, units must jump at least once each month, but it was not possible to perform any jumps at all between the division's arrival in August 1990, and the ground war.

6. There is no Chemical Recon Company per se; this unit represents the NBC reconnaissance assets supplied to each division in the theater.

7. The LAV-25s in the 3-73 Armor's scout platoon were the only LAV25 unit in the army, being tested following the Army's favorable impression of Marine LAV-25s in Operation Just Cause.

8. In mid-February, the division was augmented by the addition of squads from the 9th, 10th, and 25th Light Infantry Divisions. These personnel were used to fill out shortfalls in the 82d's own organization and as casualty replacements (which in the event were unnecessary).

9. There were three transportation companies attached to the division to transport its leg infantry units. These were the 253d, 1058th, and 1122d Light Medium Truck Companies, from the New Jersey and Arkansas National Guards.

101st Airborne Division

(Air Assault), "Screaming Engles" with:

Divisional Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 HMMWV
    2 5-ton Expandable van TOCs

1st Air Assault "Always First" Brigade, with:

    Brigade Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      1 HMMWV TOC
      3 HMMWV with ground surveillance radars

    1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 HMMWV TOC
        1 recon infantry stand
        1 HMMWV with 40 AGL
        1 81 mortar stand (ds)
        1 HMMWV with trailer
        2 supply HMMWV with trailers

      3 Infantry Companies, each with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        1 weapons stand

      Antitank ("Delta") Company, with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        5 HMMWV with TOW

    2d Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment as 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment
    3d Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment as 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment
    2d Battalion, 320th Field Artillery as 3d Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Artillery (82d Airborne Division)
    A Battery, 2d Battalion, 44th Air Defense Artillery see under Division Troops, below

2d Air Assault "Strike" Brigade, with:

    Brigade Headquarters as Ist Brigade Headquarters
    1st Battalion, 502d Infantry Regiment as 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment
    2d Battalion, 502d Infantry Regiment as 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment
    3d Battalion, 502d Infantry Regiment as 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment
    1st Battalion, 320th Field Artillery as 3d Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Artillery (82d Airborne Division)
    B Battery, 2d Battalion, 44th Air Defense Artillery see under Division Troops, below

3d Air Assault Brigade, "War Eagles/Rakkasans" with:

    Brigade Headquarters as 1st Brigade Headquarters
    1st Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment as 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment
    2d Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment, as 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment
    3d Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment as 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment
    3d Battalion, 320th Field Artillery as 3d Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Artillery (82d Airborne Division)
    C Battery, 2d Battalion, 44th Air Defense Artillery, see under Division Troops, below

101st (Aviation) Brigade, "Wings of Destiny," with:

    Brigade Headquarters as 82d Aviation Brigade Headquarters (82d Airborne Division)
    2d Squadron, 17th Cavalry, with:
      Headquarters Troop, with:
        1 command UH-60A
        1 UH-60A
        1 recon EH-60A Quickfix

      4 Air Reconnaissance Troops, each with:
        1 command OH-58C
        1 recon OH-58C
        1 AH-117

    1st Attack Helicopter Battalion, 101st Aviation, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command UH-60A
      3 Attack Companies, each with: 1 recon OH-58C and 1 command AH-64A and 1 AH-64A
      Target Aquisition Platoon, E Company, 1st Battalion, 9th Cavalry, with: 2 recon OH-58D

    2d Attack Helicopter Battalion, 229th Aviation as 1st Battalion, 3d Aviation Regiment (1st Cavalry Division)
    3d Attack Helicopter Battalion, 101st Aviation, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command UH-60A
      3 Attack Companies, each with: 1 recon OH-58C and 1 command AH-1F and 1 AH-1F

    4th Assault Helicopter Battalion, 101st Aviation, with:
      Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command UH-60A
      2 Assault Companies, each with: 3 UH-60A

    5th Assault Helicopter Battalion, 101st Aviation as 4th Battalion, 101st Aviation above
    6th Command Aviation Battalion, 101st Aviation
      Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command UH-1H
      2 Command Aviation Companies,eachwith: 2 UH-1H

    7th Medium Helicopter Battalion, 101st Aviation, with:
      Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command UH-1H
      3 Medium Helicopter Companies, each with: 4 CH-47D

    9th Assault Helicopter Battalion, 101st Aviation as 4th Battalion, 101st Aviation above

Division Artillery, "Guns of Glory," with:

    DivArty Headquarters, with: as 82d Airborne Division DivArty Headquarters
    2d Field Artillery Detachment (Target Aquisition) as C Battery, 26th Field Artillery (82d Airborne Division)
    C Battery, 5th Battalion, 8th Field Artillery, with:
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      2 gun crew stands
      2 M198 towed 155 howitzers
      2 5-ton trucks

Divisional Troops, with:

    326th Engineer Battalion, with:
      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 HMMWV TOC
        1 SEE small emplacement/excavator
        1 D5 Bulldozer
        1 scoop loader
        1 road grader
        1 tractor-trailer flatbed engineer equipment transporter

      3 Engineer Companies, each with:

        1 command stand
        3 engineer stands
        3 HMMWV with trailers
        1 supply HMMWV
        1 SEE small emplacement/excavator
        1 JD550 bulldozer
        1 5-ton dump truck with flatbed equipment transporter trailer
        1 line charge trailer

      887th Light Equipment Company, with:

        Company Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          3 D5 bulldozers
          3 tractor-trailer flatbed engineer equipment transporters
          1 scoop loader
          2 road graders
          2 scrapers
          1 water distributor
          4 2.5-ton dump trucks

      Chemical Recon Company as in 82d Airborne Division

      2d Battalion, 44th Air Defense Artillery

        Headquarters Battery, with:
          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          1 HMMWV TOC
          1 maintenance van
          3 Towed M167 Vulcan
          3 M561 Gama Goat
          3 Stinger stands
          3 HMMWV

        3 Firing Batteries (A, B, & Q with:

          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          2 Towed M167 Vulcan
          2 M561 Gama Goat
          6 Stinger stands 6 HMMWV


    1. The two TOCs at the division headquarters are the Division Main and the Jump Main headquarters. One of these is always active while the other is not functional while displacing forward.

    2. The air assault infantry companies do not have a weapons platoon per se, but they have a mortar section and weapons squads widiin each platoon. The weapons stand is a combination of these factors.

    3. 4-101 Aviation is habitually associated with the 3d Brigade, 5-101 Aviation is habitually associated with the 1st Brigade, and 9-101 Aviation is habitually associated with the 2d Brigade.

18th Airborne Field Artillery Brigade, with:

    Brigade Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      1 5-ton Expandable van TOC
      1 HMMWV TOC

    1st Field Artillery Detachment (Target Aquisition) as C Battery, 26th Field Artillery (82d Airborne Division)

    3d Battalion, 8th Field Artillery, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command stand and 1 HMMWV and 1 5-ton Expandable van TOC
      Service Battery, with: 1 command stand and 1 HMMWV and 3 5-ton trucks
      3 Firing Batteries, each with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        2 gun crew stands
        2 M 198 towed 155 howitzers
        2 5-ton trucks

    5th Battalion, 8th Field Artillery as 3d Battalion, 8th Field Artillery, but only two firing batteries (A & B) instead of three

    1st Battalion, 39th Field Artillery (Airborne) as 3d Battalion, 8th Field Artillery

    6th Battalion, 27th Field Artillery (MLRS) "Proud Rockets" with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 M577 TOC

      Service Battery, with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 M578 ARV
        2 HEMTT heavy trucks

      2 Firing Batteries (B & C/6-27), each with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        3 M270 MLRS
        3 HEMTT with HEMAT trailer ammo vehicles

    1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery (West Virginia National Guard) as 2d Battalion, 17th Field Artillery above (212th Field Artillery Brigade/24th Infantry Division)
    A Battery, 5th Battalion, 62d Air Defense Artillery as C Battery, 5th Battalion, 62d ADA above (212th FAB/24th ID)


1. The 18th FAB operated in support of the French Daguet Division from the beginning of the ground war until midday on 26 February, when itmoved east to reinforce the 24th ID (M).

2. The 5-8 FA (-) was under the operational control (OPCON) of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) from midday 26 February to the end of the ground war.

3. The 1-39 (Abn) FA was under the operational control (OPCON) of the 82d Airborne Division from mid-day 26 February to the end of the ground war.

4. The 1-201 FA was re-attached to the 196th FAB on the 26th.

5. Battery B of the 6-27 Field Artillery (-) is ATACMS-capable. See Note 2 for the 75th FAB.

196th Field Artillery Brigade (Tennessee National Guard), with:

    Brigade Headquarters as for the 42d Field Artillery Brigade
    1st Battalion, 181st Field Artillery (Tennessee National Guard) as 1st Battalion, 142d Field Artillery
    1st Battalion, 623dField Artillery (Kentucky National Guard) as 1st Battalion, 142d Field Artillery


1. The 196th FAB operated in support of the French Daguet Division from the beginning of the ground war until midday on 26 February, when it moved east to reinforce the 24th ID (M).

2. The 1-201 FA, which had been attached to the 18th FAB and French 6th Light Armored Division during the first two days of the ground war, was attached to the 196th FAB on the 26th.

12th Combat Aviation Brigade, with:

    Brigade Headquarters, with: as 11th Aviation Brigade Headquarters, above
    5th Squadron, 6th Cavalry (Aviation) Regiment as 1st Battalion, 3d Aviation Regiment (1st Cavalry Division)
    3d Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment as 1stBattalion, 3d Aviation Regiment (1st Cavalry Division)
    5th Battalion, 158th Aviation, with:
      Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command UH-1H
      2 Command Aviation Companies, each with: 1 command UH-1H and 2 UH-1H
      Command Aviation Company, with: 1 command 0H-58A/C and 2 OH-58A/C

    Task Force Warrior, with:

      Task Force Headquarters, with: 1 command UH-60A
      B Company, 6th Medium Helicopter Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment, with: 1 command CH-47D 2 CH-47D
      C Company, 7th Assault Helicopter Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment, with: 1 command UH-60A 1 UH-60A

Stinger Platoon, 3d Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery, with: 4 Stinger stands and 4 HMMWVs

18th Aviation Brigade, with:

    Brigade Headquarters as 1lth Aviation Brigade Headquarters, above
    1st Battalion, 159th Aviation, with:
      Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command UH-1H
      2 Command Aviation Companies, each with: 2 UH-1H

    2d Medium Helicopter Battalion, 159th Aviation, with:
      Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command UH-1H
      3 Medium Helicopter Companies, each with: 4 CH-47D

XVIII Airborne Corps Medical Aviation Elements, with: 6 UH-60V and 3 UH-1V

More Tables of Organization: United States

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