The 1991 Persian Gulf War

US: 3rd Army ARCENT

by David Nilsen and Greg Novak


The 82d and 101st should be rated as Veteran, Morale 11. All other US Army units should be rated as Veteran, Morale 10.

3d Army/ARCENT

11th Air Defense Brigade, with:

Task Force 2d Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery, "Task Force Scorpion," with:

    Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command stand and 1 HMMWV
    Composite Headquarters and Service Battery, with:
      1 command stand

      1 HMMWV
      3 support stands
      4 radar trailers
      3 5-ton trucks
      1 HEMTT tractor
      3 5-ton ammo trucks with trailers
      1 maintenance van
      2 HEMTT ammo trucks with HEMAT trailers

    3 Firing Batteries (A, B, & C/2-1 ADA), each with:

      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      2 missile crew stands (ds)
      2 towed IHAWK launchers
      2 5-ton trucks

    3 Firing Batteries (A, B, & E/3-43 ADA), each with:

      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      1 missile crew stand (ds)
      1 towed Patriot launcher
      1 HEMTT tractor

2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery (Patriot), with:

    Battalion Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      1 5-ton Expandable van TOC

    Headquarters and Service Battery, with:
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      1 radar trailer
      1 HEMTT tractor
      1 maintenace van
      3 HEMTT ammo trucks with HEMAT trailers

    6 Firing Batteries, each with:
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      1 missile crew stand (ds)
      1 towed Patriot launcher
      1 HEMTT tractor

2d Battalion, 43d Air Defense Artillery (Patriot), with:

    Battalion Headquarters, as in 2-7 ADA, above
    Headquarters and Service Battery, as in 2-7 ADA, above, but use 4 HEMTT ammo trucks instead of 3
    4 Firing Batteries, each with:
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      2 missile crew stands (ds)
      2 towed Patriot launchers
      2 HEMTT tractors

3d Battalion, 43d Air Defense Artillery (-) (Patriot), with: as 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery, above, but only 2 HEMTT ammo trucks in HQ & Service Battery, and only 3 firing batteries (C, D, & F13-43 ADA)

Task Force 1st Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery, as 2d Battalion, 43d Air Defense Artillery, above, but only one HEMTT ammo truck in HQ & Service Battery, and only one firing battery (0/1-7 ADA)

2d Battalion, 52d Air Defense Artillery (Hawk),

    Battalion Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV

    Headquarters and Service Battery, with:

      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      3 support stands
      3 radar trailers
      3 5-ton trucks
      3 5-ton ammo trucks with trailers

        3 Firing Batteries, each with:

          1 command stand
          1 HMMWV
          2 missile crew stands (ds)
          2 towed IHAWK launchers
          2 5-ton trucks


    1. Task Force 2-lf'Scorpion" moved forward in support of the XVIII Airborne Corps while remaining under 11th ADA Brigade control, while the other units covered theater log bases and supply lines.

1st Cavalry Division

"The First Team" (ARCENT/Theater Reserve), with:

Divisional Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 HMMWV
    1 M577 TOC
    1 5-ton Expandable van TOC

1st Brigade, with:

    Brigade Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      1 M577 TOC
      3 M113A2 with ground surveillance radars

    Task Force 3d Battalion, 32d Armored, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command M1A1 Mod
        1 M577 TOC
        1 recon M3A2 Bradley
        1 M106 SP mortar
        2 HEMTT heavy trucks
        2 M88 ARV
        1 maintenance van

      3 Tank Companies, each with:

        1 command M1A1 Mod

      Infantry Company (from 2-5 CAV), with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        3 M2A2 Bradley

    Task Force 2d Battalion, 8th Cavalry (Armored), with: as 3d Battalion, 32d Armored

    Task Force 2d Battalion, 5th Cavalry (Mechanized Infantry), with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command M2A2 Bradley
        1 M577 TOC
        1 recon M3A2 Bradley
        1 M 106 SP mortar
        2 5-ton ammo trucks with trailers
        2 M88 ARV
        1 maintenance van

      2 Infantry Companies, each with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        3 M2A2 Bradley

      2 Tank Companies (from 3-32 AR and 2-8 CAV), each with:

        1 command M1A1 Mod
        2 M1A1 Mod

      Anti-armor Company ("Echo?'), with:

        1 command stand
        1 M113A2 APC
        3 M901A1 ITV

    1st Battalion, 82d Field Artillery, "Dragons," with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 M577 TOC
        3 M981 FISTV
        1 trailer-mounted Q-36 mortar locating radar
        1 M35 2.5-ton truck

      Service Battery, with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 M578 ARV
        2 HEMTT heavy trucks

      3 Firing Batteries, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        2 M109A2/A3 SP 155 howitzers
        2 M548 ammo tractors

2d "Blackjack" Brigade, with:

    Brigade Headquarters as 1st Brigade Headquarters
    Task Force 1st Battalion, 32d Armored, "Bandits" as 3d Battalion, 32d Armored
    Task Force 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry (Armored) as 3d Battalion, 32d Armored
    TF 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry (Mech Infantry), "Black Knights?" as 2d Battalion, 5th Cavalry (Mechanized Infantry)
    3d Battalion, 82d Field Artillery, "Red Dragons;' with
      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 M577 TOC
        3 M981 FISTV
        1 trailer-mounted Q-36 mortar locating radar
        1 M35 2 1/2 ton truck

      Service Battery, with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 M578 ARV
        2 HEMMT heavy trucks

      3 Firing Batteries, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        2 M109A3 SP 155 howitzers
        2 M992 FAASV/CATV ammo tractors

Aviation Brigade, with:

    Brigade Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 UH-60A
      1 HMMWV
      1 5-ton Expandable van TOC

    1st Squadron, 7th Cavalry Regiment, with:

      Squadron Headquarters, with:
        1 command M3A2 Bradley
        1 M577 TOC
        1 M981 FISTV
        1 M106 SP mortar
        2 5-ton anuno trucks with trailers
        1 M88 ARV
        1 maintenance van

      2 Ground Troops, each with:

        1 command M3A2 Bradley
        3 recon M3A2 Bradleys
        1 M113A2 with ground surveillance radar

      2 Air Troops, each with:

        1 command OH-58C
        1 recon OH-58C
        1 AH-117

      1st Battalion, 3d Aviation Regiment,"Gremlins" with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command UH-60A
        3 Attack Companies, each with:
          1 recon OH-58A/C
          1 command AH-64A
          1 AH-64A

      1st Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment, with: as 1st Battalion, 3d Aviation Regiment

Division Artillery, "Red Team," with:

    DivArty Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      1 5-ton Expandable van TOC

    A Battery (Target Aquisition), 333d Field Artillery, "Triple Threat," with:

      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      2 trailer-mounted Q-37 artillery locating radars
      2 5-ton trucks

    Battery A, 21st Field Artillery (MLRS) "Steel Rain," with:

      1 command stand
      1 HMMWV
      1 M577 TDC
      3 M270 MLRS
      3 HEMTT ammo vehicles with HEMAT ammo trailers

Divisional Troops, with:

    8th Engineer Battalion, with:
      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 M577 TOC
        1 M88 ARV

      4 Engineer Companies, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        3 engineer stands
        3 M113A2 with trailers
        1 M728 CEV with full-width mine rake
        1 M9 ACE armored combat earthmovers
        1 SEE small emplacement excavator
        1 AVLM (AVLJ3-mounted mine-clearing line charge)
        1 M548 cargo vehicle with trailer

      Chemical Recon Company, with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        2 M93 Fox NBC reconnaissance vehicles
        2 M113A2 NBC reconnaissance vehicles

    4th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery, "Renegades":

      Headquarters Battery, with:
        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 M577 TUC
        1 M578 ARV
        2 HEMMT ammo trucks

      A and C Batteries, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 M113A2 APC
        1 M548 ammo tractor
        2 M163 Vulcan ADA vehicles
        4 Stinger stands
        4 HMMWV
        1 maintenance van

      D Battery, with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 HEMTT ammo truck
        4 Stinger stands
        4 HMMWV
        6 Avenger ADA vehicles
        1 maintenance van


1. Although this division is listed as belonging to ARCENT, ARCENT did not have the authority to release the unit; this was reserved to the CINCCENT. Thus, even though VII Corps and ARCENT planning had called for this division to be part of the VII Corps attack on the Republican Guard, dithering on CINCCENT's part prevented 1st Cav from being released to VII Corps until 0930 on 26 February, too late to disengage and move into position to attack before the end of the war.

2. The two TOCs at the division headquarters are the Division Main headquarters (M577) and the Jump Main headquarters (5-ton "Expando-van').Oneofthese is always active while the other is not functional while displacing forward.

3. The M1A1 Mod is a sort of poor man's M1A1 (HA), created in theater by welding additional plates of non-depleted uranium armor to the front slopes of the turret. The M1A1 Mod was known to some as the "Ma and Pa Kettle Heavy Metal" M1A1.

4. One tank stand in each armored battalion/task force may be designated as being fitted with a mine plow.

5. There is no Chemical Recon Company per se; this unit represents the NBC reconnaissance assets supplied to each division in the theater.

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