Externals Mini Campaign Game

Combat Along the Border 1980-89

Appendix 2: Angolan Forces

by Greg Novak

The following units are present on the border at the start of the game. Unless otherwise stated, all units are the size and troop quality as listed in the "Externals" supplement.


All SWAPO units are under the command of the Northern Front at Xangango. (Note, in the interest of making this a better game for the Angolans, SWAPO has been reinforced with an infantry brigade.)

At Xangango

Front Headquarters
Front Recon Company, with 1 command stand and 3 recon infantry stands
Front Tank Company, with 1 T-34/85
Front Engineer Company
Front Artillery Battalion, with:

    1 command infantry stand
    2 82mm mortar stands (ds)
    1 82mm RR stand

Front AA Company
1st Infantry Battalion, 1st SWAPO Infantry Brigade

At Pembe, Durnequero, Amhenca, and Cafima, the following units are present:

Specialist Unit
Front Detachment, with:

    1 command infantry stand
    4 infantry stands

At Otchinjau the following units are present

Specialist Unit
Front Artillery Battalion, with:

    1 command infantry stand
    2 82mm mortar stands (ds)
    1 82mm RR stand
    1 122mm rocket launcher
    1 gun crew stand (ds)
    4 medium trucks

At Chamangale, the following units are present:

Specialist Unit
Recon Company, 1st SWAPO Infantry Brigade
AT Company, 1st SWAPO Infantry Brigade
2nd Infantry Battalion, 1st SWAPO Infantry Brigade

At Evale, the following units are present:

Headquarters, 1st SWAPO Infantry Brigade
Tank Company, 1st SWAPO Infantry Brigade
Engineer Company, 1st SWAPO Infantry Brigade
AA Company, 1st SWAPO Infantry Brigade
Transport Company, 1st SWAPO Infantry Brigade
3rd Infantry Battalion, 1st SWAPO Infantry Brigade
Artillery Battalion, 1st SWAPO Infantry Brigade

All units are allowed at their starting location entrenchments for all personnel stands, weapons pits for all weapons, and bunkers for all command, staff, and command infantry stands. In addition, front headquarters and specialist units are allowed 24" of minefields; and 24" of wire to help defend their locations.


There are three FAPLA Brigades in the area: the 17th Infantry, 3rd Antiaircraft, and 35th ODP. In addition, a reinforced battalion of the 18th Brigade has the responsibility for guarding the Quedas Ruscanas Hydroelectric Dam. The deployment area and breakdown of these units is as follows: All units are as listed in the "Externals" supplement.


    Brigade Headquarters
    Brigade Recon Company
    Brigade Engineer Company
    Brigade AT Company
    Brigade AA Company
    Brigade Tank Company
    Brigade Supply Company
    Infantry Battalion (ETR-152) 2 Infantry Battalions (Truck)
    Brigade Artillery Battalion
      Battalion Headquarters
      122 Battery
      2 76 Batteries
      Mortar Battery

    The 17th should be broken down into a small headquarters and from three to five battle groups. One battle group should be placed with the headquarters at Humbe, and one group each at Ngiva and Xangango. The remaining groups, if any, can be placed at any named point at the start of the game. Only one battle group can be assigned to any given point.

    All units are allowed at their starting location entrenchments for all personnel stands, weapons pits for all weapons, and bunkers for all command, staff, and command infantry stands. In addition, the brigade headquarters is allowed 24" of minefields and 24" of wire to help defend its locations.


Infantry Battalion (Truck)
Detachment, Brigade AA Company, with:

    1 SA-7 team
    1 UAZ-469
    1 gun crew stand
    1 ZPU-23-2
    1 light truck

Detachment, Brigade Artillery Battalion, with:

    Headquarters, with:
      command stand
      1 UAZ-469
      2 medium supply trucks

    2 122 Batteries, each with:

      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 122mm D 30 howitzer
      1 medium truck

    Mortar Battery, with:

      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 120mm mortar
      1 medium truck

    The 18th is placed at Quedas Ruscanas. It is allowed entrenchments for all personnel stands, weapons pits for all weapons, and bunkers for all command, staff and command infantry stands. In addition, it is allowed 24" of minefields and 24" of wire to help defend its location.


Brigade Headquarters
Brigade Recon Company
Brigade Engineer Company
Brigade AT Company
Brigade AA Company
Brigade Tank Company
Brigade Supply Company
3 Infantry Battalions, each with:

    Battalion Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 UAZ-469

    3 Infantry Companies, each with: 2 infantry stands

Brigade Artillery Battalion, with:

    Battalion Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 UAZ-469
      3 82mm mortar stands (ds)
      3 medium trucks
      1 82mm RR stand
      1 light truck

The 35th should be broken down into a small headquarters and from four to five battle groups. One battle group should be placed with the headquarters at Ngiva, while the remaining groups can be placed at any named point at the start of the game not garrisoned by either the 17th or 18th Brigade or the I st SWAPO Brigade. Only one battle group can be assigned to any given point. Mortars attached to infantry battalions function as battalion mortars.

All units are allowed at their starting location entrenchments for all personnel stands, weapons pits for all weapons, and bunkers for all command, staff and command infantry stands. In addition, the Brigade Headquarters is allowed 24 " of minefields and 24" of wire to help defend its location.


Brigade Headquarters
Brigade Supply Company
1 Antiaircraft Missile Battalion

    Battalion Headquarters, with:
    3 Batteries, each with:
      1 SA 4 TEL
      1 SA-14 team
      1 medium truck

2 Antiaircraft Gun Battalions, each with:

    Battalion Headquarters, with:
    4 Batteries, each with:
      1 gun crew stand
      1 SA-7 team
      1 S-60 57mm
      1 medium truck

The 3rd Antiaircraft Brigade has its brigade headquarters, missile battalion, and supply company at Xangango. One gun battalion is divided between Ngiva and Quedas Ruscanas, the remaining battalion should divided up among any named points where FAPLA and SWAPO units are located, with a maximum of one gun per location.

The weapons at Xangango are considered able to cover the bridge over the Cunene River.

All units are allowed at their starting location entrenchments for all personnel stands, weapons pits for all weapons, and bunkers for all command, staff, and command infantry stands.


The Angolan government will view any South African attack as being at one of three levels of intensity. These are:

Light: South African occupation of any named point, or the known existence of a South African battle group in Angola. (This last exists when South African troops have passed through a named point into Angola, and have not yetexited the country.) The Angolan government will take steps to drive the South Africans back across the border.

Medium: A South African occupation of any SWAPO encampment point. The Angolan government must take steps to drive the South Africans back across the border.

Heavy: South African occupation of either Xangango, Quedas Ruscancas, or Ngiva.The Angolan government must regain control of those points as quickly as possible, as well as drive the South Africans back across the border.

At the start of each day, the gamemaster will determine the level of the South African attack as known to the Angolan government at that point, and roll on the following table for possible reinforcements. Reinforcements will arrive two turns after they are rolled for at the indicated points.

The table can only be adjusted upwards, and the level of intensity remains at that level until all South African forces have returned across the border. Thus if Xangango is attacked by the South Africans, the offensive will remain as Heavy even after South African troops withdraw from that point.

DieLightMediumHeavy *
01 Battle Group
11th Mech
1 Battle Group
1 Tank Bttn
9-1 Battle Group
18th Inf
1 Battle Group
18th Inf
6-8-1 Battle Group
11th Mech
1 Battle Group
2-5-- 1 Battle Group
11th Mech
2-5-- -

If Quedas Ruscanas is attacked, roll twice on this table, and add 2 to each die roll.

The pool of possible reinforcements is as follows:

North of Cuveleai: The 11th Mechanized Brigade and the 5th Independent Tank Battalion are operating in this area. The gamemaster should form the 11th into three "battle groups" plus a small headquarters element. The headquarters will arrive with the second battle group, which is sent south. These groups will arrive at 11:00 at Cuveleai on the day they are activated.

Northwest of Cahama: A Cuban Motor Rifle Regiment and the BTR- 152 Battle Group of the 18th Infantry Brigade are operating in this area. The gamemaster should form the Cuban Motor Rifle Regiment into three "battle groups" plus a small headquarters element. The headquarters will arrive with the second battle group which is sent south. These groups will arrive at 11:00 at Cahama on the day that they are activated.

If all units rolled for have already been called into action, reroll. Thus, if the 18th Infantry is called out, then reroll any roll that calls for that unit again.

Angolan Air Force

The Angolan Air Force elements of FAPLA will not normally be operating over this area. However, in the event of a South African attack, aircraft will be released to support counterattacks and fly air support. Aircraft can fly a mission every other turn, and can be over an area a maximum of one hour. Each Cuban "battle group" has an FAC attached to it, so direct support missions can be only flown in support of Cuban units. All aircrews are considered as Experienced, Morale: 8.

To determine what assets are available, the gamemaster will roll ID6 on the following table at the start of each day.

DieLightMediumHeavy *
01 MiG-242 MiG-21
2 MiG-23
4 MiG-21
1 MiG-23
9-2 MiG-21
1 MiG-17
2 MiG-21
2 MiG-23
8-1 MiG-24 2 MiG-21
1 MiG-23
7-- 2 MiG-21
6-- 2 MiG-24
1-5-- -

The transport aircraft and helicopters of the Angolan Air Force are far too valuable to risk in any sort of combat zone. They will not be released into this area.

All characteristics for above units can be gotten from Combined Arms, with the following exceptions:

1. The MAW used is the RPG-7.
2. There is no LAW available
3. All SWAPO stands and all ODP stands have a ROF of 1 and a range of 6"/12".

More Externals Mini Campaign Game

More Externals 1980-1989: SW Africa and Angola

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