Externals Mini Campaign Game

Combat Along the Border 1980-89

Appendix 1: South African Forces

by Greg Novak

The South African Order of Battle accepts the fact that a set percentage of the border forces along the frontier are tied to security operations and other duties. If additional units are called up after the start of the operation, all Victory Point costs paid for those units are doubled.

The following two formations are "free," and do not cost any Victory Points to commit to action.

51st/52nd INFANTRY BATTALION Starts at Ruacana

    Battalion Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 staff radio stand
      1 engineer stand
      2 Buffel APCs

    Armored Car Squadron, with:

      1 command EL-90
      1 recon EL-90
      1 recon EL-60

    2 Infantry Companies, each with:

      1 command stand
      3 infantry stands
      1 command EL-60
      3 Buffel APCs

54th INFANTRY BATTALION Starts at Okongo

    Battalion Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 staff radio stand
      1 engineer stand
      2 Buffel APCs
    Armored Car Squadron, with:
      1 command EL-90
      1 recon EL-90
      1 recon EL-60
    1 Infantry Company, with:
      1 command stand
      3 infantry stands
      1 command EL-60
      3 Buffel APCs

The following two formations are cost a total of 50 Victory Points, and must be purchased as a joint command. This command starts the game at Ondangwa. Companies can be cross-attached to either battalion to form two complete battle groups.


The following formation costs a total of 100 Victory Points if dropped by parachute from C-130s and C-160s. Transport will be available to lift the battalion out from an airfield if one exists with Angola.

If purchased with a helicopter lift, it costs a total of 200 points. The helicopters will remain with the battalion for the duration of the operation. In either case, this command starts the game at Ondangwa.

1st PARACHUTE BATTALION (attached units)

    Antitank Troop
    Mortar Battery


    28 Squadron: 2 C-130 and 2 C-160


    19 Squadron 4 Puma
    30 Squadron 4 Puma
    31 Squadron 2 Puma and 2 Alouette III

The following formation costs a total of 50 Victory Points, and starts the game at Ondangwa.

Armored School Tank Detachment

    Tank Squadron, with:
      1 command Olifant tank
      2 Olifant tanks
      1 medium supply truck

Air Support

The following air squadrons are on station in South West Africa and may be used without cost in Victory Points. Aircraft can fly a mission every other turn, and can be over an area a maximum of one hour. The Bosboks, which operate closer to the front, have a maximum time over the area of two hours. Other aircraft are on station already, but are tied up on other operations.

Damaged aircraft are repaired on a roll of 5 or less; destroyed aircraft are replaced two days after they are lost. All aircrews are considered as Veteran, Morale: 9.

    2 Squadron 2 Mirage F1 AZ
    7 Squadron 3 Impala
    16 Squadron 3 Alouette III
    42 Squadron 2 Bosbok FAC

In addition, the South African Air Force has two FAC stands present. These can be assigned to any battle group at the start of the operation.

The following air squadrons can be brought on station at a cost of 100 Victory Points each.

    2 Squadron 2 Mirage F1 AZ
    4 Squadron 3 Impala
    5 Squadron 3 Impala

More Externals Mini Campaign Game

More Externals 1980-1989: SW Africa and Angola

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