by Dick Bryant
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Ral Partha Aztecs are the latest additions to the 1200 AD medieval line of .25mm figures. The ten blister packs include a command set, generals, warrior priests, eagle knights, jaguar knights, arrow knights, bow men, slingers, warriors with long thrusting spears, and warriors with dartsand light spears. $4.50 for 6 figures. Balboa Game Company has moved their warehouse to 1507 Oregon Ave., Long Beach, CA 90813. Phone numbers are now: Inside CA 1-(800)445-7381; outside CA 1-(800)-223-9833; local (213) 432-1257. The retail outlet remains at 630 W. Willow St. in Long Beach. Flying Buffalo Inc. has added a fax machine to their operations for pbm customers, distributors, and retailers. The number is (602) 994-1170, available 24 hrs. a day. (P.O. Box 1467, Scottsdale, AZ 85252-1467 by snail mail). Savage and Soldier Magazine includes autographed copies of The Boxer Rebellion (Osprey series) by Lynn Bodin at $7.00 in their current product list -you get $2 off the retail list and Lynn's signature to boot. Second printings are now available of the Victorian Military Society Zulu War Centennary Issue ($80 and Imperialisin Wargame Rules 5th edition ($6). There are also a few copies of the official souvenir booklet for the film Shaka Zulu, 32pp. full color ($10). Lynn Bodin, 23902 S.E. 42nd St., Issaquah, WA 98027. Battle Honours has available 5 by 7 inch color photographs of the Napoleonic Reenactment Association (a Brit organization) in the guise of British, Prussians, French, and a few Austrians. Infantry and artillery are shown in various formations and engaged in battle.These are $5each,with a few black and white photos available at $4. A large, fully illustrated catalog of Battle Honours figures and other items is $7.00. Battle Honours America, Thomas E. Devoe, 17 Ridge Rd., Budd Lake, NJ 07828. Von Arnim Games is offering'! 5mm and 25mm French flags, numbered by regiment, of the 1804 style, with highlighted gold work. SASE for listing to: 1091 Bush St. #609, San Francisco, CA 94109. Simtac Inc. is providing the Britannia line of very large 25mm (really 30mm) Napoleonic figures. This should give those of you waiting to finish your 30mm armies the excuse you've been waiting for. British and Russian Crimean War figures by Britannia are also available. Simtac has also announced the release of Jacobite 15mm Ottoman Empire Napoleonic figures. These include janissary'Infantry and Command, Nezam-i-jedid Infantry and Command, Topiji (Artillery Crew), and Anatolian Sekhan Infantry, with another 20 releases planned by the time you read this. This line, designed by Dave Summers, is intended to include numerous troop types, not just Janissaries and Mamelukes. Simtac also carries the Jacobite 15mm Renaissance line. 20 Attawan Rd., Niantic, CT 06357. RSM Ltd. has added a number of figures to their French and Indian offerings. New figures include three new Indians, three militiamen, a colonial artillerymen, and two British light infantrymen. New SYW figures include two Hungarian infantrymen and a Russian Horse Grenadier. RSM also offers a painting service. A catalog and two sample infantry are availablefor$2. RSM Ltd. Historical Miniatures, 188 Woodland Ave., Lexington, KY 40502. Athena Books is planning a reprint of Savory's His Brittanic Majesty's Army in Germany During the Seven Years War 1756-1763. The announcement should be in the next catalogue. The price is not yet set and depends on the number of subscribers to this special edition' but is likely to be in the neighborhood of $60. Write to Terry Wise at Athena Books, 34 Imperial Crescent, Town Moor, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN2 5BU, England, for information and a copy of his catalog of military and wargaming books.. Include $1 if you want your reply by air mail. Wargames Foundry has issued another swarm of Indian Mutinny figures in 25mm. The most recent offerings include 23 mutineers, 11 British, and one loyal Madras Infantryman. There are four British women to faint or load, as required, as well as two Indian women, one brandishing a sword. The British infantry are in shell jacket and wicker helmet in 6 poses. The Indians are highly varied and thoroughly animated. There are also two elephant sets a tiger hunt, with elephant (with your choice of three heads), howdah, 'hunter, servant, mahout, and tiger; and a maharajah's elephant with ornate howdah, maharajah, and mahout. Falcon Miniatures has released a group of colonial figures. These include Italian Bersaglieri (officer, attacking infantry, advancing infantry), Turkish infantry (officer in fez, private in sunhelmet, private in helmet advancing), a Russian cossack, and a French Legionnaire of a mule company. Falcon Miniatures, P.O. Box 444, Medford, MA 02155. White Mane Publishing Co. announce; the impending publication of Mr. Lincoln's Forts: The Civil War Forts of Washington D.C. by Benjamin Franklin Cooling and Walton H. Owen. The book will provide an historical overview, advice for tours, a discussion of the meaning, preservation, and interpretation of the forts, along with appendices on construction and communications. $29.95 in hard covers (ISBN 0-942597-0502) or $18.95 in paper (ISBN 0942597-06-0). P.O. Box 152, Shippensburg, PA 17257. Broadfoot Publishing Co. has released The Flags of the Confederacy by Devereaux Cannon. Intended as a detailed history of the national, state, and military flags of the Confederacy, this 128 page volume includes 56 full color plates in 81/2 by 11 format. $29.95 (ISBM 0-918518-63-6). Route 4, Box 508-C, Wilminton, NC 28405. Guidon Press offers Photographs of American Civil War Cavairy, a 96 page book containing 175 photographs of ACW cavalry. At$9.95, this softcover book provides plenty of information on uniforms (and lack thereof), hats, equipment, and weapons on both sides of the conflict. RD 2, Box 2542, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301. Quality Castings announces the release of the following figures and vehicles. USSR: BTR 60 PBAPC, BTR 50 PKAPC, PT76 LtAmphibTank; German: Pz Jg IV L/70 T.D., 234/1 Armored Car 2 cm, 234/2 Armored Car Puma 5 cm, 234/3 Armored Car 7.5 cm,U24; US: Inf Advancing (Vietnam), Inf Defending (Vietnam), 4.2" mortar, M113A Cav; N. Vietnamese: Inf Advancing, Inf Defending, Inf Weapons; Viet Cong: Inf Advancing, Inf Defending. P.O. Box 11714, Alexandria, VA 22312. Ulf-J. Frieseund Uwe Lacina Editionen are offering subscriptions to a 500 copy limited edition facsimile reprint of Richard Knotels'Uniformenkunde. Each of the seventeen volumes contains 50 color plates 170 x 250 mm, printed in cream-colored card. An English translation of the artist's comments is printed on the back. At least the first two volumes are available, at DM 380 (plus postage) each, with two or three volumes planned for delivery each year. Also announced are fullcolor reproductions of watercolors of Napoleonic troops by Johann Adam Klein (1792-1875). Available to date are the series on Bavarian Soldiers, 1815 (20 prints, DM 260) and that on Austrian Soldiers, 1814-1815 (30 prints, DM 390). Series on Russian Soldiers, 1815, Soldiers of the Minor European States, 1815, and European Horse-Drawn Vehicles are promised. This firm publishes a variety of facsimile books and prints of interest. An der Falkenbek 1, D 2104 Hamburg 92, FRG. Tel. 040/701 46 44. The Naval Wargames Society (UK) has changed their Secretary. Please write to Andrew Jarman, The Flat, 234 Graham Rd., London E81 BP, regarding subscriptions to their journal, Battlefleet. Iron Brigade: P.O. Box 1705, Muskogee, OK 74402 is now offering Palm Trees (#8034 -6/$1.25) and a cemetery. They will soon have a medical team, balloon wagon, observation tower, and 23 new poses fort heir 25mm ACW line. A line of 15mm Napoleonic and ACW figures is in the planning stage. Cavalier Books: 26 Cliffside Grove, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex SS9 1NQ, England. New catalog (available for $3 air) listing what seems to be any book you would care to have on the ECW and Stuart History. They also publish ECW - Notes & Queries, a magazine devoted to ECW research and Miniature Gaming. Current issue is available (air) for $5. Both issue and catalog are $7. More Courier Dispatch News About the Hobby.
Wargame Convention in France Gathering of the Clans: Historical Miniatures Gameday A Wargame Club in Pittsburgh Naval Wargames Society UK Middle Tennessee Historical Gamers Society Product News Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VIII No. 4 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1988 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |