review by Ken Bunger
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Falcon Miniatures, which is known for its splendid colonial ranges, has been expanding into other eras. The new figures include a 25mm Seven Years War range. The first releases are Prussian infantry and artillery. So far I've seen six different infantry sets. These include a command group, advancing grenadiers, march-attack fusiliers, advancing musketeers, firing musketeers and march- attack musketeers. The command pack contains officers, NCO standard bearers and drummers. The size and bulk of these figures are comparable to the well known Minifig range. There is a great amount of detail crisply engraved and in relief on these figures. In fact, all of the faces are uniformly excellent with some very germanic moustaches. The raised detail includes all buttons and lace. The drummer's coat lace and detail on the fusilier cap is incredible. The anatomy is good except the figures are a bit too "leggy" The figures come with cartouche box, water bottle and haversack, which are all small enough not to obscure the coat. The figures are flash free and cast in a non-pliable metal. The historical detail is also satisfactory with a few small exceptions and one major disappointment. The latter is that the tricornes are too narrow and have plumes instead of pom-poms. I don't know how much any reader might be annoyed by this so I suggest one sees samples before buying an army. A few other comments are that the cuffs on the musketeers are of the "split" type worn by only six regiments (can be fixed). The drummer is wearing spats instead of leggings (easily cured by a little paint). Also, the NCO improperly wears a sash over his left shoulder instead of the oilskin case for the standard (a little filing is therefore necessary). To end on a positive note, the officer is advancing with an excellent partisan and the drummer is a great figure. I think the above errors can be attributed to the designer taking the line drawings too literally from the Greenwood and Ball booklet. Austrians are coming soon and will be most welcome. Prussian jaegers and artillerymen are also available. Each pack contains six infantry figures and sells for $4.00. They're available from Falcon Miniatures, Suite 102, 1 High Street, Medford, MA 02155. More Reviews
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