by Don Lowry
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This is another product of an independent designer publishing his own creation. In this case the designer/publisher is Jim Bumpas. The game comes in a 10"x12" envelope which contains a 23 x 35" black and white paper mapsheet; a 4"x5" sheet of light green German 1/2" square unit counters and a 2 3/4" x 11" sheet of yellow 1/2" square Allied unit counters; an 8 1/2" x 11", 8-page rules booklet; an 8 1/2" x 11" 4-page folder containing historical notes, order of battle, turn record chart, victory point record, terrairr effects charts, and combat results table; and a sheet of errata. The game is based on the campaign in German East Africa (Tanganyika) during WWI. There are two scenarios provided, one covering the entire campaign. 1914-1918, the other from January, 1916, to the end of 1917. One hex on the map represents ten miles. The unit counters represent German companies and Allied battalions. Each turn represents one month. The actual campaign was a guerilla war and the rules reflect this - for instance, the German units have a special retreat move in the middle of the Allied turn to allow then to refuse combat if they want to. Also German units, because of their smallness, have no zones of control. On the whole, however, it is a very conventional board wargame - which will make it easy to get into and get started on. The map is nicely drawn and the printing, while not spectacular, is professional. It looks like an interesting little game, and sells for only $5.00. Order it from Jim Bumpas, 948 Loraine Ave., Los Altos, CA 94022. More Thumbnail Analysis Game Reviews
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