Ravenhall Books

Napoleonic News Desk

by Paul Chamberlain

New Publisher of Napoleonic Titles

Ravenhall Books is a new publisher based in Welwyn Garden City in the United Kingdom. It aims to publish quality history books including a good number of Napoleonic histories, memoirs and biographies.

The first three of Ravenhall’s books will be released this October and all of them focus on the period between 1789 and 1815. Metternich: The Autobiography gives an account of the period from a determined opponent of all that was unleashed in 1789 and a man who was witty, observant and sly in equal measure.

Then there is Neil Campbell’s diary, entitled Napoleon on Elba. This is the direct and immediate record of a British officer sent to watch over Napoleon when the French emperor is sent into exile on the little Mediterranean island. The two start with grudging admiration and long conversations but quickly move on to outright distrust and mutual suspicion. Campbell's journal is a frank and contemporary look at how Napoleon coped with his diminished status and it is full of intrigue, gossip and telling observations.

October 2004 also sees the publication of Napoleon's Letters to Josephine in which the couple reveal their passion, their rows and the ups and downs of their imperial careers. It contains more than 200 letters, biographical notes and historical commentaries and charts their story from the heady days of 1796 to the cold correspondence of 1810 and 1811. Ravenhall’s programme will expand in 2005 with a steady flow of books including the recollections of an Irishman in Napoleon's service, Betsy Balcombe's memoirs, a life of Simon Bolivar, a history of those Britons involved in the French Revolution and a detailed history of life in Rome between 1796 to 1815.

Ravenhall believes that the excitement of the period guarantees a good read and a steady flow of fascinating projects. This is a combination which makes the Napoleonic era an excellent one for any publisher to work in. But as a small, independent publisher Ravenhall hopes to have an especial advantage in that it can do things that are a little different from what the mainstream conglomerates keep on doing and even publish on subjects that bigger companies shy away from.

Ravenhall's list is set to expand in coming months but, over the years, the Napoleonic era will always be a core subject for the publisher. For more information, please visit www.ravenhallbooks.com

If you would like to be kept informed about what books Ravenhall is working on, send an email to ebulletin@ravenhallbooks.com and you will receive regular updates.

Napoleonic News Desk

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