Napoleonic Re-enactor
Events Abroad 1995

Napoleonic Association Events 1995

by Mike Freeman - Chairman NA

As this issue of First Empire reaches you the first Reenactment Event of the year will I underway at Fort Amherst. This years programme is the most ambitious we have had for some years, and I hope you will support the events whether as reenactors or spectators Readers wishing to consider joining a re-enactment unit should write to me at the address below, stating your preference for the nationality and type eg Austrian, or French Line British Light Infantry, etc.

29/30 April

Grimsthorpe Castle Estate, Lincolnshire

This is a Campaign weekend for re-enactment units. A superb venue of rolling countryside and woods where your unit may set up camp, practise drill and musketry, and the manouvre in search of the foe. There will be public display on Sunday afternoon at 3pm. This event will provide an ideal opportunity for anyone thinking of joining a Unit to come along without obligation and try living with Wellington's Army, or bivouacing with the Emperor Get in touch beforehand if you want to do the so I can ensure you are properly catered for.

Spring Bank Holiday 28/29 May

Old Sarum, Salisbury

This event will be a full battle spectacular and will simulate a siege of this historic fort. The siege is based on the sharp action which took place in the Peninsula in 1812, when a British force had to secure the pass Miravete, which was dominated by an ancient Moorish fort, occupied by the French. This was the prelude to the capture of the Bridge of Almarez. It was this action lead by General Hill, that effectively separated the forces Soult and Marmont, allowing Wellington freedom for his larger scale operations later that year.

Whilst period encampments will be established on the site from Saturday 27th May the main events will take place on the Sunday; and the bank holiday Monday.

The fort will be open to the public fro 1000 through to 1700hrs, on both days. A French bivouac will be established and manned within the inner bailey, and a British encampment will be set up outside. From 1300hrs there will be displays of both French and British drill and tactics, Artillery demonstrations, Cavalry skill at arms, with music being provided by the excellent Royal Artillery Band.

At 1530 (through to 1630) the climax of the event will be reached when the besieging British forces under the command of Major General Viscount Barrington try to seize the fort from the French defenders. Will he be successful?

Whether your loyalty lies with King or Emperor you should not miss this opportunity to see the Army's of Britain and France as they appeared nearly two centuries ago.


From Salisbury, the Association will break camp and head for Waterloo.

Details of this event are the subject of a separate article in this magazine and I therefore won't duplicate matters here except to say that if you want to go to Waterloo, whether as spectator or reenactor, on NA transport you should contact Adrian Proudfoot at 3 Steadman Close, Cosby, Leicester LE9 5UZ.

Overseas events

Details are beginning to come through from our colleagues in Europe about other major events in 1995 and 1996.

The Grande Armee are staging a major event at Chateauroux Oust south of the Loire valley) on the 2/3rd September. Facilities are available for spectators and reenactors. For the researcher the Chateau of Valencay, owned by Talleyrand during the Empire, is close by. He had the dubious distinction of being "allowed" to act as host to the royal family of Spain. The Spanish Bourbons spent much of their captivity in France at the Chateau. Also close by as is the home (now a museum) of General Bertrand.

The 1st to the 3rd December sees the 190th anniversary of Austerlitz and there is to be a major reenactment on the Battlefield itself. Given the time of year this will be one for the serious reenactor.

The NA will with your support will run trips to both these events and arrangements will be made to accomodate all NA members not just reenactors.

1996 sees further major events in Europe at Rotterdam in July, and Jena in October.

There has never been as much activity as this before of interest to the Napoleonic enthusiast and I would urge anyone wishing to take a full part to join the NA today. The growth of both the Association and its activities has created many opportunities for anyone willing to lend a hand on the organisational side. I would like to hear from any volunteers willing to help who would like to get involved at the heart of things.

Remaining Dates for 1995

1/2 July

Fritton Lake, Great Yarmouth - Full battle spectacular.

22/23 July

Boulogne, France - Grande Anuee event

30 July

Bosworth, Leicestershire - Battle reenactment

12 August

Sutton in Ashfield - Napoleon's Grande Armee in bivouac.

12/13 August

Audley End House - English Heritage - Regency Fair.

26/28 August

Margam Country Park. S Wales - Full battle spectacular.

2/3 September

Chateauroux, France - Grande Armee event

1/3 December

Austerlitz, Czech Republic - 190th Anniversary. If you would like further information on the Napoleonic Association, these events, or jouning a Reeenactment unit please write to me at 5 Thingwall Drive, Irby, Wirral, Merseyside L61 3XN

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