18th Century
Military Notes
& Queries
No. 3

Table of Contents

Swedish Mercenary Forces
War of the League of Augsburg by Gunnar Brolin.

Terribly Obscure Generals: Earl of Peterborough
From the Preface to The Military Memoirs (1672-1713) of Captain George Carleton. By Walter Scott

Battle of Almansa 25th April 1707
Part One by A.F. Exelby.

Campaigns of Marlborough
The Campaign of 1708 by Charles H. Vasey

Accurate and Authentic Journal of the Siege of Quebec, 1759
Part 3.

Some Prussian Volunteer Units Raised During the War of Bavarian Succession
1778-1779 by Ralph E. Weaver.

1768 Galloper Gun
Large Illustration (slow: 74K)




Counter-Battery Letters to the Editor

Large Cover: slow: 80K

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