

by the readers

11. The Russian Army in the Great Northern War from Tim Myall.

Did the Russians have Horse Artillery in the Great Northern war?

12. Colonels and Union Flags of the Government forces at Culloden from Dave Carter.

Can anyone direct me to sources of information on the above, with particular emphasis on the Royal North British Fusileers (21st/Cambell's).

13. The Spanish Army of the late 17th century from Dave Ryan

When did the Spanish army go over to "long" coats from the earlier style of short coats?

Some questions on the Seven Years War from Andy Fuller: These queries may seem simple, but I'm just starting in the 18th century and haven't found clear info on these points.

14. Battalion Guns

Were battalion guns always manned by the infantry?

15. The British Army in Germany

What were the facing colours of the 50th and 51st Foot, and what style of uniform did the 87th and 88th Highlanders wear?

16. French Grenadiers

Apart from the 40th grenadiers of France, did the grenadiers of French regiments wear the grenadier cap, and were grenadier companies brigaded together as in other armies?

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