Honours of War-game
First game with my Seven Year War miniatures. I have enough to play the introductory game of the Osprey Honours of War wargame rules, from Keith Flint. A prussian advance column is ordered to...
First game with my Seven Year War miniatures. I have enough to play the introductory game of the Osprey Honours of War wargame rules, from Keith Flint. A prussian advance column is ordered to...
Our next Twilight Game will be a Seven Years War scenario prepared by the author Nick Dorrell. We will be playing using Tabletop Simulator, since players are separated by the Alps. We are using...
Bella battaglia ACW organizzata da Francesco, Marco nordista ed io sudista. Regolamento On to Richmond reggimentale. La battaglia termina con il fianco destro confederato tenuto da un solo reggimento con circa il 50% di...
Time goes backward on this page. Later moves are on top of the page. A description of the game is on the very bottom. Move 6 Battle end with a complete defeat of the...
Francesco, Marco ed io giochiamo la battaglia di Leva, con Twilight of the Sun King. Abbiamo intanto preparato il tavolo, con la mappa e le unita’. Studiando le caratteristiche degli eserciti, abbiamo ritenuto di...
Today Francesco has organised a good colonial game, the scenario is inspired by the battle of Abu Klea, but the colonial troops are all egyptian. We have played using some very nice scenario elements...
You may find the scenario details below the photos. The preparation of the game may be found here. I know the figures used are not really for 1808, but this year is my first...
The built-up areas prepared for the Vimeiro game have been drawn by the great artist Peter Dennis, which has a whole line of paper soldiers and scenics (Paperboys) that may be bought at very...
Ieri pomeriggio ho giocato con Luca, che ha dipinto molto bene un set del Portable Wargame dei fratelli Perry. Il gioco e’ semplicissimo ma non stupido ed i tipi di truppe sono bene caratterizzate....