Honours of War: St Ulrich (virtual)
Marco, Francesco and I have started playing a game using Honours of War. We have decided to start with the first scenario appearing in the rulebook. All units and commanders are average, they all behave as Austrians.
Move 1

Move 2-4
These moves see the slow approach of the Marquesat de Fracescat infantry brigade, while cavalry units does not move, happy with covering the left flank of the infantry.
The cavalry of the Duchy of Grosse-Horne has advanced towards the woods but is now too close to the enemy and the artillery battery is targeting it.
Move 5
The troops of the Marquesat de Fracescat are attacking! Infantry has started exchanging heavy volleys. The two cavalry units are on a side, waiting for the good opportunity to attack, but the cavalry of the Duchy of Grosse-Horne is taking heavy losses at canister range!!!

Move 7
Troops are closing in, first one off the Grosse-Horne units retreated over the bridge after being under fire, then one of the Marquesat infantry units ran away after a good musketry and artillery pounding.

Apart from this the commanders are still managing to cope with troops under fire. They manage to rally some disordered troops. Musketry will need to go to close range to really see troops running away.