Spicheren 1870
Francesco, Marco and I have just started an excellent scenario prepared by BBB enthusiasts to be played with Tabletop simulator.
We have just started and played turn 1. Here below is the situation. general Von Kameke, with his two Brigades of the 14th division, VII Corps, is investing Spicheren. The first hour has seen the prussian reaching the base of the wooded hill line concealing the village of Spicheren itself.
The french brigade defending the hill did not manage to cause many losses to the advancing brigade, while fire from divisional artillery and the infantry has caused some disorder on the french side.
The rest of the french units are advancing towards Spicheren, some very quickly by road, others did not move at all.
On your right you may see an animated version of the battle.
During Turn 2, the prussian have moved but have not yet managed to attack the french brigade on the heights of Spicheren. The french on their side have moved slowly towards the contested Town.
Now Spicheren is void from french and prussian troops and the single remaining french brigade might try to snatch the village, a not trivial task for a spent brigade though.
On the south a successful manoeuvre of the french cavalry has countered very effectively any french elan to attack the town of Stiring Wendel. We are at the french movement of sixth move now.
Battle has finished with a lucky prussian victory. The single spent brigade which was still holding the Spicheren area has been annihilated by the prussian gun and infantry fire. The Prussian are holding all the surrounding group of Spicheren.