Bibliography 18° century, MB

Historical Sources: Specific to War of Austrian Succession: Author, etc: Seven Years War Association Journal: Sources that cover aspects of both wars: Sources specific to Seven Years War: Seven Years War Association Journal:


Giugno 2024

All troops ready for Degesen, here they are. On these two boxes more than one Russian infantry division, five regiments, with supports. Also half a division of German infantry. I have now completed the...


Warre companies

Some more companies of pikemen and musketeers. Enough to make two regiments and more. In total: Some photos below.


Normans and Saxons by Crucible Crush

Getting interested in what’s been designed by Bob Murch, of Pulp Figures fame. These figure are super nice and following a bit his hollywoodian style. Hope to be able to build a small Norman...


Action around Degesen, 17 August 1914

This scenario features the northern flank of General von François’ I Corps, centredaround Degesen (modern day Babushkino). Elements of the German 1st Division (General Richard Von Conta) have to hold this flank against the...


Thirty years War units infantry commands

Here my new additions, to complement my Thirty Years War infantry units. Flags are from many armies, respectively Holland, Sweden, Sweden, Italian, Bavarian, Spanish, Imperial. Most of the figures have been painted by me,...


Glorious Glossy Warre Demi-Cuirassiers

Here my latest enjoyment in restoring old lead soldiers. Five units of Demi-Cuirassiers to play Warre. Bent and worn swords have been replaced on most of the horsemen, I am very pleased with this...

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