Dicembre 2024

I miei piano per questi giorni prima i Natale sono: Devo ricordarmi di preparare i battalion guns per i miei battaglioni britannici. In questo sito leggo che alcuni battalion guns potevano essere montati su...


Grenadiers de France

Just completed my last French unit of my Seven Years War project. I think I have one more to do, an Irish regiment and then I am done with the French. I will paint...


BBB Albuera

Today Robert and I played a nice BBB scenario on the battle of Albuera. We chose to play the full-size scenario available on the Group site. The French decided to attack from the south,...


Negozio di Soldatini

Camminando a caso per la città, mi sono imbattuto in questo negozio. La mia signora non crede che sia un caso. E’ a Rue De Rivoli.


Unexpected weekend

This weekend had no focus on wargame matters, still I managed to have very interesting visits, some photos follow. Below here original paintings (this is my favourites Thirty Years War painter Sebastian Vranckx) and...


Minden miniatures French

Here some photos from the Fife and Drum site, of French Seven Years War miniatures. I am painting a battalion of Grenadiers de France and I needed some inspiration.


Grenadiers de France infos

I have all figures ready to prepare my next unit for my Seven Years French army. Figures are Fife and Drum, compatible with Crann Tara, very nice. I need to remember to mount two...


Sumatra 1796

Leo wrote a very nice summary of the battle they fought today, I wish to put it here, together with some photos. Bravi Leo and friends! Battaglia storica al largo di Sumatra nel 1796...