Vauban begun
Here Ian Weekley’s Vauban fortress taking shape and colours. I need write down the colours here: Painted so far:
Here Ian Weekley’s Vauban fortress taking shape and colours. I need write down the colours here: Painted so far:
Yesterday night we had a great game with Mauro and Luca. We played this old scenario from C. Grant, as described here. Just added a bastion to show that the attacking prussians are trying...
Questo mese riuscirò a fare: Alla fine ho deciso di usare i pezzi Minden/Crann Tara per creare Reggimenti che hanno partecipato alla Guerra di Successione Austriaca. In questo modo posso dipingere unita’ austriache con...
I found on the web a Charles Grant scenario adapted for Honours of War. Many thanks to the fellow gamers who set it all up for us! Details will follow, now some photos of...
Here a palette to be used for choosing the right colour for painting horses with contrast. In the end I put photos of all colours:
Anche il prossimo anno nei miei piani c’e’ molto 25-28mm. Nell’ordine: Da fare quindi, nell’ordine: Vediamo cosa riusciro’ a fare.
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