Scots Greys

Some very old models arrived recently. I decided to leave them as is, they were painted Old School, very good and not too damaged. Horses are in many shades of grey, I did not...


2eme et 4eme Dragons

Photos here for my latest refurbishing of 25mm Minifigs Dragoons. I had to do micro holes on their bases, to put steel wires which would hold horse legs. The original owner had cut all...


Vintage Massena? Nooo

I just restored a bit this magnificent model, painted very professionally long ago by some italian wargamer. Is it Massena? Please let me know. Nooo M. is right!! This is just a French Guard...


La vie en rose, 7me Chasseurs

Here my second regiment of French Chasseurs. Also in these case Officer, trumpeter and standard are missing. I will need to dig again in my lead pile to see if I can better complete...


Piani per il 2024

Nel 2023 sono riuscito a dipingere abbastanza, ma praticamente solo pezzi per il progetto Imagine-Nations. Penso di continuarlo, ma anche riprendere i miei napoleonici e poi iniziare qualcosa di nuovo. Da fare quindi, nell’ordine,...


Project: Vintage 30 Years’ War

This project, thought one year ago, is now starting up. I have collected a number of Minifigs and Hinchliffe figures, which need quite some restoration. I also have gathered a good number of unpainted...


Dicembre 2023

Mi e’ arrivato il rubberised horsehair, per fare gli alberi e i cespugli. Ho trovato un italiano che vende fogliame che potrei usare, qui Da fare questo mese, nell’ordine: Per il prossimo anno...

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